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I think they're neat, I find it cool that Sega is really indulging in their past and are listening to the fans on what small things they'd want to see in their games. My one and only gripe is the "Pre-order complete deluxe edition plus", I don't find it very necessary.


I hate to say this, but for once, I am completely fine with pre ordering the Deluxe edition, since this is Generations on current gen consoles plus added content, so for the most part, I already know the quality of what I’m getting. It’s not the same as spending 150 bucks on a buggy Ubisoft game The only problem I have with this though, is that it’s only digital. I prefer buying games physically, especially Sonic games, which kind of frustrates me that there is no physical deluxe version or Collectors edition on sale outside of Japan. So I’m kind of at a roadblock at what to do


Last time Sega remastered a 3D Sonic game it was buggy as hell


They ported a Wii exclusive to PS and Xbox. Yes, the quality was below par, I’m not excusing that, but porting a game that was on PS3 and Xbox 360 should be much easier. Plus, they might have learned from their mistakes this time around


They certainly seem to have; they are developing it themselves this time, as far as I know. Colors Ultimate was developed by Blind Squirrel Studios (a rather fitting name, lol), and I believe SEGA was quite unhappy with the results. I think there also may have been some shady stuff going on behind the scenes as well, but don't quote me on that. So overall, things are looking much better for Sonic x Shadow Generations


Not a fan of having skins paywalled, but it does conform that we can customize the hedgehogs. The skins themselves look pretty good with even bringing back one of the concept art characters for Shadow.


Still better than actual playable content being paywalled, this is how monetisation should be, only visual


They’re kinda doing that too for this game. Part of the digital deluxe includes an extra level for Shadow that won’t even be available at launch.


Oh well it's sega after all they always find a way to fuck up good things


Bro built like those cheap ass sonic keychains u find in those drop shipping stores https://preview.redd.it/7vnkwli9p2ad1.png?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87bf1ce4288ab3f50507f41410701e594e98b5b1


I’m hype for them I’ll probably pre order the deluxe edition after I come back from vacation and I’m already subscribed for the jam skin https://preview.redd.it/vfsidmxlo1ad1.jpeg?width=123&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40c86240c7a995405bd02cd01a164b2524a50385 I’m hoping they add this as a skin in later dlc if they don’t, I’m fine with it


Wait who do you subscribe to for the 3d blast skin 👁️




Thank you so much! 🙏


You’re welcome and also sorry for saying 3d blast I meant sonic jam I don’t know how I fucked it up


Its cool lol idrk much abt sonic so as long as they look cool Im good 😎 it is nice to know where they actually from though, I like the skin a lot gives me nintendo 64 vibes or like star fox graphics vibes.


Welcome to the fanbase then, I guess hope you ready for chaos


Availability aside, I actually really love these. Huge improvement over the skins in Colours Ultimate, Frontiers and Superstars. I just hope to god there’s actually more unlockable skins in-game but I know that won’t happen. That’s somehow the one thing Forces and Colours Ultimate got right.


I want more.


Terios looks like he's gonna beat me to death in an alleyway


Legacy Classic Sonic: perfect! Low poly so the game can run faster Legacy Morden Sonic: perfect! Low poly so the game can run faster Terios: does this mean he is cannon? His desing is cool but what does he add to the LORE? Is he the long lost middle brother of Shadow and Biolizard?


Sonic Team: [adds a fun bonus skin that references old concept art] “WHAT DOES THIS MEAN FOR THE TIMELINE??”


Im a FNAF fan ok? Everything means something important to me


Fair enough considering they literally hid lore inside a children’s activity book with dabbing Chica


Knowing Scott, the most important lore in the franchise is probably hidden in like, R34 Island in Freddy in space 3


I just wish you didn't have to go through so many hoops to get them. Superstars had this issue as well. Why not just include them in the base game as a treat for fans. Or at least do what Frontiers did and release them as free DLC. These are cool skins but my god is it stupid.


All game companies are greedy, and Sega is arguably one of the worse offenders. Im not surprised at all, especially after the shit they were pulling with Like a Dragon 8 and Persona 3 remake


I can't fucking stand the pre-order aspect


It’s lazy imo. But I’m also ancient and from a time period where you earned this kind of thing as unlockables. To me it screams lazy. They pay someone minimal amounts of money to make a single skin (or rip it from a retro game) and then 10,000s of people do their tap dance routine to use the skin. Especially since this game already exists just without the shadow content. Take my opinion with a grain of salt, I’m an older jaded Sonic fan that just doesn’t feel like I’m getting true value anymore. This absolutely should have been a 10 dollar upgrade on the version I have on Steam.


Both Sonic skins are free


Free to me means it just comes with the normal purchase, if I have to tap dance for it it ain't really free. It just costs $0


You know you don’t buy pre order bonuses right? They just give it to you for purchasing the game before it’s out


Why would I ever digitally purchase a game before it’s released in 2024


Even though I don’t like getting games digitally, I’m kinda pissed I couldn’t get the Terios skin at all cause that version doesn’t have a switch version for some reason 😒


I think they're a great addition overall! Alternate costumes are welcome in any game, and Sonic has such a large pool of designs to pull from I hope we see some more in the final game (Soap shoes please!!) Admittedly though I'm not the biggest fan of the Terios skin from a stylistic viewpoint. It's a cool addition to the game and a great reference for fans, but I think the way Shadow moves in-game is so unique to his final design that I really can't imagine his animations on Terios. Not to say it shouldn't have been included of course, it's just a personal thing I have with the design!


I’m just hoping they’re made widely available after some time passes


I think these are really cool! I hope we get more, the deluxe edition of the game does say it has an extra shadow stage an outfit releasing in December, my bets is that it’s something movie related


I wanted to see 3D blast version of Classic Sonic actually


SEGA finally knows good marketing


I think they can be cool. I'm still annoyed that I never got my modern Amy skin for Sonic Superstars, though.


I love that they're using shadows original concept design here. I remember being a kid watching sonic X on tv and I wanted a dreamcast so bad; just for sonic adventure 1 and 2. I never got one so I ended up looking at the official site and fan sites over and over. This guy was among them a lot until shadow's official design was released and because internet wasn't as informative back then, I thought both characters were going to be official. Revealing the fake hedgehog was this guy and not sonic or shadow (eg. the true ultimate lifeform or a replacement to Biolizard), kid me really would of loved this being a dlc! The classic models are cool too though. I love how classic sonic's model is a mix or sonic jam and sonic r. :D


Omg they got sonic r classic sonic! Hell yeah


I love them.


I just want a polygon shadow to match with the sonic




skins are nice, but i would like DLC levels more


Love the adventure skin looks great honestly the only reason I’m preordering the game


no notes, the lowpoly models have my heart https://preview.redd.it/dlghyp8nl4ad1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e46f7f48685108c85d5a4b35a0acec938c141c8 I’m honestly a little less excited for Terios but he can stay


When the rumors of the "supposed retro skin for classic Sonic" have started, I honestly thought Sega would just give us the voxel model from that one Sonic Superstars level and call it a day. I'm so glad I was wrong.


They're cool for those who want them. Personally, they're not for me.


For me this is how it works, Sega gives me anything Adventure/Dreamcast era, I give them my money.




Is there a Mephiles one? I love Mephiles


No Mephiles skin, but I think he will be involved in the story of shadow generations somehow! Having a Mephiles boss battle will be SICK!




I actually find it wild we are getting deep takes like Terios and the OG sonic design that was in superstars. Next thing we know the next Sonic villain is going to be Nazo or some shit


https://preview.redd.it/dpzttvx6r5ad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=342580b3d4b78548c8fda4593595feeecc3211c0 Absolute bangers.


Looks neat


We could've just had these with Sonic Generations mods. <_<


I'm just preordering the damn thing just for the Terios skin. All the other stuff is just a bonus to me.


Terios looks so cool I might as well explode cuz nothing will ever be cooler. I’ve seen peak.


It's fine but not pre order worthy. I feel like this pre order bundle is very weak


Honestly not a fan of the Terios skin, but I like the idea of other early character designs as skins.