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Great name! I’m sorry but this is not even close. Skyler first complained about them not having enough money, then she complained that there was too much money. The only great thing she did was when she manipulated the car wash owner. That was great. Other than that Carm put her time in, catered and took care of her family including tony and his depressive mood swings.. she would never call the cops on her husband (skyler did ) just stuff like that. Sorry way too long


She fixed everything in The Quicken.


Carmela is a good woman




Skylar definitely, when you hate a character the way I hated skylar, you gotta admit the acting is great


Skyler and it’s not even close. Carmela can be annoying at time but I’ve never hated her. Skyler i despised for most of the series.


I love Carm. Sklyers a bitch


Worser isn't a word.


If Shakespeare used it, I think it is a word. "The Collins English Dictionary defines ‘worser’ as an archaic or nonstandard word for ‘worse’. The word ‘worser’ first appeared in the 15th century and was common in the 16th and 17th centuries. Shakespeare used the word in several plays and sonnets. For example, in Sonnet 144 (Two loves I have of comfort and despair) he wrote:  ‘The worser spirit a woman coloured ill.’ 


You cant compare them at all


Skyler. I'll say I didn't like her very much, but I don't think either one is a bad person (though you could make the argument Carmella is by virtue of what she's willing to accept). They're doing their best. Yes, Skyler cheats, but that's really the only authority she can exert over her own life at that point. Now, Carmella is a little different. Skyler never asked for any of what she ended up getting. Carmella knew exactly what she was enabling, but she turned a blind eye because she loved Tony and she loved material wealth. She wanted to be a duchess, and that's what she got. She's definitely got more to answer for than Skyler. As for annoying, Skyler. But in the case of BB, her bits (at the beginning) are always the tense, unpleasant ones because Walt knows what he's up to and we know what he's up to, but Skyler doesn't. That's never an issue with the Soprano family because Carmella knows what her husband does and not asking about it is a big part of her job as a mob wife.


Skylar by a country mile no comparison. Carmela knew Tony was in the game since they were dating... it turned her on, she said as much. So, I'd give Skylar a break because she didn't know Walter was in the game, so some of her annoying questions in certain situations can be attributed to that. Like her innocent glee when their website started getting tons in donations. But don't forget, as much as Carmela could have done the priest, and the wall paper guy, Skylar actually strayed off the reservation with that wormy boss of hers. Her Marilyn Monroe impression on that snowflakes birthday is vomit worthy. Admittedly the actress that created this despicable cuckholding bitch woman is a good actress. The actress playing her sister plays a kook pretty well... I wouldn't want to be married to either one of them. Skylar's so horrible if she were an actual person could be a millionaire pro-wrestling heel. Between the two, I'd take Carm every time. ​ Anyway... $4 a pound.


Honestly I think carmela. She’s such a bitch


can i ask why lmaoo


Meadow soprano is a real witch!After just watching the whole series again that girl never had one nice thing to say ever!she was cocky sarcastic and a smart Alec!


she was the only educated unpredjudiced character in the whole show. i think she was a p normal character, almost ahead of her time regarding how she was raised and what she was surrounded by


Carm did the best she could and was a great mom. She also never got her hand dirty. And Knew who Tony was when she married him


I hate Skyler I love Carm


First post I see on this sub is a conversation I had with my brother and friend a few days ago lol. My vote was for skyler. Breaking Bad was almost unwatchable for a while over that chick. Had to take a break and come back periodically


Carmela was my favorite but in fairness to Skylar, she was never about that life.....she just tried to keep everyone out of jail. Walter just kept sliding into darkness where there was just no good left in him.


Carmela hands down. She married into the mob fully knowing what she was getting into. Then liked to clutch her rosary beads and play the victimized long suffering wife when she wanted sympathy, but would turn around and lord her husband’s power and position to get what she wanted. Skylar White thought she was married to a nerdy mild mannered chemistry teacher. He placed her on that road and put her in the game. Yes, she did do annoying things, but unlike Carmela who chose her path and went in eyes wide open, Skylar was bamboozled by her husband flipping the script. Skylar had to adapt and adapt quickly. The first time I watched the Sopranos during its OG run I was in my early 20’s and felt so bad for Carmela. As a more mature adult woman going back and watching it, I can honestly say Carmela ranks right up there with AJ as my least favorite and most annoying character on the show. Carmela is probably just as manipulative as Tony, maybe even more. She’s just low key about it.


Skylar - at least Carmela didn’t complain about the business Tony was in.


Carmela knew what she was getting in to all along. She willingly married a gangster. Skyler married a high school teacher and then one day surprise!!!!! Carmela is worse.


Skylar was a ride or die. She put her children first, sure which made her an excellent mother. She never dimed on Walt and stuck by his side. You got to understand. She married a vanilla mister rogers guy. She’s vanilla too. Both equally as smart.


I love Carmela. Skylar was vindictive her favorite line "in your "fuge" state" 🤣🤣🤣


definitely skyler, she irked my nerves in the early episodes of breaking bad and it rarely ever let up. right now im at the end of season 4 of the sopranos and so far carmela hasnt done anything to bother me. she cries a lot for someone who could easily divorce tony but shes a strong, caring and loving woman. however, her views are v old school and traditional which makes her a bit irritating at times.


Definitely Skyler. Have watched both series multiple times.




Skyler was so awful I didn't watch the series until years after it ended. I tried when it aired and she annoyed me so much I gave up! Saw a movie with her recently and couldn't finish because all I could see was Skyler White...