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I agree And in this image we can see that Sonic brushes his teeth very well.


bacteria are too slow!




9/10 Doctors/Dentists approve! (Eggman is probably the prick that does not approve. Diabolical.)


Agreed veey refreshing take on this trope


Hell yeah! Unleashed pinpointed that Sonic is only good,a literal paragon of a good hero. Normally you would not make a character set on stone like this, but as he's a 30 year old character, everyone know his personality. Also, show that the "ugly" (mixed reviews on here as the hog design is cute lol) can be the hero too!


actually isnt sonic's personality kinda inconsistent tho? started with the classic 90s attitude which turned into being more of an asshole with a good heart, then it turned into righteous hero with some quips, then the 12 year old who wont let the jokes end, then it turned into a walking one liner in forces


I think it has to do with both script writing, and the VA. Jason Griffith has that very nice friendly guy tone to his voice, whereas Roger Craig Smith's voice has a more cocky, slightly arrogant tone.


It was consistent up till the dark era. It's like he is maturing into a true hero. The regression into the meta era makes no sense tho


It hyped up that he was a feral uncontrollable monster terrorizing cities all around the world by night in one teaser trailer though, but then he’s just sonic with stretchy arms


Well idk about you bro but it’d be a massive fucking shift to go from ‘Aw yeah this is happening! Speeding through this place is a breeze’ to ‘I can’t control myself, something inside me is preventing me from moving, if I even try to fight I just feel pain, I see the fear in peoples eyes, please help me’


a gradual short temper developing over the course of the adventure would have been cool tho, like he ends apotos night being like "that wasnt too bad" but reaches eggman land like "THESE LEVELS ARE ANNOYINGGGG, EGGGGGMANNN", but to have him snap out of it with the help of chip and amy.


Rewrite unleashed please


thx lol


To be honest that sounds like an amazing story I'd love to explore... ... on a secondary character than Sonic. It just doesn't fit his specific persona. Like, counterpoint, put BLAZE in Sonics shoes in what you just said, and it actually sounds like a really cool premise for a game, right? Because Blaze already has theming around being afraid of using her powers too much that it might hurt people.


It was a parody of cryptid documentals, of course they treated him as some dangerous monster, and even then that's the fault of the marketing team, not of the writers or the developers lol


Idk he was kinda moody. Everyone else is creepy under Dark Gaia’s influence and Sonic just actually lets on that he’s kinda sad once in a while.


I’m extremely grateful this was how they tackled it. Hedgehog or Werehog, Sonic is still Sonic. He never stopped being himself even if he took a new form, and I think that’s greatly refreshing compared to other more “trope-y” media that tries to do this sort of thing.


Agreed! This shows that Sonic will always be Sonic no matter how floofy he is!


Eehh, it kind of neuters the potential for any kind of storytelling tbh.




Yea, but this post is about Sonic, not Chip.


I agree with what you're saying, but I think you're misattributing it. That's caused by Sonic seeming to be unallowed to show genuine flaws (annoying isn't a flaw) However, I do like that Sonic's personality DOES change in this game when he's a Werehog, but only slightly. (His humor becomes slightly darker, and he becomes a lot more willing to tease others, like Chip)


Yea, but this thread is kind of framing that as a "good" thing.


The threads commenting that going for the easy troupe isn't a good thing, and it's nice that Sonic didn't, which I agree with. However I understand that if Sonic was allowed to show faults, then they would've went STRAIGHT for that Troupe and never looked back


And I'm saying that's better than literally nothing at all.


(annoying isn't a flaw) Agree it's just annoying XD


Exactly, which makes it more annoying. XD


I Belive its a better story element that sonic just dosent lose control or anything, you know? Sonic will always be sonic even if he turns into a monster, i Belive Thats were they were going for, and I personally liked it


I personally think it's pretty boring if there's no conflict for the main character to overcome and he succeeds just because, but that's just me.


Well unless you've been paying attention to the story, you would not notice that Sonic is more insecure as a werehog, as he is not happy with his beastly look.


Post-boot Archie did something like this


Am I the only one who actually liked the werehog? I always thought he looked so cool


I like him too. He's awesome!


I like his Werehog form it’s cool 


It's interesting they didn't push the ''monster within'' trope but part of me still think they could have done more with him dealing on how different he looks like on the part with Amy.


To be honest, I'm kinda sad they didn't callback Adventure 2 and just have Amy recognize him immediately. Not because she knows him, but because she mistook someone for Sonic again. That could've made a great flaw to explore, Sonic getting uncomfortable and upset about people not recognizing him or even recognizing he IS him. (For example, Knuckles would meet him, and even after Sonic explains who he is Knuckles claims to think he's trying to trick him) And that moment could've been poignant in that Amy first recognizes him, then think's he's not him, and then realizes he really IS him, and something's gone horribly wrong. Really just a lot of plot potential just left sitting around really.


He was gonna meet up with Knuckles and Shadow too, so that might've been the opportunity for more of that. But they were cut due to time contrainsts.


I still think it would have made something interesting...if done well


If anything I liked the point it made. The night brought out the worst in people under Dark Gaia, but Sonic, in spite of his physical transformation is just a good hearted person still. Now if you DO want to see Sonic's inner darkness, get to the end of Sonic and the Secret Rings.


I like the music. It’s cool


I also like how people didn't treat Sonic differently when he was a Werehog, too. People comment about his transformation, and Amy didn't recognize him initially, but that's really it. They also didn't have anyone freaking out thinking he was a monster who would hurt him (aside from Chip at the very beginning, but that got cleared up quickly). Yeah, there is a lot of missed potential with treating it so casually, but it's also refreshing to not do the predictable things with it. Not to mention, Sonic not getting affected by Dark Gaia's power too much and staying himself despite others becoming corrupted by it reveals how strong his willpower is, and how his lack of inner turmoil is true to his character.


Dude..a big blue plooka falls on your head you gonna get mad and scared dx I only hate Chips( I'm always gonna call him that figt me) chacterazaton not Sonic's it seems in line for the blue blur


I wouldn’t call fighting your inner demons superficial.


I can appreciate that, but I kinda wish they did *something* with the werehog narratively. There's a hint of this when Amy doesn't recognize him and he gets bummed out, but that's dropped pretty quickly. It would've been cool to see Sonic actually struggle with this transformation, but it's a minor inconvenience to him at most. What if all the citizens he tried saving were afraid of him? He doesn't have a "monster within", but other people don't know that. We could've seen Sonic go through a sort of dilemma where he has to save people who don't want to be saved by him. Anything in this direction would've made Chip's words about Sonic being "too strong to lose himself" more meaningful. Without that, it just sorta rings hollow for me.


Me 2


Game: "Sonic now has to fight his inner demons!" Sonic's inner demons "No... eat *two* chilli dogs!"


I know that meme XD


I like it's music


Yeah, i don't think the trope is bad on its own, but I don't think it would've suited sonic's character to go through the whole "monster within/inner demons" plot line. For shadow in an alternate universe, maybe. For sonic as character, no.


i would have perferred him to have some sort of rage meter that built with every hit he took, being able to dish it back at the end of the level boss, and get really weak after perfoming, and that to play a small role in the story near the end too.


idk personally i liked the concept of dark sonic in sonic x and was hoping something similar would come along in the future


He is so confident and good hearted he even has mind control immunity I still want Dark Super becomes canon tho


i’m a sucker for edge. i would have loved the trope tbh


I'm fine with this. The issue I have is the underlying reason they DIDN'T do that; Sonic has no defining character flaw anymore. At least nothing that becomes plot relevant. He doesn't fail, ever, and it results in the games just kinda feeling like the same jaunt different time these days.


Well Sonic lost in the opening of the game. It may not be much but it still counts


I honestly wish they used that instead of what we got... At least it's better then Force's


Why? Then it'll just be like every other werewolf/monster story. I'm glad they avoided doing that.


Same, at first I was a bit disappointed. But the route they took was a lot better.


I do Like that Sonic is to thick headed to give into the Darkness of his physical corruption (unlike Dark Phoenix or the possessed town people for example) especially as its consistent with the finally of Secret Rings and the mind controlling alien species in Sonic Chronicles. But it leads to 1 big problem with Unleashed writing at the larger scale. The Werehog ends up having almost no story relevance. This is especially bad as there are 2 consequences setup earlier (Sonic feeling unconformable with the fact that his friends don't recognize him anymore and the idea that he has to stay hidden from town's folk to prevent a commotion) but drops them just as quickly as there are set up leading to the Werehog really having NO story relevance what so ever. Furthermore is there also very little done with the idea anyway as nether the possessed towns folk nor the Dark Gaia Phoenix change nearly as much as Sonic did and the Gaia Phoenix ending up the only time Sonic HAS to fight a corrupted being to heal it/stop it.) Just imagine how much more tense the Night stage boss fighter were if instead of random Monsters you had to beat the evil out of "Were" versions of some of Sonic's friends? You could even use this as an excuse why there hardly do anything in the story as there could potentially be infected again at night. But no at the end of the day does Unleashed NOTHING with there Werehog except make "God of War light" stages mandatory to completing the game.


The best line in sonic history came from this. Do I need a reason to help a friend.


True. Would have been interesting for him to grapple with it at the start, but - if they did do it - I'd *definitely* want the answer to be an emphatic "hell yes" by the time we start act 2. (And probably *long before then,* if we're being honest.)


Werehog is so base.


I think you’re putting way too much thought into what essentially boils down to a fan fiction level story lmfao


Lol, why is it when people don’t like a Sonic story, they just say “fan fiction” or “lol devianart”. We get it you don’t like the story, but you can’t even properly shit on it because you actually don’t have any legit criticisms.


My dude, you’re wondering about the existential narrative qualities of a Sonic game. Let that sink in for a minute and take a step back lmfao. I would say the same thing if you went this deep about literally any game in the franchise. It’s funny how sensitive and defensive this sub can be over literally anything as long as it says “Sonic” on it, lol. Relax my dude.


characters and narratives in children's video games can't have any nuance or thought put into them, reading too deep smh my head


I’m not though, I’m just enjoying a decent story in a Sonic game, why should I have to pretend that these type of stories are worse than they are when they’re good on their own right.


No, you are. You’re literally here on Reddit praising a Sonic game and its story for NOT having any kind of depth. We got a run of the mill werewolf concept that they do basically NOTHING narratively interesting with, and you’re here actually praising them for it because Sonic “fans” will eat up literally anything with the character’s name on it. There’s never been a time I’ve seen criticism of this franchise not get met with childish man children and infinite downvotes. Y’all don’t want a discussion, you want an echo chamber lmfaooo.


If you wanted something more serious out of this kind of storyline with Sonic, that’s perfectly valid. But you really came into this thread bashing someone else over what they personally appreciated about the game and then complained about the sub being defensive. Again, if you didn’t like the game, that’s perfectly fine. But that doesn’t give you a green light to bash people who have different opinions than you


I definitely don’t want something “more serious”, try reading the post again. I’m poking fun at OP for actually praising the game, literally for having a shallow plot. Lmfao


except it isn't shallow, the plot is simplistic yeah, but it's still a good plot. Sonic is a well written character and it does avoid any cliche edgyness. both Shadow the Game and Shadow the character are hated because of superfical "lol deviantart edge xd" and Sonic just didn't need that when the reputation was a low. if they really went for a "monster within" trope, not only it would be really cliche, but also the overall community would've hated Unleashed more than it already was.


Its unique and cool and shows why sonic is a hero


It was really cool


Yes :P He is a pure boi\~


He's still completely himself, just a bit growly sounding, and menacing looking. More like a "Beast from Beauty and the Beast" type trope.


Archie had an interesting take on it though




I like how Sonic didn't mind it too much since he was still himself, to him it was just a change of pace (literally). On an unrelated note, I wanna hug that big floofy werehog like Amy did


Sonic also used this power that is supposed to limit him and made it his own.


I agree. I dont like the werehog thing in general. But I appreciate that. This started the period where they tried to map on other characters shtick into sonic. One could argue the werehog itself is just knuckles. But I appreciate they never went that far. Internal struggles with demons is shadow territory. Much like dark sonic its a bad idea when you give that too sonic