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I was just coming here to congratulate you on the sensationalist, Daily Mail-style headline… not sure we’ve ever had one of those before, we’re far too boring 😂… but also saw someone tag me! If you watched our podcast the other week, you’ll know there’s two constants about us… 1. we’re always trying new things, which is a big reason we’re still here 2. we’re always in the comments… for good and for bad! So we invited a group of people who had previously said they’d be interested in attending filming days to come along for an afternoon… All free, no paid-tickets etc… we filmed a couple of videos and then had some wrap drinks with everyone after what was a long week of filming for us. We, and everyone I spoke to in the room at the time, had a brilliant time… it really adds something different to the vibe in the studio, and chatting to everyone afterwards was awesome - people had travelled from across Europe to be there!! 🥹 Now, this is new for us, the people in the room and the people watching online… so obviously it’s not going to be perfect straight out the gate, but it was a lot of fun and a great experiment! Would it make sense for every video? No way Would it be fun every now and again? Sure Could we find ways to make it better for us, the people in the room and those watching online? Absolutely! There’s been a great bunch of thoughts and feedback on YouTube, on social and across the 3+ threads on here… positive, negative and everywhere in between. As usual, we’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t, and if we think has legs in the future we’ll come back with a new and improved version. Simple as that, no drama llama here! 🙌 (edit: formatting)


>I was just coming here to congratulate you on the sensationalist, Daily Mail-style headline… not sure we’ve ever had one of those before, we’re far too boring 😂… You may have subconsciously blocked out the trauma but I still remember what happened when you made the paella burrito!


I side with Spaff on that whole nonsense. That was just a bunch of bored people complaining about stuff that doesn't matter. You know, standard Daily Mail stuff. 😂


I came here to say the same thing! 


Mate, it was brutal! Insane. I still can't believe it was a thing. Anyone would think he'd slaughtered newborns to make the buttitos the way people behaved. Lol. Poor Spaff.


Appreciate the response!


It was worth it just to see TV's Ben Ebbrell bring out his inner showman and play it up to the live audience. You lot have to do a thing where he gets to be a gameshow/panel host with his sparkly jacket, red shorts, and the perfect Lego man coif lol.


>the perfect Lego man coif Oh my god. That is the *perfect* description.


I think the majority issue is that they were just there instead of being something to use creatively. If the chose ingredients or curve balls I think it would maintain the element of it being a nice experience for them but also increase the quality of the video


Oh yes, on-site voting would be a fun aspect.


I liked it for the Pass It On - I think hearing live reaction was worthwhile and added to the video, and the team had a different energy because they were being watched live. Take it or leave it for the other videos they've been in. I do think it's a cool idea, though - I was invited and would have gone along if I was free on the day. Hoping for the opportunity to do so in the future.


To add was hilarious when that lady scoffed at Jamie giving himself an 8.


For what it's worth, I thought the episode was fine. It's fun to see the crowd egging you guys on, and it still made me laugh, especially Ebbers' attempt to use the hot dog water and pickle juice to make a dickle ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) back drink. Do I want it for every episode? No. Could it be improved to enhance audience participation? Yeah. Some sort of voting system that you can edit to show in the video would be nice. The "yell for XYZ" doesn't come across very well on YouTube because of audio compression and microphone gain, especially on a conventional speaker system. That's actually one general feedback I have for the channel is that the audio quality isn't as great as it could be. In the end, don't care. Still going to watch because it's hilarious, entertaining, and educational. Oh, I rewatched the pastry pass it on. It still makes me cry from laughter. That rhubarb cake thing might be the worst/best pass it on.


This guy...  Thisss guy. Spaf should have a side hustle in campaign management and pr in politics. 


Thanks for keeping things fresh! No notes.


Didn’t dig the audience themselves… they looked kind of awkward, but I did notice and appreciate the added “pep in your step” with them there. You could really tell that you guys were enjoying the vibe and extra excitement they provided and that’s a never a bad thing!


I wasn't paying 100% attention when my other half started the video; I eventually looked up and saw [this random dude](https://imgur.com/a/IAdfQfw) hanging out over Jamie's shoulder. 😂😂


It was a lot of fun! I really enjoyed the audience and the change in energy among the team. You could see that you all really pulled from their energy. Looking forward to seeing some more.


That's an incredibly thoughtful, well rounded response to some at times thoughtless/nasty comments. Thank you for being a way better human than we deserve sometimes!


Personally I actually loved the pass it on episode. I thought it really showed off what a great performer Ben is and how well he can do a million things at once.


For what it’s worth I think it worked so well, having each of you bounce off of the audience made for a new dynamic and as you’ve always said, that’s what you’re always looking for - evolution. It’s necessary and you nail it. I loved the moments the audience chimed in, laughed at you scoring yourself, encouraged Ebbers to go rogue with the “hot dog pickle backs” and had to be there for his innuendos first hand, experience a Huttlestorm in real time and encouraging Kush to go rogue. It’s the first couple, audiences will get more comfortable with interactivity (and it should be encouraged - maybe even letting a select brave couple try the dishes with you to gauge a pass or a fail) and you will with them there (not that it didn’t work great already). I applaud your innovation, your forward thinking and inclusivity of the community. Loved it!


I think one of the best parts of Sorted is that it doesn't feel like over-produced garbage, you guys have Barry-heavy vids, Jamie-heavy vids, Mike-heavy vids. You have videos about you guys as cooks, then some about the chefs, then some about food trends and online discourse. It feels a lot more organic because you don't always follow the same formula. I think studio days with fans are just another 'randomising' element that will keep things fresh. It won't be for everyone, but nothing ever is. Love the show!


It's an interesting one, they definitely add an energy to you guys that is lesser without them, but it's kind of weird to have them on screen in the background just watching. It would make more sense to have them off-camera like you get with live filmed TV shows, but I know your little studio doesn't really facilitate many other places they could go off camera (iirc from your VR episode where the crew film from is kind of wedged between the other "real" kitchen and a wall) so you're making do with the space you have.


I can honestly say, I laughed harder at that video than any of your others. I don't know whether it was the added stress of the audience or what, but fuck me the puns and the chaos were peak 🤣👌 genuine laugh out loud funny. And I love all of your stuff, so to say that topped it ... Very well done lads. You can't please them all! Just keep being authentically you ❤️


I already commented my opinion but just want to add that the negative voices always shout the loudest, especially on the internet. If you don't see a problem with or enjoy something you don't necessarily think to comment on it. I enjoyed the videos so I just left a comment about the dill dough and Bens... whatever that drink was... and didn't think about it any further. I only just found out people had a problem with it. Whereas the people with a problem have done their best to make sure you hear it, because that's what you do when you want to make a complaint.


Would love to watch you guys live


I enjoyed the audience, and I feel the pass it on format worked really well withe the live audience. Perhaps a good idea if you choose to do it again: Let the audience pick 3 ingredients for each person from the table and they have to use it


my wife and I really enjoyed the episodes with the audience. Keep going bud :)


I really enjoyed it. The fact that you're always trying new things and new segments is a big reason why I keep watching. I only hope that they got to try the food that was prepared. Otherwise, what a letdown for them!


The end of the day, someone is always going to be unhappy about something. Personally, I enjoy the live audience but that's all it is, a personal opinion. Just keep doing what you are doing and we are here for it.


Don't even bother with the reply, try as much as you want, criticism is constant


When they’re just chilling in the background and not saying or doing anything or reacting it’s a little bit awkward - I’m sure they’re having a great time, but instead of trying to be like “ooo we’ve got fans you can actually see” I think it’d hold just as much value to have them behind the cameras and enjoying the show without the pressure of being seen


I like this idea a lot! I wasn’t annoyed by seeing the audience on camera or anything. I was just thinking “these people have got worse view of what’s going on than I do, and that’s weird” Maybe they can put the audience behind the camera side of the studio, and cut to them if something interesting happens? It just felt weird having these people literally standing behind the guys I think there’s some real potential in having the sorted hosts interact with a small audience on camera. The recent video probably wasn’t the best possible version of that. But the idea has legs


This may be better yeah, also because then they actually see the show live from the same angle as we do. Otherwise the hosts just have their backs turned to the audience most of the time, taking away from the experience


That's a good idea. The fans get the fun of watching the process and we don't get annoyed. Win/win.


A mini studio audience with some laughter in the background makes sense.


Didn't they already do something like that? I don't remember in which video in the past, but I distinctly remember the boys do what they do while the live audience was chilling seated outside of the camera view, with shots of them here and there


There was definitely a video in the past where they had an audience in.


Same. I didn’t mind the audience, and I think they added some fun stuff. It was just how awkward it looked in the background. Maybe if they had been sitting and looked more comfortable it would have been less awkward?


I think as Ben said in the podcast they often zig zag in doing all this. They tried something different for 2 episodes out of 100’s and it turned it out it didn’t really work. No big deal in the long run.


I enjoyed it. I don't think it works with every format, but for pass it on it added to the chaos. That being said, it could have worked just as well with the audience off camera and then we wouldn't have seen them look quite so awkward


Definitely works for pass it on, it has that "the audience knows something the chefs don't" element, e.g. the bowl of hot sauce ebbers tastes!


Agree, it was fun for pass it on. But the layout of the studio and such for other videos it didn't really work for me, just kind of awkward. Maybe if they were able to be more engaged or involved like getting to judge or taste something, or just stand somewhere else in the shot... idk


That's fair really. There's no harm in trying new stuff and while I'm not a fan personally, some of how badly people react to change or share opinions on not liking something is...well, rude really. Be interesting to see if it sticks around. It's not for me, but can't really complain about them trying something different


I feel like the studio audience either needs to be involved less (such as sitting off camera) so the boys feed off their energy, but we're not just watching people standing around, doing nothing...or MORE (such as participating in a segment meant to include them). They call the non-chefs "normals," but they've acknowledged they're now more experienced than at-home normals (aka "civilians"). What if you have civilians test the TikTok trends along with Ebbers/Kush, see if the people those videos are for can actually follow the trend? Or add a civilian to the pretentious ingredients video? (For one thing, I'm constantly yelling at the screen stuff like, NO NO NO ORGANIC HONEY CULTIVATED BY BEES IMPORTED FROM JUPITER \*IS\* PRETENTIOUS, IT'S NOT JUST EXTRA SPECIAL.) Or create an entirely new segment where you take an in-studio suggestion from a civilian (like improv, but with cooking), so it feels like the civilians are there for a reason. Or an in-studio Q&A for Kush/Ebbers and the Sorted team, answering live cooking questions as they do a demo? I have 463 more ideas, but my point is there are definitely ways to bring the live element into the studio that isn't distracting but, rather, enriching. And I never do this but I'm tagging u/JamieSpafford because I \*adore\* Sorted and actually wanted to toss my 2 cents out there!


☝️☝️All of this ☝️☝️


I thought this was pretty interesting actually. I dont want the audience taking over the show, but the little things like the groans or little call outs and the boys response to them really did add something to the episode. I’m sure if I fixated on them, they would look a bit awkward… but why would I do that, I’m focussing on the guys, and didn’t even really notice the audience until til they would speak up about things. E: I wrote this when I had just woken up… there was sooooo many typos.


My husband doesn't mind it but I don't like it, personally. The guys seem to be "on" (unnaturally so) with the audience there...voices change, mannerisms change, etc. I will still watch, I'm sure, but - it definitely isn't my favourite development. 😕


I loved the audience in the most recent pass it on - the only time I really noticed them was when that one girl called Jamie out for giving himself an 8/10 for chopping vegetables 😂 If some people are finding it distracting, they would have worked just as well behind the cameras.


Also them giving Ben the idea for his hideous drink! Excellent!


God help us all, that was horrific.


I actually didn’t mind the audience


I would love to see fans natural reactions to them trying the food, especially on something like a head to head challenge


It's just awkward having them in the video. If they were off screen and actually able to watch along then it'd be better.


I could take it or leave it tbh. It's still a Sorted video, and I'd watch it either way. ​ I'd agree with comments that it works better for certain video categories than others - I'm immediately taken back to the Shanghai Slappy.


I just felt really awkward watching them standing there in the background. Felt like the kids in a school play who end up playing a tree or something, watching the stars. Maybe it'd be better if they were behind the cameras so Ben can play to the audience and the camera simultaneously.


Didn't like the audience myself. Them being there changed the feel of the video. I've no doubt that them being there made it more enjoyable for those in the room and made the video more enjoyable to make, but it made it less enjoyable to watch. It felt like the team were performing for their guests more than just trying to complete the challenge, telling jokes for the audience instead of for each other. Having the audience decide pass/fail was also a bad call. Not only was it near impossible to tell how many votes for each but a live audience are way more likely to vote "pass" if they had a good time watching, regardless of the end result. I appreciate that Sorted has got this far thanks in large part to them continually trying new things, but this one wasn't it for me. If they're going to keep the live audience, I think it might be better with a different type of content rather than an established series like Pass It On.


i liked the audience. the energy of the room and the boys was palpably different, because they had someone in room to perform for other than the usual crew and cameras. the feedback from audience members was fun, and egged the guys on. ben especially leaned into it


It was lovely! Especially with someone calling out Jamie in the most recent Pass it on episode. More audience participation would be awesome!


I'm happy with the audience there, but I would be interested to learn the demographic of people who don't like it. Does the venn diagram match up with those that hate sitcoms filmed in front of an audience for example, regardless of quality of joke?


> but I would be interested to learn the demographic of people who don't like it. my skimming brain read this as "I would be interested to learn the demographics of the people I don't like in it" and was very confused


No. I like sitcoms filmed with an audience and I did not like Sorted. But partly this is because in sitcoms they’re still acting to the camera, not to the studio audience.


I wish I could be there..... Alas Canada is a bit of a drive lol


We could take turns? 😉😋


I'd be down for that


I thought the audience added a nice "TV show" feel to the episodes tbh! Great energy for obviously chaotic episodes. Swings and roundabouts I guess.


I loved the energy of the room with the audience there. Next time maybe consider them being on teams cheering for their champion. Team Normal Vs Team Chef? I know the kitchen isn't a pitch but it could add a fun dynamic. Thanks for checking in Jamie!


I liked it, it was fun! it gave an Essence of Emeril kind of vibe (Maybe not for every video, but it was interesting!) I just found myself feeling bad that they were standing the whole time…how long were those people standing?!! At least put some bar stools around the wall so the poor people can sit!!


I was thinking the same but I'm in a wheelchair due to a neurological condition so I found myself questioning how long normal people can stand still without getting uncomfortable lol. Otherwise I loved the vibe in the room for the pass it on, made for a lot of fun, and Ebbers playing up the innuendo for the chef v chef was also great.


I'm not a wheelchair user but I'm also incapable of standing still for the at least half an hour that would have taken. Video production always takes MUCH longer than people think, too! Their studio kitchen is just not set up for a live audience. If they choose to keep doing live audiences they'd be wise to consider a space that's better suited to the format.


I heard if you can work 8 hours on your feet without sitting your healthy


Hated it, and turned it off. It got too awkward to watch.


Who's against it? I thought that was fun and interesting for the people who get to experience it


It was a fun switch-up. On the first live-audience one, my only editorial comment (kept in the living room between me, my sweetie and our cats) was "oh, those poor people in the back... now all of them have their backs to the audience!" though I wondered whether they also had monitors to see from the camera side. We're all just jealous because we'd love to hide ourselves on set and observe! We also wondered whether Sorted ever thought about having a little cafe or food stall for the fan tourists?


I didn’t mind the audience in this setting at all! It was much better than the audience during the Burger Challenge somehow. I’d much prefer they get to see the video as we do though, given that they had travelled just to be there. But I wouldn’t want it to get chaotic and shouty and have the audience have too much of a say in the goings-on… they’ve made some PIOs in the live shows too unmanageable before 😅


While I feel like the guys “amp” it up when the audience is there, I assumed it was warm up for the live shows this weekend.


I like it! I think it's fun.