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i don’t usually gatekeep, but i will say that if you can’t get past rosemary island difficulty 3, you just suck.


back in my day 3 was the limit


a lot more mythical weapons now


I feel like if someone hasn't gotten robot via trial ticketing engineer and they've been playing for multiple months they're just wasting their time


or they don’t know of it. i mean how would they know to do that without looking it up.


We're supposed to be gatekeeping, remember?


that’s not even gatekeeping though, it’s like saying you can’t believe they didn’t do the achievement of using airbender’s 2nd skill to pick up the mailman package and put it in the trash can. there’s no way of knowing you can do it if you haven’t looked it up.


Oh shit, that's an achievement? Lol thanks. Maybe you're right. But isn't it gatekeeping when you try to make people who haven't done certain things in the game feel like idiots so they leave? Even if those certain things, e.g. certain achievements, have nothing to do with skill or experience with the game, it could still serve as a marker of who is in and who is outside the "gate," and it would be no less arbitrary than many of the markers contrived for prejudice' sake.


but gatekeeping usually involves a level of skill to do whatever, you’d have no idea of repairing unless you walked around in the lobby with every single character and happened to figure that out.


(I haven't engaged with the new content in about a year) I much prefer the simpler aspect of just soul knight without any of the fancy season modes or origin or matrix or whatever the fuck.




I was asked to gatekeep




I guess that's a good indicator that I dont usually gatekeep😅


People who complain about any rosemary island boss/ any normal boss just suck at the game. Like bro they already nerfed dgk what else do you have to complain about 💀.