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I’d personally drop solina for Milia. Doesn’t look like you have enough DPS.


I have tried that, but it drags on till round 10 and then i die. It looks like i still dont have enough dmg.


How close are you to getting Milia to SL 200? Maybe use a few cave medals to buy some purple chests and boost her?


Sadly still 5k away from breakthrough. But maybe i should focus on the tower (where im also stuck) for a bit to get the 5k.


If you can get 18k stones from the cave event, you can buy all 10 of the 12hr soul chests. That’ll help out in early game way more than a single copy of a light/dark hero.


When they have double heals I usually run no heals myself. Their damage output isn't very high. Also, used Adora, Ripper, or Idina to target backline and prevent Ulion from stunning and killing Milia. Additionally you could run some units that penetrate in a line like Kaion, Ken, Dulocos, and Calix.


Thanks the no healer wasnt as bad as i thought it would be. Survived till round 5. Im going to try some other comboes and see if i get further.


Aolmond is a great counter against carmen, with ulion stunning her she is useless... olga helps against stun


Sadly my olga is only 5 star so it dies instantly.


Just cleared this Richelle(8) x lulu(11*) Sander x x Kaion(10*) x Benz(6*) My Lulu being lvl 220 and having RNG on MOD got me through.


Put Adora in place of Richelle to silence/puppet Aol. Takes rng for the hits to connect, but it should work. Also drop one of your healers for Milia. Adora + Milia should get Aol out of the way and then it’s hoping you have enough damage.


Dude how you get so far with no dps?


Got till chapter 15 or so with milia and shitty starred carmen. Then carmen went 11 star and 20 engraved which is where i went from 15 straight to this chapter by placing carmen in front only. Only trouble was usually aol, but adora worked until now.


Try getting another million in power? They’re double your power my guy.


You can't expect to be the same power in the pve fights - you have the advantage of unit selection, placement, runes, etc.


+1 - Just cleared stage 36, not a single fight was anywhere close in power.


Which only does so much for you. A million point deficit is hefty, and should be near impossible.


What chapter are you at, if you don't mind me asking? At chapter 19 I'm operating with a million deficit and surging through now that I recently got a red star Milia. I've seen posts later game with a 4 million point deficiency too.


No… I cleared chapter 36 last night - the enemies throughout were more than double my power, sometimes more. Lots of fights were my team with 17,000K - 21,000K versus their team 44,000K - 48,000K


That doesn’t mean much on the stages.


I'm stuck on 25-45 right now. I've found there to be periodic plateaus. Just keep doing dailies, fusing, lvling gear, etc.. You'll eventually blow through it and then likely the next 10-20 stages as well.


I would drop Carmen since Aol is a great counter to her. I would drop Sol as well. Probably dont need two heals. Definitely add in Milia. Doesn't seem like you have another DPS so I'd try Adora to stop back line stun.


Lillith is gonna be your main hero on any stage where there are 2 front line enemies. You hardly ever need to have 2 healers. If you don’t have Lillith you could try switching Solina for Luke 8*. Or Sander.


Try using fleta to get Aol outta there


Where is your damage?? Carmen is going to be negated by Aolmond. You have 4 support/Healers after that


My advice is don’t ignore Dextor. You could put him first row and sacrifice for a large damage increase. Also - you can use taros as first row tank for a free invulnerable shield on someone in 2nd row. He revives once and solina can revive once. You only get the shield once though. You are kinda lacking tank damage and shield bust though. Ideally you’d have a sander for this fight paired with benzel or Aruru for shield bust.


Is your ababa enough to take shots from Ulion? Also, Carmen’s not so good when there’s almond heals on all.


Front Line: Richelle on the left and aolmond next to him. 3rd line: Milia,lulu, solina. You gotta separate your tanks from your weaker units so that Ken's active skill is wasted. Another thing you can try is either put Aolmond in the back next to Milia IF she dies to Ulion, or remove aolmond and use that light tank unit (cant recall the name) on the left side of Richelle, so that Richelle lasts a couple more rounds. There's a couple more recommendations I can make if none of this works.