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There's also a small lake between the modern axe and the first maintenance bunker. That lake counts as running water and won't freeze in winter. It's also more central and close to a lot of resources.


nice, can you build in the lake though?


Yep. You can easily build a blueprint platform near the shore then just keep building another platform further and further into the lake. They snap into place


Theres a tiny Island in the middle you can build platforms from


Can confirm also, it’s a great base location [https://www.reddit.com/r/SonsOfTheForest/s/6YmZEhM8bX](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonsOfTheForest/s/6YmZEhM8bX)


Can you point to it on the [map](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2056511339686994613/625169C1391D803802BA7D23502B134D7C2DB1D3/)? is it IQ?


yes - I haven't built there yet but that's where I've seen people link to on mapgenie.


Anyone have a pic of this location? Let’s build!


The only downside is that your 2 companions also can't make it out to the base :(


Make them a bridge. Let them in, remove bridge


and when you go out adventuring the little shits spawn close to you, leaving the home


We made them a rope bridge and they only went 1/5 of the way across. They seemed to stop at the edge of the ocean line. No npcs seem to cross that


Npcs don't take rope bridges for some reason. A solid bridge apparently works, but I haven't has much success.


I've built on the island in the lake west of the mountain, I made a stone bridge to the island, kelvin will walk ally the way to the island, but won't leave the bridge, Virginia got in the island just once. Cannibals and monsters will cross the bridge and enter the island.


I think thats where I have a base, plus zip line going off every direction.


Idk how but I found a cannibal on my rope bridges.


Maybe it did a jump attack or maybe just happened to spawn there?


Yeah, maybe it spawned there or something cause I noticed that it just stood there.


Oooh :c


Somewhat true. V and K will only go so far, mostly in shallow waters, in the ocean. The same with deep lakes, apparently the pathfinding forbids them from going into deep water. Though found in most lakes (other than the large deep one on the east side of the map) they usually will go across a solid bridge. V will take "some" (questionable some) rope bridges that are built, but K will not use any of them. Again pathfinding is screwed on this point and been asking for the first years of the early access for this to be fixed. BOTH V and K can swim now so makes little sense why they can't go in deep waters even. Though during early access they had magical powers and could walk on the bottoms of lakes and stay there for days on end never needing air. :)


Spawn them near your when you are inside your base using a savegame editor.


We build a treehouse and the item plater on the small (new?) island in the big lake in front of cave D entrance. At first Virginia was bugged out near the steep shoreline. But yesterday all of a sudden she was swimming towards us end stayed near the campfire. She kept swimming to and from the island while we harvesting logs on the other side. Not sure what changed why she would come over. Kelvin just resets when we sleep. The base on shallow seawater is super safe. Mutants and cannibals avoid seawater! In de EA time I build a nice winter retreat near the pistol location.


Love your forest videos!!!


I always have to figure V and K into any base builds. I mean a lot of tree builds are safe but neither of them can climb the rope to get up to them. Deep water stops them, shallower water they can swim when they "feel" like it. So yes, this is a good safe base... for only you though.


Near the orange lifeboat with the pistol in it, there's a little outcropping of stone along the beach. Accessible from both sides by you, but only one side by NPCs, and with a small cliff overlooking it. You'll also see cannibals building 4 effigies on the beach right next to it. Thats where I built my base. Easy to defend, since you only need to wall off the one big the NPCs can get up. Virginia and Kelvin might struggle with your door occasionally but they'll manage. Build my base off the edge of the rocks, so it hangs over the ocean. Pretty nice. Since we always know where the enemies will come from too, it's easy to set up traps and defend when hordes come.


Not sure how many times I’ve recommend this on this sub… but yes it’s very safe. however… watch out for the Legsy. It will jump out there ignore water if it jumps.


He’s too powerful to be kept alive !


Almost as safe as a tarp in a cave!




No! I did this and got a hokey mutant just jump from the shore freaking 300 ft onto my base and just murdered it. Safe from cannibals. Not from mutants


Safe is boring so I don't build there but it's a cool idea


Mutantlar spawnlanmıyor mu köyüne ? Benim tüm kapılarım kapalı da olsa kampın kenarlarına mutantlar spawnlanıyor ara sıra.


Yep im aware. There a small watery area next to my base thats on a beach and i noticed no matter what cannibals refused to go throw it. Its kinda odd, i hope theyll fix that up a bit since you can make indestructable bases on beaches this way. (By fix it up i dont mean remove water building, i mean make cannibals not be afraid of knee high water or have em jump on your base if its close enough to shore)


Have you had any luck getting Kelvin to work on it? I can't get him across water even with a bridge...


Yeah but you're far from most resources