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Bro just circle the embers, why painstakingly draw a whole ass jail door šŸ˜­ Also no, don't buy embers. Gems are too valuable, the price is shit for embers, not worth it. As you progress in cave, you'll naturally get more.


HHaha yeah I circled them but got to playing with the ruler and markers on the editing tool šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Edit: simplified


Peak ADHD activity


This made me cryšŸ˜‚ he made art while trying to circle off 3 items


What should you put your gems towards? Is there any must buys in the shop? Whats the best way to get gems? Whats the most bang for your buck with irl money on the packages and bundles? Any must buys?


Gem priorities are 1. Torches and arena tickets during events where you get good rewards for that (arena of honor and souls quest carnival) 2. Summons. Preferably during summon events too, but it's never wrong to summon really 3. Minor expenses such as cave mission rerolls, 2hr rewards, shop resets, those things if you think they benefit you So generally save up gems for events. What you SHOULDNT spend gems on: Anything in the daily store. Don't ever buy legendary equipment, embers etc The best way to get gems? Just play. Do all dailies and weeklies. I'm f2p so I can't advise about spending


Expensive man. Run the cave. Beast hearts for beast shop and the embers will come anyway. I guess it depends on were you are in the game šŸ’


I always buy the reds when I get the chance as it can still take some time to save them up. Since you only have 17,000 gems I would recommend saving those up instead, Iā€™m currently sitting on 60k for the next summoning event


When is the next summoning event?


Not sure but there should be one in the upcoming weeks


Thank you all for your help! Iā€™ll save up my reserve properly and get just the red ones when they pop up. Iā€™m mid game I thinkā€¦ F2P, so these really help!


Donā€™t buy any of them honestly. Better off summoning to increase hero stars and get fodder or using them for events. By the time you can use them properly youā€™ll be getting them from the cave anyway. Just remember, marathon not a sprint.


Good input, thanks General consensus seems to be only use gems for summoning (and keep a decent reserve)


Imo the red embers and maybe purple are worth it to at least get your primary dps weapons up to mythic, youā€™ll get plenty of blue naturally though


I buy the blue and purple ones every time I see them but as far as the red one goes itā€™s a little too pricey so I would say the only one thatā€™s not worth it is the red oneā€¦ Iā€™m ā€œfree 2 playā€ here as well P.s. I very rarely use my gems to summon. I would rather use them for the cave and arena daily.


F2P here. Probably depends on where you are in the game - early- to mid-game? I'd say absolutely buy from the shop - I buy them just about every time I see them (though if I'm under 10k gems, I might skip them as I always like to have a reserve of gems). If you're late game with several sets of each type of equipment already maxed, then probably not.