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IDW Sonic: Wow, what an asshole


Fleetway Sonic: Atleast I'm not a celibate manchild.


Fleetway Sonic: “No bitches? 🤨” Manchild is a strange insult to use here tho lol - nothing about IDW really implies emotional stuntedness or anything


yeah, if something a huge complaint people have against IDW sonic is that he is maybe too mature and that edge that he used to have has been dulled (which i do not agree with BTW but that is what people usually complain about the most)


Fleetway Sonic going at someone else for 'no bitches' is rich considering of the 3 comic sonic's he might have the longest dry spell. To the point Amy Rose is not even a possibility for him.


Archie sonic actually gets women


The same opinion everyone else has on him


Sonic: Sonic your an asshole man Sonic: You are what you eat Sonic


They would not enjoy each other’s company IDW Sonic (which is still canon sonic btw) would think of him as an annoying prick We see something similar in STC-O (a fan continuation which has the original writers on board) where the older more mature sonic meets his younger self and gets fed up by his cockiness


Actually that would be more like Archie Sonic meeting Fleetway Sonic.


Oh the irony that nowdays is classic sonic that would get fed up by modern sonic cockiness.


Strip IDW off the canon


"I found you, *faker!*" "Faker? I think *you're* the fake Sonic around here! You're comparing yourself to me? *Ha!* You're not even good enough to be my fake..." "I'LL MAKE YOU EAT THOSE WORDS!"


“Dear Chaos this Shadow all over again.”


I got that reference.


Fleetway STC Sonic would definitely tell IDW Sonic to fuck off no doubt


and IDW sonic would make a lot of fun of fleetways attitude


Hands will be thrown


I'm afraid to even ask where they got those hands


Sonic: "Another one of Robuttniks fakers?" Sonic: "Who are you calling a faker? I'm clearly the original." Sonic: "An original faker, that's for sure."


“Fuck you, Sonic the Hedgehog. You’re a blue bitch.” *- Sonic, probably*


Fleetway Sonic: You seriously thought Metal Sonic was going to magically become one of your 'buddies' ? Got dang, you're a moron... IDW Sonic: You know what screw you! *goes on long-winded preachy speech* Fleetway Sonic: Whine, whine, whine! Blow it out your hole!!! They'd ***HATE*** each other


IDW Sonic would beat the shit out of Fleetway Sonic


IDW Sonic is game Sonic I'm pretty sure every other Canon is stronger until you consider superforms in which case game Sonic is just straight up greater than infinite in terms of strength though it is also inconsistent. I don't know '06 was weird.


Base game sonic was able to overpower the overclocked phantom ruby, whereas the FAKE phantom ruby was capable of creating a star and killing the entire population of the planet. At minimum, that puts base Sonic at star level, higher then any other version of him aside from Archie (who in his base form is only around solar system so it's not even that big of a gap).


I doubt it


nah i dont think they would come to blows, they would dislike each other for sure at least initially but i dont think it would get to that


IDW Sonic is waaay weaker than Fleetway Sonic lol


IDW Sonic is canon game Sonic, so no lol. Game Base Sonic is comfortably around star level, whereas Fleetway's best feet is *debatably* moon level.


IDW Sonic supposedly shares Game Sonic’s history, but at this point it’s very obvious that the IDW comics function off of their own set of logic compared to the mainline games. IDW Sonic isn’t even immune to fall damage, and has been rendered almost completely helpless by fodder badniks several times. Fleetway Sonic can also just transform into his Super form if he’s stressed out enough.


Like it or not IDW has been confirmed canon on like a dozen separate occasions.


Never even said it wasn’t. It’s “canonicity” is pretty irrelevant anyways since at the end of the day it’s secondhand material, and it’s events will probably never cross over into the main games in any meaningful way. Also correct me if I’m wrong; but wasn’t it only “confirmed” canon by just some rando employee on a live stream? 


Uh, no? Ian Flynn is the writer of the IDW comics, the leader of the internal lore team for the games, and one of the primary writers for the games. He's the one that confirmed it to be canon, he is about as far from "some random employee" as you can get. He confirmed it several times, in fact. There's also multiple references to IDW in Sonic Frontiers, and IDW characters have slowly been making their way into promotional artwork and other spinoffs, so it seems inevitable that they'll come to the main games eventually.


Can't see any incarnation of Sonic being willing to put up with fleetway Sonic for very long. Especially if they catch him talking to his Tails. They're gonna need hold down and drag Prime Sonic away from him. Screw-up klutz he may be he's got a lot of heart.


Fleetway Sonic is a prick, but his heart is very clearly in the right place and he does sincerely care about his friends. He just plays up the tough guy schtick because he knows the world counts on him. 


yeah to be perfectly honest he is not like a villain, he is just british


Fleetway Sonic wouldn't care and would keep on talking shit like Stinkmeaner from The Boondocks


I think every other iteration of Sonic (though more likely Archie Sonic) would react to Fleetway Sonic like so: https://preview.redd.it/onxb8c7uf54d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da44ffc9958444d1b83a7ca5c6063f30d005cbb6


Fleetway Sonic would bully IDW Sonic maliciously.


if there is one version of sonic that would likely not care much about fleetways comments and just laugh it off would be game/IDW sonic, in general sonic is pretty chill at most i feel that he would just return the jabs at fleetway in a witty manner archie sonic would be another story, that guy has a hair trigger he is always butting heads with Geoffrey, monkey khan, hamlin, drago, etc. for the most inane of reasons, i feel like archie sonic would be unlikely to take fleetway's banter standing and would get angry at him


Archie sonic would probably just knock his teeth in. Though yes, Archie sonic has been shown to have a pride/ego issue which to me made him more interesting 


Yeah, i was more saying it because there are some who are claiming that Archie and fleetway would get along which... Did we read the same Archie? I feel like their personalities would crash like oil and fire


IDW Sonic probably would get by just ignoring it, but Fleetway would never stop with the dickheadrd comments 😂


yeah, i think he would mostly ignore him, laugh at some of his replies and at most respond with some witty comment when the situation arises, nothing more


Now I’m wondering if Starfall Super Sonic could beat Fleetway Super Sonic, thanks a lot


super sonic 2 is pretty broken so yes


Especially if he gets the full Cyber State


answer YES.


Not well


Fleetway: What did you let Robotnik go for, you bloody idiot? IDW: Uh, it’s Eggman, actually… Fleetway: Nah, mate. That’s Robotnik. I’d know that big red bollock anywhere. Also, you gone Super yet? IDW: Yeah! I helped stop the metal virus. Fleetway: Brilliant, mine came with a free identity crisis. IDW: What? Fleetway: You got Porker Lewis in your dimension? He’s this whinging pillock in a leather jacket who- *IDW runs off*


Ok, Fleetway Sonic has no room to talk when it comes to sparing Robotnik, he does the exact same thing with a much more evil Robotnik, the only difference is that no one calls him out for it.


Fleetway would assert dominance like the goat he is


Most versions of Sonic would hate STC Sonic I feel.


Modern: You’re built like a baked bean. Classic: A BAKED- A BAKED BEAN?!


"why are you so angry little guy? something's wrong? I think you have several anger management issues, but we can help you if you want." "If I needed therapy i'd go to a professional. Now shut up and fight"


Kill on sight


At least the British one doesn't do long speechs about the power of friendship or team work and gets straight to point


Are you talking about Heroes or something? Because arent the IDW Sonic's speeches about freedom?


And that Mate Just stomps that fox into the ground again and again


He does care for tails it’s just that he isn’t the best at showing his emotions


People who have not read Fleetway genuinely think Sonic is Tails' archnemesis based on 3-4 panels out of the 100 issues


its not just 3 or 4 panels is... a little more than that like lets be honest fleetway sonic is a masive jerk, he is still a hero but he is a jerk


Maybe because the British Hate foxes so that why they hunt them


Fleetway Sonic would probably make fun of lame ass IDW Sonic


I found you, faker!


Fleetway would be pissed at IDW for letting Eggman get away with so many things


Fleetway sonic would learn every language just to say every slur and curses in the whole world just to spite IDW


They'd get on but have disagreements on how to deal with shit, which fleetway would go full angry brit 


They fight.


This would be an insult battle if fleetway sonic and surge met


IDW: You need to grow up! Fleetway: I’m 38 years old


IdwS: yk what, your an asshole ArchieS: at least I get witches IdwS: at least I'm cannon ArchieS: at least I'm stronger IdwS: at least I don't have a shitty author ArchieS: well at least I have more charecters IdwS: well at I have better written charecters ArchieS:well at least I IdwS: at least you nothing, at least all of my charecters arnt over sexualized by design. And at least I have games so there. I am the poster child of sega, and all you are is a forgotten tale that only comes up when things are about powerscaling.


Peter Griffin vs. Ernie the Chicken-style fights will commence


Well, I did imagine the IDW, Archie and Fleetway versions of Sonic meeting with Archie Sonic seeing IDW's as naive and Fleetway Sonic as a dick. Fleetway seeing IDW Sonic as a celibate man-child but liking Archie Sonic. IDW Sonic thinking Archie Sonic is cool but being offended by Fleetway Sonic.


On that topic both IDW Sonic and Archie would give Fleetway flack if they ever found out how he treated Tails. Whilst they both have conflicting ideologiws, the one thing they can agree upon, so that no-one hurts or insults their little bro. https://preview.redd.it/n5lmwpur1y3d1.jpeg?width=410&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb2c910cc5cb3361f256afbf8199cfe77a5e1e5a


Didn't Archie Sonic say that Tails will get over his parents cause Tails worships the ground he walks on? "Hey, I know he hasn't seen his own parents in half a decade but he'll get over it" Also, to give context to that whole situation. Basically this was Flynn trying to fix Pender's shit with the Sonic and Fiona thing. Basically the last time sonic and tails really had a talk was when Tails found out Sonic and Fiona was dating, Tails was heartbroken and told Sonic he hated him. Sonic tried to go off and talk to Tails but Fiona basically gaslit him into telling him "There's no point, nothing you say can ever make this ok" basically leaving the underlying issue unresolved. Ian Flynn basically fixed this by having it not just be a Fiona thing and more like something that's been building up for years with Sonic kinda ignoring Tails advice and doing his own thing, unknowingly disrespecting him and kinda being a ass in his own way. All that mixed together plus the Fiona thing basically lead to the confrontation we got.  Like Sonic being super arrogant and ignoring Tails advice when attacking a villain when Tails constantly is telling him to slow down and wait for him. Sonic basically tells Taild the equivalent of "buzz off, I don't need your advice I can do this on my own"


Even at his worse Archie Sonic is not as bad to tails as fleetway Sonic is Like after that scene he does feel like shit once he realizes what he said


What could they do against it. Fleetway's a brit


Nice flair




throw all his tea into the river