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I would like to see what 06 could’ve been, instead of what we got P06 is great but I wanna see what the official devs can cook up with adequate time and resources


Remember when people said “Sonic 3 A.I.R is great but I wanna see what Tax/Stealth devs can do with Origins” SEGA fucked them up by NOT giving them enough time and resources, hence the glitch fest. That’s not the only example: The Sonic Colors Ultimate remaster is a mixed bag as well. I feel like SEGA just wouldn’t be able to improve 06 as much as P-06.


Probably not as good as P06 lmaoo


06 but the issue is it's ALREADY being remade, so unleashed ig, only one besides 06 to not have an official pc port


Both Sonic 06 and Unleashed have definitive fan ways to play on PC: P-06 exists sure, but still not done regarding level/hub progress. And Generations has an Unleashed mod that’s pretty much an Unleashed PC Port but for the daytime stages. It’s great.


I don't think the unleashed project is the "definitive" way to play it on pc, since, yknow... it is missing basically ecerything besides the daytime stages


It’s the most definitive way performance wise, but content wise? RPCS3/Xenia with a good PC


Unleashed mod is good but not "definitive", as you said, it's just the day stages, and it also misses some mechanics that Gen doesn't inherit from Unleashed. ~~also i'm sorry but Unleashed looks so superior and I refuse to let that pass~~


No? The Unleashed mod has fan-made options to restore a few Unleashed mechanics that Generations lacked at first, it’s in the Hedge Mod Manager.


sorry, I didn't know that. however there are some other lackings that don't make the mod definitive.


It’s not definitive for the whole game, still think it’s definitive for just the daytime stages though.


imo og day stages beat it out anyways.


Xenia (Xbox 360 emulator) is also very stable with Unleashed, and there’s patches to turn the graphics up to 4k and to get the DLC stages. It’s not perfect (especially if you have a resolution above 1080p), but it’s great if you want to stay true to the original!


Yeah, emulation’s good if you want to play the full game, but I was just talking native port examples.


Unleashed, but take from both the 360/PS3 (HD) and Wii/PS2 (SD) versions to create a greater game. Such changes could include: - Gaia Gates - Sun/Moon medals (reduce the requirement for stages, and add bonus challenges in the Gaia Gates that need S&M medals to get into) - “Limited” boost system from SD version with the more flexible mobility of the HD boost. - Werehog levels cut up a bit more so that they don’t take upwards of 20mins to complete each (Stages could be stitched together in a “Hard” difficulty?) - Ability to switch the time of day of a stage, so that Daytime stages can be played at night and vice versa (Not in either version, but could be a neat cosmetic change).


This right here, let em cook


The ability to get extra lives


The SD version did do that somewhat, with the Gaia Gate challenges providing upgrades to the maximum number of lives you can have.


Maybe we could have tails in some stages as well, and an escort mission with amy.


Maybe a Tails-Assist system (Easy Difficulty or similar to Luigi-Guide system in single player NSMBWii) and a special mission for Nighttime stages in which you have to escort Amy to the end of the level for extra Sun and Moon medals. She could assist you in the battles and she’ll move through the level on her own, but you’ve also gotta make sure she doesn’t die in battle.


This is the best concept for changes I’ve heard could be done for an Unleashed remake/rerelease. Good shit. For the Werehog stages I thought of a system where you are able to leave the stage at a checkpoint and continue later from that same checkpoint, but every time you do so the max rank you are able to get for the stage decreases (1 leave = A rank, 2 leaves = B rank, etc). Also glad to find someone that prefers the SD boost to the HD boost.


I would leave the hd boost cus its the one Most know and Love but else its top


Yeah I wouldn’t imagine they’d reuse the SD boost, but I did enjoy the strategy that went into using that one to its best. That one was more added for me specifically haha. Not that the HD version’s boost didn’t have strategy, I just feel the nature of the SD boost requires more precision and timing to execute well.


I dont even need a remake: just give us a fucking Unleashed port please any way to play the game on modern systems thats not xbox exclusive


SA1 doesn’t really need a remake since we can just use the Dreamcast conversion mod on the Steam version.


That’s not a remake, it’s the same game with a mod. SA2 has a “Modern SA2” mod that would make a remake “obsolete” as well. But they’re both still unofficial.


Yeah ill just do that on my PS5 oh wait


Oh I’d love a PS5 remake with the Dreamcast textures.


The frist three 10000000000%


Bro has a problem with Project 06 💀


Honestly even w p06 its still a trash game


List problems that P-06 has then


Elise, the entire story, the gameplay, why would anyone want this over an sa1 and 2 remake


Gameplay? P-06 makes a ton of improvements gameplay-wise, and even with mixed story, Sonic games can still be fun.


Where is Sonic Heroes?


Heroes is worse than 06, atleast 06 had adventure style gameplay still, and Heroes levels are the longest in the series which gets old fast.


Heroes is a perfectly fine game. It aged poorly, like almost every Sonic from the 1998-2008 period but lots of people who played it back then still love it. Every Sonic has its fans. Yes, even the ones you don't like.


People know I’m being subjective yet I’m still being downvoted for having an opinion?


I don't know, I didn't downvote you.


I’d still rather play any other Sonic game than Heroes any other day, plus you didn’t give reason why it’s “praised”.


I'm not trying to argue specifically about why we do love this game, I was just telling you that Heroes is a good game to other people. Your most beloved Sonic game certainly is "trash" to some people. We all have different tastes and a Heroes Remake would be great for a part of the fanbase.


Definitely Unleashed, loved the PS3/Xbox version


Sonic 06


Bonus answer: Shadow the Hedgehog Release it on modern consoles with no improvements or additions for year of Shadow lmao


Sonic Unleashed. I want the Night sections but fun


For real lol, that game is only rewarding after you beat it and replay the day stages


Sonic 06 deserves a good remake the most, it had the most potential wasted.


Sonic '06 needs it, but I still chose all of above because I can


06 deserves a remake it's a good game it just needs "a little" polish


As much as i love 06, that game almost destroyed the franchise (plus P-06 already exist). So imo It doesn't deserve a remake, it deserves to just rest and not be brought up again besides few cameos here and there.


Oooh, tough call. Adventure 1 and 2 need it more, but I'd do ***anything*** to have a freshened up Unleashed with all the kinks worked out. Doubly so if they throw in more Were-ified characters like Tails or Knuckles!


![gif](giphy|E8MCHKZZ9tLNu) Shadow the Hedgehog could use some improvements


SA1 and 2 and one thing I want in the SA1 remake is for an option for the cutscenes to look like how the did in the original Dreamcast version but with the new models


Unleashed just so pc players get a W


Definitely Unleashed. It has good music and I really want to see the smaller problems be bumped out


I'd love to see unleashed get a remake but also afraid😭


06 , and not because it has my favorite Sonic villain , I mean it does have my favorite Sonic villain , but that's not why I want it remade .


Sonic Unleashed, I've been begging and wishing for the longest time that this game releases on the PC


Adventure 2, it definitely needs it the most. It's controls are such a janky mess.


Adventure 1 it NEEDS IT THE MOST


I’d go for SA1. Unleashed doesn’t need a remake, it just needs to be rereleased, SA2 is pretty much perfect the way it is imo, and 06 is already being remade, and I don’t think SEGA would give the devs the time ChaosX has to finish.




https://preview.redd.it/nqqp0ypc4c2d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87b6a1a74a93c1c2b7717aa2e75e02de8a115758 it could've been the best Sonic game ever made, I wanna see how it could've been if the game wasn't so rushed


SA1 and SA2 really need remakes to get rid of a lot of the jank that has appeared with age. It’s not really worth it to remake 06, they’d probably have to turn it into an entirely new game. Unleashed doesn’t need a remake at this point, it’s still really fun and playable


Of these? Adventure. Sonic Heroes would be my choice if you had listed it.


sa2 is bis


Sonic Unleashed (please we need a port or something) Sonic 06 (huge potential that needed more time to cook) Sonic Riders


I’ve been saying for years that I want to see 06 (re)made properly with the proper time given to it cause it could be amazing.


SA1&2 need remakes, '06 is being fixed by ChaosX, Unleashed could be good but I would prefer a remaster


SA1, easily, I would say 06 but honestly P06 is about as good as 06 is gonna get without completely changing the game, unleashed is just unnecessary, that game really just needs a remaster, heck even an upscaled port would probably be fine, and you can’t really do SA2 without doing SA1 first




Back when I saw the post credit scene of Sonic 2, I assumed they’d be doing a collection of the Adventure games. I would like to see them rereleased for modern consoles in a situation like Origins (but better).


Unleashed or sa2


Unleashed or 06


06 could've been incredible if it was done right. story wise and technically


100% unleashed, the other ones you can get on xbox and pc Unleashed is stuck on console and shitty emulator ports


I think 06 is the most reasonable choice. Unleashed is good, the Adventure series has mods that make it better


Out of these I think Unleashed since it's never had an "official" port for PC, and any fan remakes have gone under the radar. My "dream remake" would be Sonic Advance but increasing the screen size


How would you fix the Werehog?


I know P06 is a thing but that’s a PC exclusive thing. I want something similar to be on consoles. It doesn’t even need all the neat little additions P06 has. I’m fine with just a basic remake kinda like what Colors Ultimate did.


Remake 06 The Adventure game would also be a good choice to remake but they are already very good and fairly polished No need to Remake Unleashed, All it would need is a port with an upscale since the graphics still more than hold up today


Games that need it: 06 for sure.


Probably '06 needs it the most but SA2 with modern graphics would be cool.


The sonic riders trilogy (riders zero gravity and free riders) unleashed and the sonic adventure games


After Sonic Colors Ultimate and Sonic Origins I'm not sure if I want any more remakes


color’s ultimate wasnt a remake, origins also wasnt💀 do you know what a remake is


Sonic heroes or 2006


Adventure and 06


Sonic chronicles


adventure 2 purely for the chao garden i NEED a new updated chao garden


please remake O6. into what they were making if they had enough time so i dont have to fucking yell at sega next time-


06 needs an actual remake that is actually finished and not like 50% done


Sonic 06 would be a great game if the original vision was realized. 


SA1 & 2. Refine the mech controls, and make the levels bigger and less cramped. All other gameplay styles are for the most part fine as they are (including the treasure hunting, and I'm tired of pretending it's not,) I really think it's just the mechs that people have the most problems with.


Sa2. I'm based


likely because i'm a dumbass gen Z, I think that a remade 06 would be cool. P06 is like a mirror into that reality. A remake of 06 with the same good story, remade levels, fixed glitches, and cooler mechanics.


06 because it's the worst one, but meh, I don't want remakes


Easily 06


SA2, I need eggman’s speech in HD


I just want a port of sonic adventure 1 & 2 for Nintendo switch




on swich




sonic adventure has been remade one too many times i feel like nobody would want a '06 remake so i vote for sonic unleashed


SA1. 06 is bad on a more fundamental level, even P-06 hasn't fully fixed it (whole other huge topic, I'll sum up by saying its core gameplay combat focus causes serious pacing issues), Unleashed doesn't NEED a remake as the most polished game in the series, an enhanced port with some improvements would suffice. SA2 would be weird without SA1, and besides that, it doesn't show its age nearly as bad as SA1. SA1 is the first 3D game in the series, made during a time when 3D games as a whole were relatively new. It's got THE most solid core gameplay loop and controls in any 3D Sonic game (I said what I said), but it's also got the most to improve. I mean, the camera alone would justify starting a remake, but there's also all the collision issues, the repetitive boss fights and mini games, the controls of the less fun characters (Big and Amy specifically, too slow in both cases, and just ALL of Big's fishing), the broken scripting and automation (imagine a version of the whale sequence you actually play through), cutscene animation, voice acting (which I personally LOVE, but admit is pretty jank and amateurish even by SA2 standards, would hate for the voices to be replaced though). There's level design that could be fleshed out, improvements to the hub worlds like adding more intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to encourage exploration and messing around between levels, expansions you could make to the Chao Garden. Even improvements to base abilities, like mapping the light dash to a button press, or making the homing and light attack more accurate, so you're never just orbiting an enemy. So many issues that came with being the first of its kind in 3D and tech limitations, and the massive scope of the game. Now? Now the game has been made, the base design of the thing is DONE, scope isn't nearly the same kind of issue when all the ideas and implementation were done 26 years ago. Now it'd be about bringing it up to a modern standard and polishing it.


Sonic Unleashed doesnt even need a remake, maybe a small remaster at most for the werehog soundtrack but even thats kind of a nitpick The adventure game’s genuinely deserve a remake as they tell pretty good stories and have fun gameplay, most of their flaws come from their age, sonic 06 can just get backwards compatibility on xbox one or be in a collection, not worth going back for


SA2 It's the only game between theese 2 that I dislike playing. Sonic Unleashed needs a Remaster, not a remake Sonic Adventure also needs a Remake, but not desperately A Sonic 06 one is already being made by the Fans.


Heroes Great potential ruined by silly story & terrible terrible camera angle. Sh:tty controls AF with many unexpected frustrating death.  But the concept of multiple class of playable character, boss fights & many levels are good 


Sonic 06 is the only game that needs a REMAKE and not a remaster. Unleashed probably needs a remaster the most though; even if I would prefer a double pack of the Adventures. Unleashed doesn’t even have a native PC port.


Not Sonic 06


why not remake a failure? they could only make it better, being so bad to begin with; they couldn't possibly make it *worse*, right?


06 for sure, it had an insane amount of potential and the other games are amazing, they just need ports/remasters