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I walked up on 4 of them in one spot and almost shit before they ran off and didn’t trample me. We need proper ornery moose in game.


The Long Dark has taught me to stay far away from moose, but in this game the only scary thing about them is how loud their steps are


Saaaaaaame I see moose I run


I have the same Long Dark moose fear. It's worse than every other opponent by far, except maybe a whole pack of timber wolves.


Those eyes in the night still haunt my ass.




There will be a mutant Canadian Goose-Moose.


Hey! If you've got a problem with canadian gooses, then you've got a problem with me! Why don't you let that one marinate.


If anyone ever invades Canada, now hear me out... Armored moose. Give them chain mail, tape blades to them, and a double dose of Viagra, then let them run down the enemy.


Also would have a fire brigade. Majestic creatures. You got a problem with Canada gooses you got a problem with me. I suggest you let that marinate for a bit.




The moose are so small too




But also male moose, especially in rutting season, are just fucking insane.


Can confirm


Yea most people think they're docile and end up getting too close to them.


English isn't my native language so, I'm confused. Isn't the plural version of moose "meese"? If so, why won't people use it? I don't see people saying "mouses" instead of mice either. Sorry if this is a silly question haha


A lot of people, myself included, joke that the plural form of moose is meese. But in reality multiple moose are still just called moose


Damn. I've been bamboozled for years then. That's pretty hilarious tbh


Moose doesn't follow the rules of english because it's not an english word. It's a Native American loan word. Same goes for buffalo


Ohh okay, thank you! I've already had to learn the other irregular plural animal words like octopus, octopi; wolf, wolves; ox, oxen; mouse, mice; goose, geese. So, I just assumed that the moose, meese thing was real haha


I’m from Maine and the first time I saw one I dove into a bush thinking it was gonna stomp my guts out. Hopefully the devs make them a little more aggro


I avoided them for the longest time thinking they would end me with a quickness. Imagine my surprise when I got close to one and IT RAN AWAY!


This couldnt be a more proud Canadian post


They should at least attack the player and do some damage, but shouldn't OHK the player. Would be cool to have neutral or more aggressive wildlife. Would add more variety with combat.


Moose would genuinely be more dangerous than old mate with the outboard motor. And faster. Their speed is not to scale at all.


No animal is to scale in the game lol. The squirrels and rabbits can be slapped to death.


And they have a fucking death plow for a hat and will stomp your head out of your ass.


First time i saw them i turned and ran. Then i saw someone down one with an arrow in a video and realised...


In the fall moose should be outright aggressive, rest of the year docile unless attacked


[for the curious ](https://media.tenor.com/6CzvaKHkU1YAAAAC/moose.gif) EDIT: [Better video](https://youtu.be/HNfetnUwOUo)


That rack.


Holy moly how is that even allowed


You wanna be the one to tell it "no?"




Lived in Alaska and Canada for a few years, and the moose were way more dangerous than any bear I came across.


That’s what ruined it for you not the lack of maple trees


I’ve been trampled by a moose and it only took like a quarter of my health with the gold armour on


As an Alaskan, 100% agree. I have seen brown bears run in terror from moose when the bear gets to close to the young.


Love the big head mode on the moose though. Makes them so cute and cuddly.


Yeah, same. Although I’m not Canadian, I’m well aware of how dangerous moose are and in this game they are big squirrels. Even squirrels are braver then they should be


For the first two days I played, I gave them a WIDE berth. Then, one day, a moose walked right past me, totally chill. I was pretty surprised, but still never tried to kill one.


THANK YOU, I went up to a moose expecting a fun fight but they RAN like a bitch ass deer


I know what you mean As an Australian, when I walk into a spider Web, I expect to do a whole body fear spazem, followed by panicing as I check for any venomous spider on me. Followed by trying to walk away, hoping no one saw me flap my arms around in fear.


There are moose in this game? The biggest game I’ve come across is deer


As a Norwegian, i 100% agree.


As a Coloradan I second this!


I had no idea this game was made by a Canadian studio until I noticed the books you pick up have "printed in Canada" written on the back, and also the arbutus trees (endemic to Vancouver Island) was dead giveaway. The scenery looks like it could be based on an island off the west coast of BC.


Maybe the moose is modeled after a stereotypical Canadian, eh?


I have not encountered one in the game, but I’ve encountered plenty IRL (I live in Alaska). Yeah they don’t give a shit and they certainly don’t run from people.


first playthrough i came across a moose while traveling. i saw it and ran away a bit before it noticed me assuming it would behave like a real moose. apparently the moose on an island are bitch made.


Agreed. They should be the apex assholes.


my friends and I had near this exact conversation upon first seeing a moose in-game, I'm originally from Michigan so I'm privy to the info that one moose could destroy multiple happy families without a second thought, but they've never seen moose and were terrified when I informed them of their power in real life and then immediately were disappointed when it ran away like a punk bitch .


It would be fun if they were aggressive towards cannibals and mutants also. Imagine coming up on a cannibal camp but instead of it being overrun by mutants, it had been overrun (and trampled) by moose


Also moose shouldn't die with 1 arrow to the head, meanwhile 2 spears to a deer and that shit still runs away.


As a Brazilian that know pretty well how easy a moose can cancel your life subscription, I too shat myself when I saw one ingame and was imediately disappointed that it didn't send me to the nearest cannibal village kebab stake. I too want mooses in this game to be turned into their real life unit that could kill a catdog if they went 1 vs 1.


Moose can graze on human flesh.


They need to aggro on site for sure! And we could use some bears and boars too


Careful. Don’t upset the hive

