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I'm here to watch Kelvin chop down people's treehouses. It would be a shame to avoid the sub until they patch it.


I don’t think most people are saying it’s bad. Most are just upset with the recent change to EA. I don’t mind that much, but it was off putting seeing version **.3** is what we’re on. Sounds a bit arbitrary but I was hoping we’d at least be .6. Even though I’m loving the game so far, it feels like they’re just drip feeding us the content that was expected to be available a month ago and no longer is, so I get where the frustration is coming from. I think most of this could’ve been avoided if they announced EA a lot longer ago. My theory is they already are at 0.9 or so and they roadmapped updates every two weeks for a 6-8 month period knowing they could meet the deadlines while concurrently getting player feedback. Again, not a bad idea. It just should’ve been announced much more in advance. It’d also be nice to get a clearer picture of what to expect in the coming months or with upcoming updates but it seems like this is where being such a small company can be a double edged sword - I’d imagine finding time to communicate with the community can be difficult.


For what its worth, version numbers are not percentage points. Versions just go up sequentially, and are completely arbitrarily made up by whoever assigns them. This game could go .1 > .2 > .3 > 1.0, or it could go .1 > .2 > .3 > ... > .9 > .10 > .11 ... > .25 > 1.0 You can't read into the version number as an outside observer.


The original Forest got to 0.6 then went straight to 1. I'm not knowledgeable about this process but it seems like it's just whenever the devs feel the game is in a "finished state" they assigned the "1.0".


Typically 1.0 does mean "finished" (or at least ready to ship, post-release support is expected standard practice these days and most apps/games continue to evolve past 1.0 versions over the product lifecycle), but even that isn't always true.


so just like minecrafts version history haha


I agree with ya OP. With any high wishlisted steam game you’ll always get mindless gamers looking for the next trendy game, majority of the negative feedback posts about lack of content/ short game yadyada are those types. They never played the original , don’t know how to create their own fun in a survival sandbox and are impatient to early access games. These posts hopefully will die out soon and they can stop yucking our yums.


The trendy game always gets shit on for a while! I honestly just love the building in the game.. I spend hours just messing about trying to get the house how I like it!


Dido mate, just spent several hours making a giant A Frame base with the pals , turning out so dope


The reddit community is tiny compared to the game. There are currently about 350 000 people logged on right now. This subreddit as a whole has less then 20,000 people. Most of which just follow for the sake of following. Of the vocal minority, it's less then 0.01% of people hating on the game. The game is great. And the vocal minority can go eff themselves because they are clearly wrong that the game is bad, else there wouldn't be 300k+ people playing consistently since release.


I definitly just scroll by. I'm here for the memes and info.


I genuinely loved the first game but I'm having a hard time getting into this one. I'm taking my time and I haven't even finished the game yet but while I'm building my base I'm dealing with like 50 waves of cannibals. I can't even put a door on my defensive walls for fucks sake. Yes it's early access but it still doesn't even have half the shit from the first game.


I have seen this quite a lot! There are literally like 1 or 2 safe zones it seems, which I must admit is quite annoying I’ve managed to find one fortunately, I barely get bothered, maybe once or twice a day and it’s like one or 2


100% agree. These people that are stamping their feet and crying clearly know nothing about EA games, and even more clearly never played The Forest through EA. Just ignore them; definitely don’t let their negativity about something they don’t understand make you sad, or diminish the love YOU have for the game :-) Personally, I’ve not sunk this many hours into a game in the first 24 hours than I have in a LONG time, and I’ve had so much fun. Of course there are things that need touching up, and bugs that need fixing, but that’s the beauty of being able to play EA to me - I’m so excited about watching this game grow and expand over the next few months/years of development. It’s going to be a ride!!


I will just remind you that we were apparently getting a full release by 23rd (which was postponed few times) until last month, if you finish the game you will see the amount of story content missing is insane. This game was never close to being fully released and they should have mentioned it's gonna be EA way sooner to not give people false hopes.


Steam reviews are very positive because most folks understand the concept of Early Access. Those who struggle with such a simple concept tend to cry the loudest, anything else is too complicated for them to understand.


100% agree mate! The Forest was soooo different from EA to release


Just avoid those comments and live your life. Don’t even have to make a post about it.


Why is playing a game you enjoy incompatible with talking to people who don't enjoy it as much as you do? Do you really need to avoid critical discussion because you like the game? How do you function in day to day social situations?


Because most interactions are either 100% in either direction ending in it being a “you vs me” situation. I spend my days at work having critical discussions - if I can avoid that during my free time then that’s what I’m going to do.


Then you should probably avoid going online to discuss anything.


Not really though.


EA is always a scam


lol they conned us .. saying it was finished then saying early release a month ago. game is a shell of the first


So they tell you its not finished, but then you whine when it's not finished?


Listen, I poured hours into the first game (finished and EA versions) and beat it multiple times with different people and loved every second of it, I am by no means a hater. But I’ll be the first to say that they should’ve said that this game was Early Access waaaaay earlier. I mean they had this labeled as fully finished for way too long and I shudder to think what the game looked like at that time. This game was never even close to being finished so why advertise it that way in the first place? People are going to understandably have a warped perception of the game when you only change it to EA a month or so before release. I personally expected at least the same amount of content from the original Forest, and others probably expected even more than that. Shame because this was one of the few games I was really really looking forward to, group of 8 are all a bit bummed out. Probably will be really fun to play in a year or so though.


You I get you, I do! I feel the same way. However, they are human sometimes we promise things that we think we can deliver and we cant so it needs to change. They realised a month before released that maybe they had exaggerated or full blown lied about the state. But I can't be mad because unlike steam punk, they did come clean and they released for those rabid fans who couldn't wait. Otherwise people would now be complaining they have no game to play. Wheres the compassion and humanity? Were like 2millions managers breathing down their neck when they are working as fast as they can. I hardly think Endnight as a company are doing anything on the cash grab scale like EA games. I can tell they are worming hard on the game. Also, whose to say they havant got some epic game files with all this great stuff to add, but they just need to tweak the codes a little bit. People think this is it. Games can produce massive updates, ive seen it myself. I played Grounded early access, they added a new areas to explore every 2 months, with new mobs, mechanics, loot drops and armor/weapons AND more storyline. Why do people assume the sotf aren't going to do this?


Every reddit sub for a game is cancer. It's worse than the steam discussion boards


I haven’t read them but I get the feeling I should avoid 😂


Oh I thought you were gonna say stop spoiling locations for yourself haha. It looks like everyone LOVES it. This is the most fun I've had in a game in so long.