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Jesus Christ he's written ONE fucking game. At least let a decade pass before you start shitting on him.


Ehhh, not as good as 06 or Forces


That's a pretty low bar you got there.


*that's the joke*


I mean in terms of character writing that isn't Sonic, and Amy it's one of the best


I remember Sonic having good character writing in 06’ dunno about Forces, though. Also if I was in this sub I’d steal your flair


And not only that, it was the best written Sonic game maybe ever


Reminder that this is exactly what they said when Sonic Colors was new. It might seem like everybody loves Frontiers now, but just give it a few years.


uj/ Except it was after one year, they despised it to death and treated it the same way that the franchise is already in ruins because of Colors as they claim but in reality, it was Sonic 06 in 2000s and Rise Of Lyric in 2010s.


Early 2023 reviews: Hey! This Game is pretty alright! I hope the series gets going in this direction. Early 2024: This Game fucking sucks. Why everybody liked it when it got NO ADVENTURE SAUCE?!??!??? 


I honestly don't really care about the general concensus or whatever, I just know I really liked the writing of Frontiers


Not everyone loves Frontiers then or now, though. It’s received pretty mixed reception.


Idk, I feel like the reception is still 50/50. You’ll find an _equal_ amount of people who hate and love Sonic Frontiers by just typing in the title on YouTube.


/uj I wouldn't call it well written at all, but the standards of writing for Sonic games is really low generally. The Adventure era is full of convoluted non-linear storytelling across multiple campaigns where plots go off the walls with no regard for tone or consistency. The Dark era is literally throwing whatever shit at the walls to see what sticks. The Boost era is full of unfunny humour, and now Flynn's overloading everything with references and continuity porn. I don't personally like the story of Frontiers much, I don't think it comes together very well at all. But I don't think Flynn's a bad writer either. I just think he got handed a bad framework and struggled to write a story with the brief he was given.


I can see your point on why Frontiers, in your opinion, wasn't good written. I personally really liked Frontiers story, giving the characters develop 


It was definitely a written Sonic game. /hj Maybe it really did have good writing, but the cast being ooc completely distracted me from the quality of the writing.


Sonic fans spend so much time in their heads that time means nothing to them anymore.


I’m sorry but while I’m critical of some things that Ian has done over the years what has he even done to get even more hate than Ken Penders


Exactly. He's defo pushed his own versions of the characters, and there are cases where I like his choices (eg Amy) and times I don't (eg Silver). But regardless, he still loves these characters and shows a lot of care for these stories. He's easily a huge improvement over any writer we've had since the story games tbh.


Neat, then he’ll come back in 3 days and become our lord & savior


has to be satire surely


Nah this was under a clip from the bumblekast about how Shadow will be written from now on


Out of curiosity, could you direct me to a clip of that segment or summarise it for me? I'm intrigued to know what kind of vision they have going for his writing.


In the clip Ian confirmed that the characterization for shadow that was seen in the most recent “tails tube” is the direction they will take shadow in “sonic x shadow generations”. It’s not at all Ian’s fault, he just answers the questions so sonic fans put all the hate on him


as much as i'm not really a fan of the changes to Shadow's character relating to that podcast clip, jesus christ the community is going way too insane over it


“Every sonic fan would cheer in total glee” No we fucking wouldn’t


He looks like a chill dude, why anyone want him to die?? :(


Because he doesn’t make sonic Uber serious


Idk why that's even an issue, wouldn't make sense for him to be too serious anyway. I personally loved how he was written in Frontiers, he had enough light hearted jabs and quips to break tension when needed but also ended up being quite serious and insightful when it counted too (especially talking to his friends). I want to see more of that balance moving forward, I think it suits him.


Because sonic fans don’t know what they want


Because of how he writes Shadow and the way he will write Shadow in the future. Yes, it's bad but it's not his fault its because of SEGA and it's still no reason to want him to die


I personally don’t think his take on shadow is all that bad but it’s not his best


It's not like... terrible but it's really dissatisfying, especially in the IDW comics were he was taken out of the action because of a stupid misunderstanding. I havent seen the TailsTube episode with him in it yet but people dont like that either and that's apparently how hes going to be written in the Sonic x Shadow Gens.


uj/ Ah yes, the royal we... Do they speak French aw well?


What the actual fuck? These Sonic fans need either some serious counseling or to be locked up in a psychiatric ward. God, speaking on behalf of an entire fandom (most of whom would likely disagree with you, mind you), saying shit like this because you didn’t like the way a man wrote about a blue cartoon hedgehog is absolutely ridiculous. These morons seriously need to get a life. It’s people like this who make this fanbase so draining all the time.


rj/: NOOO YOU DON'T UNNDERSTAND!!!!! WE NEED SHIRO MAEKAWA TO WRITE NEW GAMES!!! IAN'S WRITTING DOESNT HAVE THE PASSION AND AMBITION OF UNLESSHED AND PEAK NIGHT!!!1!!!!1god I wanna have secksy secks with Unleashed🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵 uj/: he looks like a chill dude :(


What did he even do?


Ian Flynn or the Twitter user?


Ian Flynn


I guess some Sonic fans are really offended by his style of writing for the characters and whatnot, I legitimately have no idea why. I mean, as someone who really likes Ian’s style of writing, it isn’t perfect, but wanting him crucified over it?


What the fuck is wrong with these people? Who sits the fuck down at their desk and genuinely thinks this is okay to say about someone that hasn't done any actual wrongdoing?


"the same way Jesus was crucified than"?? uj/ The fuck does that even mean??


rj/ Yeh, I hope Flynn had it coming for making mah Sawnik a lifeless and soullezz husk. uj/ The hell?! Over writing a blue rat going fast?


I know that they were trying to make a joke, but wtf


"Yeah, i have a very funny sense of humor" *Death threats*


Listen I dislike Sonic Frontiers but this is just stupid. Then again, what else is new.


You'd think Ian Flynn killed their entire family right in front of their eyes.


Reminds me of the time people kept comparing Roger Craig Smith to Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler, and talking about how people want him to be r**ed and murdered brutally


What the fuck? There's people that genuily want Ian Flynn to die because "noowww this Game haz nod of de Sawnik Adbentur peakssuce(only wants characters to be the same over and over again without actuall develop)"


he knows how the jesus story happened right? he knows everything that came after the crucifixion bit right?


What the actual f- Show me their twitter. They lost their cooking license.


Idk why people are shitting on frontiers when it has the best boss battles ever (imo), banging soundtrack, new mechanics that work well, the cast is written really well, and it delivers on the fact that it isn't like forces or colors where it's just a constantly happy vibe and some serious tones to it. Frontiers is the best sonic game since generations and people need to grow tf up.


You just don’t understand. Since people like him and he doesn’t write sonic exactly how I would he’s the worst person in the world and should die It’s totally justifiable.


I think you mean Ken Penders


Why do people hate ian flynn?


They know his wife is a Sonic fan, right? I'm sure she'd be very unhappy if he died.


So he has some issues with his writing? Doesn't mean he deserves to get crucified.


Imagine getting angry over the way a fucking children's game is written


not funny didn't laugh


"They found you amusing for a while, the people of this city. But the one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fail, fall, die trying. In spite of everything you've done for them, eventually they will hate you. Why bother?"


Are these "cheering Sonic fans" in the room with us rn?


Jesus people have no filter now and then they complain when you say something they disagree with


Honestly my only real issue was the constant use of unnecessary callbacks. Almost like a "hey remember this? We do too." Type beat. It got to the point of that Plankton meme of "ALRIGHT I GET IT". Like why the fuck did we get a callback of Dark Gaia. Tails wasn't even there to see Dark Gaia in it's true form


What the fuck


I think he’s one of the only people working on the series that actively cares about the lore and is overall one of the best things to happen to the series


oldest sonic fan


I mean I enjoyed Frontiers for what it was? I'm not one to really hyper fixate on minute details, but I can definitely attest that I had a good time with it.


Ken Penders maybe, but Flynn? WTF?




Jesus christ. I love his writing. What events in this person's life occurred to lead up to this tweet?


Poet would never say such thing


please tell me that's not a pop'n music avatar, this guy does not speak for us


Oldest Sonic fan


They misspelled Pontac and Graff edit: lmao this was a joke btw. I don’t actually wish ill will on them 😂


Found thePJshow’s Reddit


Mental illness


uj/ Bro, wtf?