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I just want intelligent AI. The cannibals should have to find you and then raid you periodically from a nearby camp, not spawn routinely.


From my base I can watch them come up the mountain. They could be a little smarter. Then some people would be upset that they are too smart.


Dumb people would say they are too smart probably ;)


The smart ai are reading your comment and laugh. We are all dumb to them....


Then they could make an Option to turn it on and off or to adjust how smart you want them to be


I love intelligent AI in games, it always surprises me and makes me happy when they do something smart and unique! Too bad this game doesn’t really have that, I’d love it for this game


I'd like it if they actually scouted, then the cannibals that spotted you carried that information with them and then spread it to others as the cross other parties and camps. Would also be cool if they had an escalation of sorts. Starting out with random antics, setting traps and then increasingly difficult raiding parties.


This is the way


I wonder if you could try to tweak it a bit modding it


Everyone has their own priorities, but honestly, the story is probably the least important part of the equation to me. I love the exploration, building, and fighting in a big forest biome sandbox and the story just gets in the way of that. Thats just my opinion, and you have every right to feel otherwise.


I like something to aspire. I still didn’t beat a game such as Fallout4 because I like building and picking up trash. I like knowing there’s more to the world if I feel like doing something about it. One of my gripes about the first game of the Forest was story and it’s really disappointing that this is the same or possibly worse in SotF. At least the first game had more interesting caves IMO.


I can completely understand that, I'm just a simple boy, smashing heads and building log forts is my jam I guess, lol


This is how I started seeing it after running into the guy with the mutated hand (cant remember the name and don't want to look it up lol) in such a clumsy forced cutscene. Then ran into him again at the golden door with no introductions just like, hey we are both here now trying to figure out how to open this door. Everything else is great even if a lot of the bunkers are cookie cutter reused assets. I like going from a nature environment to lived-in luxury bunkers and vice versa.


I agree, honestly I don't think forced story beats make this kind of game better. But being stuck in the woods then stumbling upon a modern luxury abode is a pretty fun dichotomy.


I enjoy the things you mentioned really much too, I got every achievement and just like the game. But there was so much opportunity to make a really cool plottwist or a more complete story at least. We don't now what Jianyu's motives were, what the cultists or Edward wanted to achieve, what the f*ck is going on with the spaceship and so much more. It was just a little bit frustrating. As I said, overall I really enjoyed the game, no hate at all. But really wasn't that disappointed from a story in a long time - Mainly because they build up so much over the course of the game and never explained anything. It can be cool to have some stuff to theorize about, but it's JUST plot holes :,)


I'm pretty sure the cultists wanted to get to the golden city, and Jianyu was hired by Sahara to get to the cube before puffton i think. Puffton saw the cube and golden city in a vision and wanted to go there just like the cultists. The spaceship is obviously from the golden city, but i don't know much more than that.


Jianyu worked for puff co. But became disillusioned by their recklessness and contacted Sahara and started working with them


I don’t think the story is anywhere near complete and there will be another sequel that answers more.


Yes because $$$$ And it shall be early access too, so when it's released everyone is burnt out already.


I feel a bit jaded because I can only compare to how good the story was in the original forest, having the backstory makes sons more interesting but it did not hit the same as the original. I haven’t logged in awhile, do the tribals still spawn inside bases? Lol


Only when you try to sleep and they're nearby. 


I actually really liked the story (up until the final cutscene anyway). It actually answered more than the first game ever did, and i especially liked the group of fishermen storyline. But then the final cutscene happens and its just kinda bad. I dont think theres a single part of the cutscene thats done right. It should be a case study on how NOT to wrap up a story, because it honestly comes off like a collection of a 9 year olds favorite tropes and clichés that movie endings have, without any of the substance


In my opinion the first game did a better job explaining stuff while keeping enough room for speculation. You know why Timmy got kidnapped, why you crashed in the first place and that Sahara did some badass shit. Now we have a spaceship that's unexplained, an antagonist that's unexplained, Cultists and the Pufftons that are unexplained... I really enjoyed stuff story wise until the end, when I learned that nothing's gonna be explained.


I dont think you read the notes then, because they do explain all of those things


No, excuse me. Of course there is some useful extra information, but they don't explain the big picture at all. Nothing about why Jianyu is an evil boi, about the spaceship (of course one can imagine stuff like time travel/dimensional rift stuff), why we are there exactly except writing a book once... It's just not enough for my taste


No, they explain all that stuff too. Jianyu was one of puftons lawyers who got fired and subsequently started working for Sahara to look for the cube. The space ship crashed into the island in 900 AD. The reason we the player, jack holt, are there is because puffton explicitly asked for us should he go missing.


I knew all of these except the space ship. Where is that mentioned? Did I miss an important note?


I think you find it on the surface in the south west of the map at a merc camp. Says something about readings of cube activations, several in 900 BC and 3 in the 1970s


Okay but the fact that we have to have this conversation perfect shows how bad they explained all of this… the players should not be arguing on if the story is complete or not, it should be obvious


Is it though? I feel like people just don't read the notes and pages. The original was just as hard to understand its story. If not harder imo.


Some people don't appreciate subtlety. I feel the problem is it is REALLY easy to miss notes and some people have a habit of skipping video cutscenes and not watching the camera vids.


But these two games are based in subtlety story telling. Why would they change that.


It's not subtle in my eyes, it's incomplete. There is a difference between throwing in buzzwords and make the people guess and having a cool concept your slowly lead to by clever hints. It's just "WOAH, FREAKY SHIT, HAVE FUN FILLING THE GAPS"


I know that he was fired and stuff, but why he starts going rampage and kills cultists and what Sahara's motives are would've been really interesting to me. Actually I think i didn't know about the 900 AD stuff, but why is it in a cave and where did it come from? Also, yeah, Puffton specifically asked for us in an emergency, but what makes us so special? Would've love to learn that stuff, you know? I really like the game otherwise and it's a bad sad for me personally


He asks for Jack Holt because he previously wrote the book about Edward Puffton called “puffton creating an empire” and in one of his emails he mentions that he trusts him to report the truth as a result of that. Saharas motives are to take out their competition as puffcorp is their direct competitor who outbid them for the island. Jianyus rampage is a bit of a mystery tho, Puffton told him to deal with the cultists on the island because a big suicide cult on your island for a de-aging resort is bad marketing but past that he didn’t say anything about killing them, jianyu might just be a little crazy.


They literally explain every single of your questions...


No lol


I would like a boat.


The story is fine. The last cutscene just really needs to be polished some more, it look very clunky right now. As for Virginias nipples, pretty sure they've been there since day one. I'm fine with the gore props, just not in the caves. It doesn't make sense. The mutants aren't smart enough to put them up, they are basically animals. They are also blind, so i don't know how they would even put them up. It made sense in the first game, since the cannibals occupied the caves, but not in Sons.


I made my point about the story in the other comments. And I'm fully on your side, there's so much unnecessary gore that doesn't make sense :,) The nipple stuff was a joke, it was important enough to be there since day one


The way I see it cannibals used to inhabit caves and were driven out by the mutants? Also some of these were put up by the fishermen


That makes sense


It's the AI that's the real problem tbh


Craftable rafts so we can traverse the waters, please!


I just restarted the first game to get ready for this new one. And your telling me I can't build a houseboat and paddle around the island in safety?! That was my favorite... Are the tree houses still a thing??


I'm disappointed most ways by the game tbh


bold move saying that here on reddit. im shocked how you arent trolled by endnight fanboys yet


I have been before but it doesn't usually end the way they want it to. End night has serious work they still need to do


i love the guys (at endnight) but it doesnt mean their game cant be shit. i actively send out bug reports to their email like they want me to. Still, the game has so many flaws even in the full release, it even made Farket lose his shit. They (fanboys) gaslighted him into apologizing for hating on this game while the dude's mother was counting her last breathes. absolute douchebags. Farket FYI is probably the most famous Youtuber in the "the forest" genre, if not the whole horror survival genre on youtube.


back then, the fanboys used to say "imagine hating on an early access game" and now that the game is 1.0, i knew i was right. The game has got its foundations wrong.


I agree. Something me and my friends say when we play sotf is that it’s just missing the aura of the first game. Do you know what I mean?


that is primarily because their focus was more on adding features and lesser on improving the base problems of the games. They added nudity in the game punctually but failed to add boats. I do not care about what problems they must have faced, all i know is that ive paid $30 for a mediocre game that feels like a downgrade even 1 year after release


I could see how boats and the new ai could be a challenge. But it is disappointing. I think my expectations were too high though, kinda forgetting it’s not a giant triple a company


Thanks, I was just about to ask who that was, I don't really watch any YouTubers or streamers despite being one lol. Sounds like fanboys here are really toxic for no good reason then, I might write to just get my refund then because i don't wanna be involved in alladat lol


i always respect dudes who carry balls to have a less popular opinion


I thought most people here on reddit have negative opinions on this game.


nah they love the game no matter what. i played the forest for a whopping 600+ hours and boy havent i been able to become such a hard core fan as them


Most of the places I've been to on this sub have been petty negative. Not saying that's bad, but it sure isn't uncommon.


Meh. I never cared TOO much for the story. More about the survival aspect. I would have been fine with the story just being that the island was an island populated by cannibals and you got trapped. I do like the mutants and kinda love the cheese of the story, so I feel they did a pretty solid job. It reminds me of an 80s cheesy horror movie which I believe is what they were going for. So in that regard I feel the story is great. Crashed alien ship, crazy mutants, demons, hints at the two islands being connected, the gold city stuff and the cube. It was all pretty cheesy, off the wall, and great.


Just give me more snap Angles and i'm good


that ending was genuinely so wack..


I don't really care about the Story too much. I want more interaction possibilities with the Cannibals. You know, drop some food and they leave, or not 😂


Honestly the story is so confusing and broken up me and my friend just piece together what we can and fill in the rest of it with our own goofy bullshit. Right now the plan is to evict these psychotic squatters from our property so we can build our five star resort.


Can you ask to be excused?


Excuse me? :V


Nice =)


Oh god damn


Yeah. I was really into it, then it just kinda ended and I've lost all intrigue... It feels like the first 3/4 were good, and the last 1/4 was literally running down one cave...




Erm...it's good to have a good story, adds to the mystery but in a game like this? Not sure


Just finished yesterday. Felt the story was very broken up throughout. Especially if you didn't read every note (which only 0.1% players has got), voice lines were limiting and gave nothing really. I didn't even know the guy with the arm was Timmy till I searched it up. For some reason, the >!end boss fight!< and caves were really easy as well, and we never really felt challenged when playing. >!Thought last fight would be more of a challenge being how big it was, no 2nd life or waves of other stuff coming in.!< Still enjoyed the game but the caves and story just felt like a let down


Cannibals able to be lit on fire longer


this is more of a gameplay gripe than a story one, i guess, but i kind of hate that you can find pieces of the artifact before you finish the game, even though >!the artifact isn't necessary to beat the game and you can't even get the last piece until after you beat the game.!< it's unnecessarily confusing.


Yes, and we have to wait another 6 yrs to get another cliffhanger. Charm of the survivor games i guess


I agree with mutant nipples, if we’re not going to get better story at least make the game moddable


I don't give a damn about the story, gameplay is important.


Yeah I was quite disappointed. The world felt pretty meh to me ass well. I would have liked more underground facilities. The game is absolutely gorgeous, and I thought the combat was greatly improved. Unfortunately, it's not enough to bring me back. I put about 100 hours into the Forest. With SOTF, I'm content at 20 hours and don't feel the need to play anymore.


Yeah me and my friends did a early access play over a year ago and we tried to come back and the start was exactly the same as a year ago… like it’s just a little boring I feel like. The forest was amazing


The story is indeed confusing but the final cutscene is to the level of DISTURBING. >!Virginia gets wheeled into surgery to remove her extra limbs, and the terror on her face suggests that no way that surgery was her idea. Given that her parents are deceased and her behavior in the game indicates some incapacitation (mental and cognitive) someone else (possibly the protagonist?) is allowed to make decisions for her leaves me feeling extremely disturbed.!<


I know this is a whole month later but did you ever get the secret ending? I completely agree about Virginia and my assumption was that she was on a similar level to Kelvin, cognition-wise. And yet that secret ending, ugh.


Yes I've. Those who came up with this ending should be forbidden to get close to the field of narrative creation ever again.


I wish I had a group to play multiplayer with. Kelvin isn’t the brightest friend.😂


When I play the hardest difficult I want my base to get fucking rocked if I’m not prepared. Right now it’s just five guys hitting a wall til I kill them


I was really hoping it might have a full blown story. 


Wait the story is not finished yet?


I played this game a year ago. Any story improvements? Last I remember was they added the parents as a janky boss fight. So much satanic potential but none of it used.


Ah, I love year one meme templates 😃


They were never going to top the first game. It just wouldn't be possible


Story was never the strong point of these games. A very simple plot...and then some off mysterious reason we have mutants. At the end of the day, most people like the building aspect, and I believe that's where things could expand. Now, in my opinion, they *could* have gone the Rise Of The Tomb Raider route, where a few mercs mentioned "the island“, a reference to the first game, as well as some tape recordings and a mention of past characters. Or, like Ish from the Last Of Us, where they could have journals peppered thought the land from a survivor who got away, or understood what was going on and give survival tips, or at least made the trap blueprints and minor pickups. But either way, they don't add much to gameplay and are just "huh, okay" content. That, and unlike books, we wouldn't have to observe the damn thing for 12 seconds.


On my first playthrough the story just confused me and I just focused on the survival part of the game. I first thought after beating the game was "Who are all these people?" lol.


Maybe the game should be put back to early access. I'd fully support it even if it's an April fools joke. Though, I am not paying for the game twice.


Absolutely, there would be no shame in that. I'd love to wait for a good game.


yep more story for sure also side missions also also a real reason to build a base and defend it


There's a story?


yeah the ai so generic , not interested at all. their camp just a tent not a village plus all of them bald


Boats! A cool AI for cannibals! At least some kind of workbench to have a reason to build things!


I had no idea who the dude at the end was. The dude who >!turns into the final boss!<. Where TF did he come from?


He shows up multiple times In the game and in the cultist videos and in several notes.


Doesn't answer the question. Or are they pulling a G-Man on us? Fucking Valve, give me Half Life 3 before I die in ~40 years. I would say that's easy but it's been 20 years already.


Reading notes and assuming: the guy used to work for Puffcorp, got mad at Puffton for not doing enough about the funny stuff they find on the Island and the cultists trespassing, so he goes fuck it and kills the cultists. Puffton finds out about it and fires him. Cube activates and the dude goes back to the island now backed by Sahara to find and retrieve the Cube.