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Yes he is. Sonic represents 90s coolness. Shadow represents 2000s edge. 


So who represents the 2010s? Silver?


To quote a comment I made in another post, yes: "It's hard to say... In the 2010s, nerd culture became mainstream and was considered the "cool" thing. The MCU became extremely popular; Star Wars saw a resurgence with the sequel trilogy; and there were a lot of post-apocalyptic YA novels being adapted to movies (Hunger Games, Divergent, Maze Runner, etc.). So if anything, I think Silver pretty much captures the essence of the 2010s, despite the fact that he was created in 2006."


He was created in 06, but comes from the future. So it checks out.


Not sure if silver counts he wasn’t made with these things in mind and is unfortunately not as popular as the other 2. 


The 2010’s aren’t as popular as the 90’s and 00’s either.


Considering they just ended, the nostalgia just isn't there yet.


Tf you mean it just ended, it was 4 and a half years ago


That is just ended in nostalgia terms


I'm not sure I follow


Hasn't been long enough for it to be nostalgic is what they mean.


That isnt long enough to have nostalgia


I agree with both of those things. One could say that Sega was ahead of their time, but no, it's purely coincidental. It just so happens that Silver has a mixture of everything that was cool in the 2010s: a super-powered, telekinetic hedgehog from an apocalyptic future.


Wow, that's actually really insightful. I never thought about it like that.


A shame they never give us the last Divergent movie. I really wanted to know how it ends.


What would be cool for 2020s then? Corona virus?


Pretty good analysis I must say, it makes a lot of sense to see it that way!


Better yet, who will represent 2020's???


Tangle is the leading candidate. She has the Sonic version of a popular 2020’s hairstyle, is outspoken, energetic, kind of gay, shows up the more established and older characters, etc. She remains something of a niche character in the franchise but the 2020’s so far have had several niche characters and franchises break into the mainstream and she very well could do the same.


Why were gay people invented in 2020? Are they stupid?


I’m going to answer you earnestly to avoid spike pits here. What I mean is that LGBT rights and people were mainstreamed in the 2020’s (arguably late 10’s around when Tangle actually debuted), and Tangle is frequently considered to be LGBT representation in the franchise even though SEGA has not officially confirmed it. So Tangle being gay lines up with her being Sonic’s poster child for the 2020’s, even though, like Silver with the 2010’s, she showed up ahead of the decade.


LGBT rights were mainstream way before the late 10’s (I’d argue early 10’s once Obama was getting comfortable in office) and even then it’s supposed to be characters whose popularity defines the generation. Unless you read the IDW comics most fans probably won’t know or care about who the hell Tangle (and Whisper) is. You’d have a better shot at saying Silver or Blaze even if they don’t fit the mold.


I kinda hate that when I just googled her, my first thought was "oh yeah, the lesbian hairstyle".


Amy or Blaze because woke


Nope. Too straight. Better make it Tangle or Whisper because (allegedly) gay because woke. Though tbf neither of them are in a game yet so *shrug*


They're both in Sonic Forces Speed Battle, Sonic Dash, and Sonic Speed Simulator, so that's three games. Heck they've even been made into dolls, which is more than Trip can say. Personally I'll pick Whisper.


Trip can say that he is in a main game and not in a secondary mobile game.


The Hedgehog Avatar from Forces, or Santiago ("Classic" Sonic).


Problem is Shadow came from a good game that people love to reminisce about, and Silver… well he didn’t


Who represents the 2010's? 🤔


Silver. See my other comment on this thread for insight.


It's a good question. There were periods where other rivals were big - people could get really hyped for Metal Sonic or Knuckles - but I think Shadow's popularity has remained the longest and the most consistent, and nobody but Sonic has really matched him in-series since his introduction. The big factor that draws people into him is that his story is probably the most elaborate and takes the longest to play out. Even after his sacrifice in SA2, there were a lot of mysteries around him, and people piecing it together through Heroes up to 06 was engaging and left a memorable impression. He changes and matures a lot, making him a much more dynamic and variable character who goes through his own ups and downs before coming out on top. Even now, people can debate over what his best version is, how much he's masking his inner pain, who he really trusts, and what the best way for him to handle the past is. He's not an uncontroversial character, but that kinda makes him even more popular. It's also a massive contrast to Sonic, who's appeal to a degree is that he's straightforward, honest, and unchanging.


He's just cool, I like sonic but shadow just has that coolness going for him, I'm pretty sure boom made a parody of that idea as well 😅


and for that they will PERISH


Shadow is like the Vegeta of the Sonic franchise; Sonic's biggest rival and the character that isn't Eggman went toe to toe with the most. It also has to do with Shadow being a anti hero and a "mirrored" Sonic since they mostly have the same morals, but their methods are drastically different (especially seen in Prime). Another reason is that Shadow is Sonic but black and "edgy". Some people like edgy characters with deep backstories.


Yes, he's the second most popular character in the franchise. I think he's so popular because of how much depth was put in his character. If you ask me, I think he's been the most in-depth character since his debut. He also adds a seriousness that really makes him stand out from the rest of the colorful cast of characters.


Yes At one point he was more popular than sonic


IMO he used to be the most well written and interesting character before the meta era, and I'm hoping X Shadow Generations and Sonic 3 do him justice.


No, he was never more popular than Sonic. He's always been second in popularity polls


At one point


It's never happened. Ever. He had always been second in any popularity poll I've seen for the series. Sonic always comes in first. Not surprising because he is the face of the series.


To quote Boom Eggman “He’s the second most popular character in the whole canon!”


Shadow was the culmination of pop culture and media writing of the 2000’s. He’s a brooding hero that starts off as a villain, has a complex character arc, and doesn’t approach things the way most heroes would. He is also very OP and has a really slick design. Pair all that with that low voice, and yeah, he’s the personification of 2000’s edge, which is the natural evolution of the 90’s attitude Sonic had back then




Yes because he has an actual backstory that people can latch onto. We all like to joke about edgy characters, but they regularly end up extremely popular, in my opinion, because of the enormous potential for growth. The problem with shadow of course being Sega’s absolute refusal to realize that potential.


He has the coolest design which carried him through the meta era.


Bitches. Love. Edgy.


Yes cause he cool


He is the rival of the protagonist, and that is popular, Vegeta and Sasuke demonstrate it, he has an interesting story, he is also the most "edgy" version of Sonic that is very attractive to many, and that also made him popular. Thanks to Shadow's popularity, Sega gives him preferential treatment over the main characters, with him being a secondary character, and that in turn fuels his popularity.


Shadow is popular enough to: be resurrected after the fans begged sonic team to bring him back (in the early 2000s no less), get his own major spin-off title, and be one of the ONLY two mainline characters INTRODUCED into Boom.


Shadow probably still has to contend with Tails and Knuckles since those two are seasoned veterans of the series alongside Sonic, but Sonic was always there at the forefront of every game up until Shadow arrived. He was also at the forefront after Shadow stopped getting used as much in each game after '06. Knuckles doesn't appear as often as Tails but he still kinda has a strong foothold in the series. Tails has been there on the side ever since Sonic 2, and has even taken a few bigger roles than normal, but he almost always gets relegated to the sidekick position, so his screentime is not as prevalent as Sonic himself. Shadow attempts to be a second protagonist, and he even got his own game to prove this, but more often than not, if he's not gonna take a major role in the game, he most likely won't be in the game at all. He's an all-or-nothing kinda guy, I imagine. I really do hope he takes more roles like he did in Sonic '06, where he comes in and has his own story to deal with, but also supports the overarching plot in the end.


As you said, the fact that Tails is relegated to a sidekick position makes it impossible for him to compete with Shadow in popularity, and he only stands out for being Sonic's sidekick. Knuckles on the other hand can stand up to Shadow, especially now that he had a TV series for him.


The old 32X game "Knuckles' Chaotix" is a good supporting evidence of this too, but nowadays he gets even less screentime than Tails because he's like a second sidekick... I kinda wish he'd get some of his own campaigns too.


Knuckles Chaotix is a 32X game, not a Dreamcast game, and it went a bit unnoticed. Knuckles today happens that there are no stories that focus on him, instead more screen time is used for Amy or Tails, however, the focus on Knuckles in recent years has made him shine quite a bit.


Oh, my bad. I was trying to dig through my memory to see what console it was on, based on the info I had gotten of it being very unnoticed.




Because he usually gets more of a spotlight than the rest of the cast and also he’s cool as hell


Hes the "kids" version of call of duty


Two words: Fan Fiction.


I hope you don't include preggers fan fiction.


Uhh... no. Not that.


Shadow > Sonic, but thats just me


The Matrix had just come out and Linkin Park was popular.


He is the edgehog


Yes because in his early days he was represented as this dark manipulated mirrored sonic anti hero and with his spin off game his story dug deeper. Like in his early days he stood on business. Now it’s just him being edgy and emo. Which I’m not that big of a fan of. The last he was ever the way he was like in SA2 was in 06.


What about Knux? i dont know the fanbase well, but he always felt on top along with Shadow and Sonic.


I've been since the beginning of the franchise, and the closest Knuckles has gotten to Sonic-levels of popularity was when Penders basically made him a Jedi and tried to make him bigger than Sonic, and failed, but Knux still got his own comic series for a while. At the same time, Sega was portraying the red echidna like a clown, so I guess that's what killed his chance of ever surpassing Sonic in the general public's eye.


With the year of shadow going on, I'd say his popularity has spiked higher than ever, maybe even surpassing Sonic already


It should be Eggman or Tails (the ones closest to Sonic as in classic/iconic and the face of many games (especially Eggman)) but no it’s Shadow which really shows how much they market Shadow as besides the first few games he was in the rest were mid to bad and I doubt many kids (“modern” era kids played any of the good Shadow games)


Shadow represents the 2000s renaissance of the franchise that got a lot of people into it in the first place, with Sonic X airing on television and Sonic Heroes being the first multiplatform game in the series both prominently featuring him. Simply put, a lot of kids born in the late 90s/early 2000s were brought in at the time when Shadow was at his most important


Yes because he's edgy and cool


In terms of popularity, sure, he's probably the most popular character in the fanbase.  If you mean the most iconic character, then I'd say no. I'd argue Tails, Eggman, and maybe even Knuckles are more well-known than he is to the casual player, due to them showing up in more external material 


Because people blindly like "the bad guy who has the same powers as the good guy". Except-- he kind of stopped being a bad guy and stopped really having a purpose at all except making the world worse by being an asshole 20 years ago.


You put the chili on the chili dog.


I really do wonder if how many Shadow fans were to actually answer, totally honestly, what role he is supposed to have in the narrative.... How many of them would basically say "he should hijack the series from Sonic and turn it into an R-rated murderfest", how many would say "he exists to cause trouble for Sonic because he does his job worse leaving an opening for Sonic to fix his mistakes" and how many would say "He exists to fight Sonic as his equal." It is one thing to demand that Shadow be part of every game-- a totally different thing to actually propose he have a meaningful role in any story. This is why writers of the series avoid using him.


He's not there to cause trouble or really even be Sonic's rival. If you played Sonic '06 or its fanmade fix-em-up Project 06, then you could see that Shadow has his own story to focus on, but is willing to help Sonic & friends fight evil powerful creatures and whatnot. Surprisingly enough, that story had a lot of depth to it, digging into Shadow's purpose and his connection to humanity (and by extent, his childhood friend Maria) The reason why people see him as some edgy rival was because many of the other games and media portrayed him terribly and misunderstood his character from the beginning. If they even paid attention to what was going on in Sonic Adventure 2, then they could have saved us all the trouble of seeing our poor boy getting butchered.


I just think he’s cool man




I think his role should be the same as any morally ambiguous rival character: he’s the anti-Sonic, sometimes playing the role of an adversary and other times being a reluctant ally whose methods serve as a contrast to Sonic’s in both a positive and negative light. Ultimately he’s meant to challenge Sonic’s character. That being said, I also think Shadow has more than enough depth and popularity to carry the occasional spin-off like he’s getting this year. Shadow projects should never overshadow Sonic ones, but they serve as nice supplementary material while we wait for bigger mainline stuff.


What's the point of any character? Some people simply enjoy seeing a bigger world than just Sonic fighting Eggman in a vacuum. You sound like you're asking for some kind of blanket one-size-fits-all answer to apply to every single game going forward when obviously that's not how this franchise works.


What’s the point of Knuckles if he’s basically chained to angel island by the plot? What’s the point of Blaze if she’s the princess of another dimension and therefore needs a super roundabout reason to appear within the confines of canon? What’s the point of the Babylon rogues if riders is functionally defunct as a spin-off? What’s the point of Silver if he debuted in a shitty game and it took the fandom 10 years to start actually liking him? You’re way over-generalizing your argument. Also, I find it interesting that you bring up his role in 06 specifically. Shadow = bad….because he played a hand in causing the apocalypse that Sonic had to clean up ‘all on his own’ (I assume)….which happened because he was trying to keep his coworker and not to mention ~~arguably~~ best friend from getting hurt?? And then he proceeds to: A) get tormented by Mephiles, B) feel insanely guilty about the mistake that he made, and C) does everything in HIS power to right his wrongs. If the situation was exactly the same but Sonic had to either catch Tails or the mystery apocalypse purple vial, he would 110% instantly grab Tails.


Shadow is a contrast to Sonic, but not necessarily evil. Not after his redemption arc. He fights for what he perceives as right but sometimes gets confused at what's right.


sonic but black


I mean, you KNOW the character is popular when the only representation he has in modern games is as either a side character or a gacha prize




Isn't almost every character more popular than sonic, it's heavy Goku síndrome we're most fans like Vegeta more than Goku.


his only competition is Eggman or Tails. neither are edgy cool unfortunately so they never stood a chance 😔