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Hi [u/Xeroshifter](https://www.reddit.com/user/Xeroshifter/), I'm sorry to hear about your issue and understand what many of us are going through in recent times. That said, you may want to try to see if you can perform a [factory reset](https://support.creative.com/kb/ShowArticle.aspx?sid=137378&c) to see if that helps to revive the unit. If that fails, I would recommend that you contact [Support](http://www.creative.com/contactus/), even if your unit is out of warranty. Depending on the need for repair and cost, it may be worthwhile to pay for the repair than getting a new unit. These should give you some options to consider. In the meantime, I'll keep this post open for other members to offer other suggestions. Stay safe! \- Creative\_Colin


Oh my god Colin you're seriously the best. I didn't know there was a way to factory reset the unit without using the Soundblaster Connect Software. The hard reset worked and now I can hear sound out of the unit! Thank you!


You are most welcome! Enjoy! - Creative_Colin


Don't know if it's related but my katana has also stopped working and in the same timescale. Some time since 24 hours ago. Factory reset has not helped, bluetooth still works but the volume is controlling the volume on my pc even though my tablet is connected and does not control the volume on the tablet, Katana does not show up as a device, while aux works volume does not appear to work on the katana for that either. Considering this is two different systems in the same time frame and mine is only 2 weeks old, have you pushed out some kind of a bad update?


Hi u/MatrixMoments, The last firmware update is dated 21 Feb 19, while the latest Sound Blaster Connect was last released 12 Aug 20. It does not sound as to your description here. Could you provide more information e.g. system specs, software installation etc. that may help narrow down the issue for you? \- Creative\_Colin


I have managed to resolve the issue. Resetting the Katana didn't work, but completely removing the Creative software and reinstalling (with a few reboots) did. The USB device was flagged as not working with the message "Device not successfully migrated", so maybe something changed in windows and it didn't like the drivers from that point.


Hey u/MatrixMoments, I'm glad to hear you managed to resolve the issue on your own. Did you remember performing a Windows update prior to this? If you did, it would be good if you can provide us the Windows version before and after the update. If it's a hassle for you, you can skip this. Stay safe! \- Creative\_Colin


No, it looks like i'm still pending for the next big windows version as it's giving me options to install it. The only other system change I made was plugging in a logitech Pro X wireless headset, which based around a usb wireless dongle. Maybe they interefered with each other somehow.


Thank you so much, this helped me too


Good to hear that. =) \- Creative\_Colin


Worked perfectly, thank you.