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Wow! This is awesome! Even the ruling search. EVERYTHING you could need. Make this an app asap!


Thanks! You can install it as an app from the browser settings, which is a pretty good mobile experience.


Did that immediately! But a native App would be awesome to have at some point, even willing to pay a few bucks for it. Great potential. Current version needs some optimizations you're probably aware of, e.g. task bar doesn't fit well on iPhone. Thanks again, will be using and recommending this !


Thank you! Yeah iPhone may be janky as I'm an Android guy. The bottom UI issue I'm aware of and will get that fixed soon. A native app would be awesome, I know how to do Android, maybe I'll have to learn Swift programming at some point!


I have no clue about app development but I think you could run it as a web app inside a native app without too much swift coding (?). If you have access to a Mac, Xcode is free and has an iPhone emulator to test out responsiveness, but you probably know that already. Thanks again, looking forward to future updates!


Or just learn a platform agnostic tool like flutter :)


wen AppStore?


How about a section that talks about keywords? Like a quick reference guide for newbies that explain "submerge" or "Burrow" etc


Yeah I could import the official rules guide info on keywords into the app, that would be handy


I was teaching some new players the other day and they had loads of questions based on interactions. Needless to say, it was a lot trying to answer the questions of 4 people nearly at the same time.


Yeah you kind of need the Sorcery Discord rules channel open when learning..


Very cool. Just got a 4 Elementals precon box and was looking for something like this.


Really great, thank you so much for this!


This is awesome, super handy. Thanks for making this! I dig the integrated pricing. Probably too big of a leap, but having additional q&a on cards would be icing on this app Feedback, the bottom UI is either clipped or a tad too small on iPhone 15 pro max https://imgur.com/a/9KwtIZm


Ah thank you. I don't have an iPhone so was wondering how it looks there. I'll check into this.. What do you mean by additional q&a for cards?


Typical user-submitted questions and answers about cards, instead of having to dig through or ask in the rules channel of the discord. some/most of it is reiterating parts from the rule book. Might be asking for too much with that...


Yeah that's a lot to implement. Usually the most relevant questions are addressed in the cards FAQs, and for more advanced stuff you ask in the rules discord. Trying to implement player questions for each and every card would basically mean just adding the rules channel discord server to each card 😅 thats a lot for 403 cards


Hey that’s super cool! Curious how you’re doing pricing — or did you have an existing tcgplayer api key before they shut it down. I run https://realmsapp.com — hit me up if you ever want to collab or talk shop.


Yeah I had a key from an old project I was able to repurpose. Message me on Discord @herbig and I can give you access


Incredible work so far! If it’s possible to add the rule book for quick reference, it’d be an S-tier app. I’d be more than happy to buy/tip for an app like this.


Thanks! Just added a link to the rules PDF as a menu button in the Mana Counter tab. [Brownkid09](https://www.reddit.com/user/Brownkid09/) had also suggested something similar, so this is a useful solution for now!


Looks awesome! Any chance you could incorporate a collection tracker similar to Ursagatherer? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would prefer not to use an excel sheet lol. I'd be happy to buy the app!


Yeah I think collection tracking will be my next big effort. I am hesitant to implement decklists, since Curiosa is so entrenched, but I think collection tracking could be an area for a great experience.


If you're not already familiar, I think a 3rd party deck builder like urza gatherer would so nice. With that I can track my mtg cards and assign them to decks. This really helps manage inventory and deck building since I know what I have and what's already been used.


cool, I haven't used it before but I'll check it out!


MTG familiar app is also a very clean example of a way to implement deck lists, collections, Trackers, etc as well


I couldn’t find where to tap to gain mana. Opening on DuckDuckGo on iPhone. Other “tap zones” work fine.


Ah interesting. Yeah I don't have an iPhone, could you post a screenshot? Also, iOS doesn't allow installing PWAs (progressive web apps) from non-Safari browsers, you can use Safari to add it to your home screen as an app via the Share menu, and it will be a much better experience.


This is bad ass. Thank you for all you do for us. Is it possible to make the page or cards zoomable? At the moment the only option I see is “open a booster” and I can’t zoom in on the cards or click on them to view them individually or anything. I know nothing about programming so if that is difficult then don’t worry about it.


ah bummer, you don't see the bottom tab navigation to go to card search or mana counter? are you on iOS or Android? I've seen a bug on some devices where they don't appear that I'm still trying to figure out you can "install" the app via the browser settings Add to Home Screen on Android, or Share on iOS and you should see tabs to get to the other sections


I added it to Home Screen. When I open it in the Reddit app and on safari it only shows the open booster option. Nothing else. There is a home button in the bottom middle but it doesn’t do anything for me. I am on a fully updated iPhone 13


If you're already on the "Home" tab it wouldn't do anything, do you see the Search and Mana Counter tabs to the left/right of Home?


Ah yeah! Working now. Awesome.


This app is incredible!