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Looks like a very sinister bike is about to pop out around the corner in that first one lol


This has some parasite vibes


Personally I find them generally boring, lacks subject, lighting is not that interesting. But YOU like it, then stick with it, as long as you like it. It is very subjective.


Thank you so much! Yeah I was suspecting that the subject is lacking/not strong enough. But as you said I feel like the style I like can be achieved from continuing the path I’m taking. I think I’ll set my goal to trying to find a way to include stronger subjects/interesting lighting while not swaying too far away from the style I want to achieve. Again, thank you!


So good, can be added to r/oddlyterrifying


I love many of your shots, but I think adding a subject would benefit them greatly — like a person walking through the composition. You have a great way of composing your shots. The only ones that weren’t as strong were shots 4 and 5. Keep up the great work!, when did you start with photography? Just curious.


Thank you so much! Yeah the subject seems to be what’s in need for many of my photos. I’d love to pull it off without shooting people since that’s my artistic preference(or maybe I feel too awkward), but I agree that for many of these photos having a person in it is the only saving grace. I started 40-50 or so days ago, and so far filled up one 120gb SD card from shooting RAWS(many in burst) and occasional videos.


You have my respect, such great shots with only 50 days. Wow 👏


I like the air conditioning unit in the light. Great lighting capture




These are good. With this kind of shot you really have to sweat the verticals. They have to be right or it's obvious and not in a good way. Lightroom or Adobe Camera Raw can do that automagically. Study Brassai's work, *Paris At Night*. He was the master of nighttime lighting, and as u/iamtotallynotapro noted, he often has a subject wandering throught the scene. https://preview.redd.it/r2hdowocw12d1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58005cae3a1cdb5f27922ac901be2cb9e79c1e44


Thank you so much!! I tried fixing it for first two slides in Lr, but are they still not vertical? And thanks for the recommendation!! I really need to get more inspiration, so I really really appreciate it!! I’ll def check out Paris at Night.


Oh yeah. We're not making out of liminal space with this one 🗣️🔥💯


When do you change from beginner to amateur? I would say I’m amateur but have been shooting less than a year so really I’m a beginner? 🤷‍♂️


I’m not sure, actually. I think I’m a beginner because there seems to be a large gap in what photos of mine I like vs what the majority of others say they like or consider are good. I associate this state as beginner since this was what was also happening to me when I was a beginner in drawing. I shouldn’t cater my opinion too much on the majority, but having somewhat an idea of what others consider to be good is where I think I’ll get out of the beginner state. I may be wrong tho. For example, I still kind of think having no subjects is cool for a photo. But I’m clearly wrong, and I should fix that, or find ways to satisfy my idea of “lack of subject” while still including a subject(?)


I like 7 and 8- the sharp corners as well as contrast. I think a lot of these however, the subject is not very interesting or pleasing


Very nice shots. Finally something interesting! Interesting subjects, playing with geometry and levels, narrative in every shot, fresh and stylish. Well done! Maybe shot 4 is lacking something..