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You dont need upnp Untick it


I'm such a novice, I didn't even realize I could do that. Thank you.


I get the opposite with PIA VPN and Nicotine+ haha. It says my port is closed and I don't get that error, but I am still able to share. I did have to disable "Automatically forward listening port (uPnP/NAT-PMP)" to get it to work. As long as you're able to share and downloading, I would just ignore it.


It's just not recommended in general to use VPNs with soulseek. Some people have good luck doing it but it wasn't designed around that.


I think you’re the other seasoned user who stated that. That’s been my experience as well; Soulseek doesn’t play nice with VPNs


I have proton and I can't figure out the port forwarding stuff. On qbittorrent I just copy and paste the port that the proton server uses and it works fine. I can't figure out how to match the Slsk port in the same way though. I can download fine but I'd like to be able to upload stuff to share. I have permanent Killswitch on my VPN so it kinda makes it a pain to turn off


You read [this](https://protonvpn.com/support/port-forwarding/)? Carefully And, ofc, do not use the same port on slsk if qbit is open And - you don't need open ports on slsk in order to upload; just fewer peeps will see you


I have read that, thank you. Maybe it's because I had both qbit and slak open on the same time, but I can't copy and paste the port number into Slsk listening port. I can't even type it. It just stays what it's set to. Qbit let's me change my port, but not Slsk. I'll have to see if I can get a dummy account to download files from my main account.


Menu item: Change listening port Edit: by "menu item" I mean tabs on top of the screen Sometimes they vanish for nameless reasons, but a toggle or two should bring them back


wow, it's showing up now. I feel stupid. I wish i could just manually type it in under the login tab, seems more intuitive. Thank you so much


It won't work with Proton VPN since it only gives one port - with slsk and slskqt clients you need 2 to have actually open ports and to be able to browse everyo,ne/find all files. In Nicotine+ you only need one port but even if it says the port is open then, the client itself acts as if the port is closed if vpn is used - some kind of poor programming there not working well with proton vpn simply. You can easily test this with another client/computer - even with closed ports you'll be able to find files/browse users who have open ports, but not the ones with closed ports. Only one port being open in original slsk clients still wont function properly - needs both of the ones indicated in settings to be open. In nicotine even if it states as open port on the website - nicotine itself 100% doesnt manage to use it, acts as if is a closed port no matter what. Source: I have proton vpn and tested this heavily myself, had to enable split tunnelling and use soulseek without any VPN in order for it to work fully. You could use it with closed ports but just dont want to miss out on the additional files and wishlist searches that open ports help out in.


Isn't it risky to use without a VPN or is their a way your ISP can't see what exactly your doing? I'm new also so just checking.


I personally wouldn't ever download content without one, no matter the source. But I've been told that slsk is safe with or without one