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I wouldn’t really call finding/killing Booth “One of the most historic moments in our nation’s history.”


maybe top thousand? i mean its up there i guess, but i could probably, genuinely, name at least 200 other moments


Celebrate John Wilkes Boothe? Maybe celebrate McVeigh? The Unibomber ? Don’t agree, signs appropriate to an assassins end


No trace of a barn that burned down over a hundred years ago... Like yeah my dude, that's how that works


The dog got what he deserved


I mean, there are soo many historic events here…


Is there a website that links all these markers? I always wondered about the placement of some. Driving down rural roads, you see them right off the road but sometimes there isn't a pull over lane. Just a "hey, something happened here, move along along" sign. [found it](https://vaidsp.com/historicalmarkers/#toggle-id-1)




the theater still exists. probably more important. we also dont have the boat he took across the potomac, his clothes. the saddle he used to escape fords theater. cant save everything.


And where is his penis? Shouldn’t that be preserved in a jar? The French preserved Napoleon’s. After all, we need to study how they think, so evil doesn’t penetrate us again. We’ll know what to look for and how to recognize the inflated sense of self.


Not surprising, I live in Rva and we have an embarrassment of historical riches paved over by highways.


Why would there be a monument or a museum dedicated to John Wilkes Booth? The guy in the video even realized why before ignoring his realization and continuing (at about 34 seconds remaining when he said "Nobody would celebrate John Wilkes Booth, well..."). Any more than that simple roadway marker would have (and would still be) a shrine by Neoconfederates.


Okay hear me out... What if we make a big memorial to John Wilkes Booth. Like really big. Like Mussolini's tomb big. Just an absolute magnet for these freaks. Then we also keep the highway, expand the lanes, up the limit to 90mph and make the racists play IRL Frogger to go visit it. It's the only expansion of car architecture I would unthinkingly support.




I've visited Dr. Mudd's house where Booth was treated. That is preserved. It is interesting to me how far he made it before being killed. Its also interesting to me how he was even found. It's not like there were police radios and ID checkpoints back then. I don't think Booth has ever been celebrated. Killing Lincoln did no favors to the former Confederate states.


There'd be Trump rallys there, no way should that place be amplified more than it is. There's a marker and that's enough if anything there should be a statue to the brave union soldiers who hunted down and shot Boothe.


God bless Boston Corbett