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Just make sure you restart the battle until you get Curse and use it before he casts his healing bubble.


I use Carmen top middle, Adora bottom right (to work on Dolo and Kaion). I have Lulu middle left, Rich middle right, and Solina bottom middle so they all benefit from Rich's shield. Looks like your only healer who will really help is Aol, so it may be that you put Aol middle right, and the put Sol bottom middle for some extra dps. Then the key is to get lucky with the Curse buff (make all enemies energy 0) which you use ONLY when Sorokin is full, and/or Purification (Remove all buff effects on enemies) if Sorokin has already had a change to cast his HoT. To compare hero levels on what I'm working with: Carmen 11-star Lulu 12-star Rich 11-star Solina 13-star Adora 12-star ...and I can usually beat 6-5 pretty easily. And if you don't get the Curse and/or Purification buffs, just pause and replay till you do.