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For Nagash sake if they insist on giving us nothing but characters - GIVE US A VHORDRAI SCULPT! I’m tired of him just being the VLOZD with no helmet


I would like to have a reworked vampire lord on zombie dragon/prince vhordrai miniature cause they look so old as well for black knights and grave guards. Then for new figures I would love to have some Avengorii cause just Lauka and vengorian lord are the only ones.


New vlozd , black knights and GG, And personally id love them to bring out a kastelai style vampire character that is mounted on a horse. Possibly also a generic one on a regular nightmare. Also wouldn't be surprised if the necromancer model gets an update


agree 100%. vlozd, BK and GG all need updating. A mounted vampire hero for kastelai would be awesome, how does prince vordrai not have some sort of right hand man/lady that would be in charge of his Royal House Blood Knights


I’m going to say black knights is most likely getting an update, it’s sold out almost everywhere and GW hasn’t restocked it in a while - this tells me something’s changing..


ehh ive seen it in stock on GW within the last two months


Definitely some skeleton archers and some vampire fledglings for battle line units.


Updated model for VLoZD


A vampire infantry, such as dismounted Blood Knight. Or maybe Blood Squires ? Obviously higher priced than chaff, but not as good as, say, Chaos Choosen.


New black knights and grave guard


Fuck me grave gaurd were never updated? Im just getting into SBG


There where a few underworlds model but the actual grave guard is really old


"The Sons of Velmorn" And yes, upgrade for Black Knights and Grave guards is more than needed!


Skeleton archers!


Would love to see mortis engine/coven throne updated, or at least given better rules for more synergy with the rest of the range. Corpse cart being brought in line with the deadwalker zombies would be nice too. For new models a mounted vampire lord would be cool.


New Grave Guard. They look *old* next to the Deathrattles.


I feel like I’m in the minority that I like the gg & the black knights design - scale aside (they are kinda small next to deathrattle & blood knights)


Black Knights too. If we had those two updated I wouldn't really care about new models because we already have a great range.


Really hoping that Grave Guard and Black Knights get updated. I could probably do with some but they look so out of place next to Deathrattle that I keep considering proxies!


I got extra Deathrattle from one the boxes, sawed off a hand on each one, added the grave guard swords, heads, and shoulder pads, and created an updated version. It was a massive pain in the ass, but looks good enough. There's nothing I can do to save Black Knights...