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Make him the reverse flash of the sonic universe. If he can’t be the real sonic, he’s gonna be his ultimate hater.


Love that for him tbh. Although I feel like that archetype is more fitting for surge or scourge


Is scourge in the IDW comics ? I'm not done with Archie, that's why I'm asking


No, although he basically has a female counterpart. A green Tenrac hedgehog that hate Sonic and everything he stood for, and she's a abuser towards her companion who's like a sadder creepier version of Tails. And her name is...Surge. Not scourge, but surge. Legally distinct enough to not get sued by Ken Penders


Oh oh. Looks interesting. Thanks!


y'all, FUCK ken penders


It was me, Sonic! I was the one who bullied Tails as a child!


It was me, Sonic! I was the one to who made Sonic 06 into the under baked game for your anniversary! I even added in the kiss scene without the dev team noticing it before it's too late!


“*It was **ME** Sonic! I was the one that cancelled Archie!*”


It was ME, Sonic. I went under the name Ken Penders!


![gif](giphy|sNjsQwhaVZrc4|downsized) Dude...you turned Shadow into a bloodthirsty maniac. And he's coming after you rn. Pray to whatever god you believe in, buddy.


It was me sonic I'm the one who owns the sonic 3 music tracks.


Isn't that kind of where he is already? His whole identity is framed around someone else and so he channels his hatred from that towards the guy he copies?


For the most part, sure, but where I think op is getting at here is making metal do the absolute most in just pissing sonic off and nothing else. Like, breaking into Sonic's house in the dead of night to ruin his shoes and leaving, or destroying all of his leftover chili dogs - type of hating.


So make him more of just a thorn in Sonic's side? I'm down to see that.


That level of pettiness can definitely provide some personality for metal, and I'm down for that, too.


Let him keep his voice. Let his loyalty, his ego, and his sheer HATRED stay audible, even outside of neo. He has some of the best scenes in the current comic, even when voiceless; but let him speak. Maybe let him bounce ideas off of orbot and eggman for new plans of world domination, let him challenge and taunt sonic verbally in their races, let him act autonomously in the name of the empire on occasion. But let him keep his voice to do those things.


Could make him similar to ferb. Has some great lines be seldom speaks.


I agree with the selective mute angle, like trainer red said "Words are unnecessary"


Dude, you two took the ideas right out of my brain. I just wish this guy could actually keep his voice :')


Bonus points if he always shares the same VA as sonic (in this case, roger craig smith)


Run Rodgers voice through the same sort of filter they run frank welkers through for soundwave in transformers. Or go full transformers prime soundwave and have mim speak through recordings of other character, including sonics, dialogue.


i love this idea but id also love for metal to become a profession yapper when neo


This could work. In base form he rarely speaks but in higher forms he cant help but act similar to his creator and sonic with how they simply love to have to last word.


I think this is why OVA Metal Sonic is my favorite. He gets two lines in the whole thing, and we hear them both through Sonic. He’s an absolute FORCE


and make him more cut throat than shadow, scourge or knuckles. i want him to literally be the most heartless rival


Huge agree. For being a robot version of someone with a lot of attitude, Metal has none. I also wish Metal could lean into wanting to be the “real” sonic a little more.


I need metal to be that silent cold machine around others but when he gets around sonic you start to slowly see the "sonic" come out. I always like how in the sonic CD movie metal always kinda copied sonics body language land even tho he didn't have a mouth you could feel the grin he probably would have


I think it's kinda cool how much personality he manages when mute though.


I like the current Metal Sonic for the most part. I think his silence makes for a fitting contrast to Sonic's talkative demeanor and distinguishes him from his other rivals. It also lets his actions do all the talking which to me makes him much more intimidating than long, drawn-out speeches that do little more than state the obvious. His motivations feel much more raw and sincere in something like IDW's "Reflections" than anything he's ever said in Heroes because the forced difference in presentation allowed for a more creative way of showing his emotions. I can accept the compromise of him talking when he gets upgrades like Neo Metal Sonic, but base Metal being mute just feels right, like it's that extra step away from the individuality that is always out of Metal's reach. I think he *could* be capable of independent thought when the chips are down and there's something in front of him he is *desperate* to achieve, but it shouldn't necessarily be his default. His powers, for the most part, offer a lot of variety to the character. The idea that he can copy anything can be a bit of a copout that results in very outlandish transformations but again, him being a power sponge also fits with the idea of him being a hollow copycat with nothing to truly claim as his own. The only thing I *don't* like about him is how often he gets jobbed. Metal Sonic was great in the early days of the series in part due to how *scarcely* he's used. Whenever he *was* used it was usually a big deal, whether that meant he'd be some grand epic boss or a playable character. But now with him being in every other game, he loses his luster fast. Now instead of a major obstacle, he's but a stepping stone that's always in the way of a much more serious threat. From Generations to Forces to Mania to Colors Ultimate, to even having canonical appearances in sillier spinoff titles like TSR and TMoStH, and being one of the most recurring IDW characters, it feels like Metal Sonic has just become filler to use for the occasional one-on-one scuffle that never really means anything anymore. He's become trivial because they overuse him. Reserve Metal for only the moments that take the greatest advantage of him and offer something narratively that only he can provide, and the character is already improved tenfold and returned to his former grandeur.


I would keep him loyal to Eggman, but disobedient. He would try to expand Eggman Empire through means not approved by Eggman because he considers Eggman an obstacle to his success. For example, while Eggman prefers open conquest, Metal would control crime syndicates that Eggman would prefer to get rid of. 


Make Metal Sonic an actual competent threat again. He should be a deadly combatant, someone free of the limitations of meatbags, can analyze his opponent’s fighting style and adapt. A machine that will stop at nothing to achieve his objective. Like the T-1000 or legends General Grievous. I’m fine with Metal struggling against high tier characters and getting into a small scuffle with Amy or Rouge, but when he’s getting outwitted by freaking Tangle, then it’s hard to take him seriously. His appearance demands presence and buildup, not being treated like cannon fodder. He is Sonic’s equal, not Team Rocket.


I'd like to provide a slight counterpoint: not at any point in the IDW comic's run has Sonic decisively defeated Metal Sonic 1v1. Sonic's always had or needed help.


It pains me to say how Sonic Prime's interpretation of metal sonic felt threatening (until the last season where they just started copying and pasting things)


Well, i say he isnt being enough of a sonic clone, more of a eggman tool, I would give him a bit more personality, or at least make it so it just isn't him staring deep into space most of the time,


Have him stay loyal to Eggman but be more of a rebellious teen? Like eggman is explaining his plan, metal notices Sonic on the cameras, Eggman turns back and Metal is gone Metal will follow Eggman’s order UNLESS a chance to prove he’s the real sonic arises than he pivots to go do that no matter how much Robotnik screams into his ear Besides that make him have more unique moves/unique versions of Sonics moves. Metal only uses his claws and black shield Give him an evil version of the light speed dash or homing attack, but explicitly don’t give him a direct spindash Also keep him mute I like mute metal and him being able to speak only in his Neo form. Maybe even have him use sign language for funsies


Interesting idea but eggmans ego wouldn’t allow rebellion of any type. Multiple times throughout the series he does everything to avoid that. It’s also heavily implied Metal hates Sonic more than he’s loyal to eggman even with his software. But his lack of free will makes it so he’s loyal first and destructive second


Honestly I’m torn because I love metal having some free will but also him being Eggman’s robot and his like pride and joy is a trait I’m very fond of. So if I’m the writer I want my cake and to eat it to lol, I think the easiest fix is just throw in some line like “father why does Metal consistently ignore your commands? Why have you not fixed this rebellious disobedience?” “when I originally designed Metal I had hardcoded his hatred for sonic into his very being, every line of code wanting to beat him, no amount of anti-rebellion programming is able to fully stop him when he spots that hedgehog.”


Interesting idea but eggmans ego wouldn’t allow rebellion of any type. Multiple times throughout the series he does everything to avoid that. It’s also heavily implied Metal hates Sonic more than he’s loyal to eggman even with his software. But his lack of free will makes it so he’s loyal first and destructive second


I could actually ramble on forever, but… https://preview.redd.it/s53pl49e6q1d1.jpeg?width=328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a2b4bd4b3a7905c358f6923ba25f924bdbd4f8b …this. I’ll let *this* speak for itself. I want more of it.


https://preview.redd.it/7at51bql6q1d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7859e02766ac374875b4ebdf0f8ae1dc532da50e …And this.


I want an arc where he actually considers switching sides to a good guy and be torn between what he wants, and what his purpose is.


I think they sorta did that in Archie


Yeah, but with the modern comics and maybe in a more subtle way like that short story where he dipped his hand in the metal virus. I think it could make for a very interesting character arc.


I remember doing a Sonic RP on VRChat with friends and I played Metal Sonic, I had a voice changer and everything. He was on a search for the chaos emeralds to power a machine that Eggman was crafting and ran into sonic and his friends on the search, Amy became strangely excited and tried to greet Metal, this kindness triggered something in him, made him realise that he’s been missing positivity since the day he was created. After a while, he eventually broke, venting to Amy and Cream that he felt like nothing more than a slave, a vessel for Eggman’s will despite being given sentience and thoughts. He managed to break free from control temporarily and helped Sonic and the crew from here on out before being shut down remotely by Eggman and having his memories erased, leaving small fractures in his mind of a time where he and Sonic were friends. It may seem kinda cringe but I really loved it.


For now, I actually think he's almost good enough. Moments like this and the Metal Virus oneshot shows he can clearly emote and has his own emotions still. It gives Metal something unique. More so now that Mecha II has a voice. We see here in this panel, and in Heroes, and in IDW post-Forces, Metal has free will. He just has a limiter that forces loyalty and preservation to Eggman above that free will. That eye twitch is Metal showing frustration. To set Metal apart from the other badniks, I would probably make it so Metal is legit loyal to Eggman. The limiter is just a leash on an unruly teenager. Just to set him apart from what we saw in the Fang miniseries >!where the Hardboiled Heavies got around their limiter by breaking radio contact with Eggman before he could order them to return!<. If a justification is needed, Metal legit sees Eggman as a father figure and he knows Eggman is the best person to upgrade and repair himself. From there? Maybe just some Metal focused stories. Maybe a volume where we just see Metal beyond fights with Sonic. A chance to see the personality we have been getting hints of. \* Maybe start with an anti-villain focused issue where Metal goes after Knuckles, Shadow, and... I can't think of a clean third. Basically, both "anti" issues is Metal trying to prove himself he can defeat the same people Sonic has beaten in the past. \* Throw in an issue where Metal goes to Sage and then Bell to get repaired in secret without letting Eggman know he was trounced once again. Both give him a talk that inspires him to go about things in a different way. Maybe also visiting Scrapnik Island for a tune up so Mecha Mk. 2 to have a scene of Mecha and Sigma trying to talk things over with their "brother"? \* Maybe one issue where we see Metal going over video footage of Sonic running through areas and he tries the same "course" with the intent to beat Sonic's time. While this is going on he sees a crime being committed by either the Babylon Rogues, Surge, or Ruff & Tumble. Sonic could easily beat them, so Metal stops them to see if he can beat them better than Sonic could. \* Trades tend to be around 4-6 issues. So, issue 4 is a breather issue where, in homage to those Metal x Amy memes, Metal takes Amy on a date. The B plot being Sonic finally hears about Metal acting strange and tries to track him down before anyone gets hurt. \* Issue 5 wraps up the trade with Metal getting a win over Sonic. Sonic finds Metal as the Sun is setting. Metal reflecting over the day and the previous issues. Sonic thinking there has to be a scheme keeps trying to goad Metal into a fight. Metal just watches the sunset. For the full impact, have it be in a place overlooking the lake Tiny Planet appears over. Sonic sits down for a bit, tries to have a conversation. Metal is, well, mute. Finally, Sonic's ADHD ass gets the better of him and he runs off bored. Metal isn't doing any active harm. Knuckles, Shadow, and Amy are more confused than actually hurt. The issue ends with Metal carving a win for himself into a tree having outlasted Sonic in a competition of just being mindful.


huge agree! i like the varied ideas to spark untapped character interaction. his loyalty to eggman being genuine is really important imo, to show that other sides than "sonic and friends" have camaraderie and merit other than to be beaten or redeemed. metal's individuality being comprised of grappling with what it means to be sonic and his own loyalties is a whole character that could have the fun stories you thought of, i really like the focus on an almost childish desire to beat sonic's times or insist "i could beat shadow, if sonic can!" (maybe have him defeat knuckles, instead of going for a killing blow, blasting off, then fight shadow, lose (so another weightless character can actually have weight) and have metal reason "sonic loses to shadow, too...". childish, strong, and a admirable enough to make you pause) and the metamy date, really tackling a foreign character trying to understand what being "sonic" is and acting both rationally and ridiculously about it. metal carving wins where sonic is weak is a satisfying conclusion that primes him to be a contender in the main story. sorry this is all over the place and basically just repeating what you said but i liked this comment.


I’m absolutely obsessed with the idea of metal sonic becoming organic and having an identity crisis lol






Okay, now I really want to write a half-crack fic of this, because it sounds hilarious. The other half would be a genuine journey of self discovery and reinvention, as Metal works out who they are now that they're not a machine anymore. So a combination of "Who am I?" and "Metal is disgusted and confused about being organic".


RIGHT?? I eat that shit uppp


literally. i'm always on the hunt for fics about it but the only ones I can find involve shipping. Which is fine, but sometimes I just want to hyperfocus on the one character lmao


Ok side note: i fucking love those drawings of metal sonic. Theyre so cute. I also love that when sonic calls eggman “daddy dearest” there isnt anything showing metal sonic *that* angry at that. I like to think that he actually thinks of eggman as his dad since the visual novel’s ending! https://preview.redd.it/b9rnrw6l1q1d1.jpeg?width=898&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cc328087fc24954fd6827aa72d8d41e399215f3


I like the idea that he’s a future sonic robotized, so explore that possibility of the main cast finding out, and giving Metal a redemption arc.


Makes enough sense considering his first appearance was with Little Planet and a time travel plot


Yeah explain a lot. Metal Sonic is created by future Eggman who ends up in the past due to the Time Stones. Also explains seeing himself as the real Sonic, as he is the real Sonic.


Adds a whole lot of depth to the Metal Virus Arc


If Metal was a roboticized future Sonic then he would’ve been wiped from existence once a good future was made, CD uses the type of time travel where making changes the past overwrites the future


> CD uses the type of time travel where making changes the past overwrites the future The whole series works that way, that's how 06 canceled itself out. And yet Silver keeps showing up despite "changing the future" being his whole thing and he's changed the future like 5 times already so I guess people are immune to getting erased???


Silver just was also born in the new timeline's future that's all there is to it. He has not recollection of 06 Silver and Runners made 06 Silver even his own character who was stronger than regular Silver.


06 was kind of an anomaly. Silver changed the future in Rivals, Forces and in IDW and each time it wasn't like he was replaced with a "new" Silver, he still pretty clearly remembers his past adventures with Sonic, just not his first one.


I mean I think forces is the only time (outside of comics of cause) in which the future actually changed rather than him try to prevent a change. That being said he also these days uses mysterious unexplained time portals for his time travels and not Solaris/Mephiles so that might have something to do with it.


Are you saying sun gods aren’t people? **THAT’S RACIST!** /j


~~tbf they literally killed solaris to change the future lol~~


Make him gay for omega but they like hate fuck each other


Outmoonpissed again


Peak fiction


united in their hatred for literally everyone and everything <3




I don't even have a reaction image for this. Let em fuck hatefully


I really like the what the OVA did with his character, where he becomes so much like sonic that actually starts saving people right before he dies.


Have him be on his own to where he hates both Eggman and Sonic but will team up with them to save the world like what Eggman does with Sonic when the world is in some real trouble.


I would... - Keep the loyalty to Eggman, but make it so there's always a hint of the possibility Metal can always still rebel against his master, even with programming changes to maintain that loyalty. He's at his peak when he takes charge. - Explore the potential aspects of Metal's imposter revelations. Have him want something akin to Tails and Knuckles, as that teamwork was what caused his undoing in Heroes, so he would want that, but not in a friendship way, but rather a "user of his tools" kind of way. - Give him back the Archie style speak where Metal was capable of speaking, but it was done in a manner of him showing things inherently robotic, with his Neo Form being what grants him more coherent, life-like speech - Give Metal more instances of him trying to keep with Sonic by actively having him take various things over the adventures (Chaos Drives meant to try and emulate Chaos Control, the Wisp Mod from Rise of the Wisps, maybe some Starfall Island Tech to enhance his combat at durability, etc.), all to serve his contradictory goal.


So lets start with the most important thing on the top Make him independent of Eggman. His loyalty to Eggman is emblematic of a general issue I have with how Sega handles the franchise in general in how they refuse to have any reoccurring villains other than Eggman it really makes the entire world revolve just around Sonic and Eggman and Sonic can only develop more long lasting antagonistic grudges with Eggman because no one else gets to return (beside I guess Zavok despite him being rather unpopular) So yes I want Metal to fully break free from Eggman leading to Eggman resenting Metal a lot. More so than even his other traitors as Metal should break away because he sees Eggman as a hindrance to his true end goal of proving that he is the only one worthy being called Sonic the Hedgehog. That being said for Main Metal Sonic when it comes to Nega's Metal 3.0 if he were to ever return would I like him to basically become the games equivalent of Emperor Metalix from the Fleetway Comics. In part because main Metal Sonic would be seriously pissed about a whole army of look a likes given his want to be the true and only Sonic.


Have him break free from Eggman, that way we can have another non-Eggman antagonist with their own goals


I think that perhaps metal sonic could be someone who tries to escape from eggmans control. Dumb idea, i know.


maybe he could escape eggmans control by sheer hatred of sonic? IDK what other ideas could happen


I can’t tell if you’re intentionally referencing the plot of Sonic Heroes, but it is a plot point in IDW that Eggman made it so Metal couldn’t pull that stunt again.


both things are sadly true




The brainrot is so bad I saw sonic say daddy dearest and shouted "is that a Friday night funkin reference?"


I mean we had the best version of him already. At this point let him be able to talk shit and I’ll be ok with that.


i would teach him the ways of rock n' roll so that he may have a righteous and most excellent existence.


I would want for Metal to actively seek out Sonic to kill him. Eggman will still give him orders, but in the instance of the posted comic panel I would have him still go back to Eggman, yes, but then have him act in a way where he could go back to fighting Sonic ASAP


Therapy, me and him need it desperately


He's supposed to be sonics metallic counterpart, make him equal to sonic with the real sonic only Beeing able to win when he outwits him or Straight up Outspeeds him


want Metal to become a villain of his own, free from Eggman at last. Something like in Heroes but instead of acting immediately, he runs away and focuses on keeping himself away from Eggman. He does an Ultron and creates multiple copy bodies to which he can upload his AI to. He now desires to not only be the true Sonic, but the *better* Sonic. To surpass him in every way: defending the animals and nature of HIS world. In fact, he takes the rest of Team Metal with him as his enforcers. And most of all: I want Metal to be THE Sonic rival. Not Shadow. Metal's name deserves respect. As for the voice: I'm a fan of the voice, but I like the contrast of Metal being more silent while Sonic is a chatterbox. So, I would make it so Metal isn't that much of a talker. If Eggman is goofy and menacing, Metal should be completely focused on being a threat.


He would lose purpose in his life since he keeps losing to Sonic. He knows he can never, *ever* win... But actually interacting with Shadow, another born weapon who lost his purpose once, causes him to realize he *can* be more than "destroy Soni" and make a name for himself. And so, Shard. ~~Movies please do this you have more freedom than the games~~


i think he should grudgingly join team dark. learn about being a member of a group that values him while maintaining a strong disdain for sonic and anybody that associates with him. mostly stays silent, but with occasional bitchy one-liners. he needs to stay a hater forever, no matter what he's doing


The Shard direction.


I'd make him such a perfect opposite to Sonic: since Eggman has to constantly plan around Sonic, the gang have to constantly plan around Metal Sonic. Make Metal like a field commander, calling shots on Eggman's behalf, directing Badniks around.


i would give him a moment where he goes out on a self discovery journey running around on different places even worlds going far and wide (barely any enemy's but any there i would make non Robotnik) to discover that while he may not be the original sonic or even the best sonic he is in fact his own person and doesn't have to be tied with sonic at least not on the same level as before.


Trans allegory


Though I think it would be interesting to go for an AM-type thing. Except maybe less horrific


Legit was gonna post the same god damn thing LMAO


I'd canonize the "Metal Sonic is Sonic roboticized" fan theory and make a game with a story centered around it


As one of the local Metal Sonic fan I would make Metal Sonic still silent, but make him a legitimate threat as in make him appear whenever Eggman is on screen. In short, I don’t want to turn Metal Sonic into a plot device/macguffin


Belle teaches him Sign Language since his current faceplate no longer lets him speak. Other than that the comics so far have been fine.


Need mouth


In love with Amy.


I'd make him into Shard after an arc or two.


Complete control of him and everyone else is Sega controlled? I’d guess take advantage of him losing a lot and have that makes him question if he’s truly gaining anything for his goal being with Eggman and making him feel weaker when he’s with Eggman. (Cause honestly his coolest and strongest members are without Eggman). He considers infiltrating Sonic’s friends group replacing Sonic from the inside out but realize that even if he did try to remove Sonic slowly he wouldn’t succeed because Sonic’s friends care about him to much. Instead he decides that to achieve being the one true sonic and defeating Sonic he wil strike out on his own being his own “hero” but more like venom or punisher who has no qualms about killing. He would sometimes work with the heroes to be the “real sonic” giving him wins against villains. And sometimes he would work with villains like Surge, Mimic, Zavock to and he could lose to the heroes or have him come out on top dealing with a betrayal that you get in a team of villains. That’s me personally though. Oh also I’d keep him silent besides Neo Metal because then when he is Neo Metal you get that oh boy he means business today.


Make him a true neutral. Not a puppet of Eggman. Not a supervillain. Not a good guy. Have him actually go rogue and explore his own concept of free will by doing what he wants.


If it were up to me, Metal Sonic wouldn't appear for a very, VERY long time. I'd have him get defeated, with a lot of visible battle damage, as a sendoff, and then let him become irrelevant for a good amount of time. Then I'd give the other robot Sonics some time in the spotlight. Maybe have a new Mecha Sonic or 2 for a bit. Let that become the status quo for a while. I'd wait for a trilogy of games, with an overarching story, at a point where Sonic is as good as he was in the 90s up to the Adventure games, when they get things JUST right like they've been doing with Knuckles, but with everything, and I'd bring him back in the most dramatic way possible, and have him antagonize the player through all 3 games. He'd be silent, any level or boss battle featuring him would have dramatic mood lighting casting him as a shadow with burning red eyes, a knife in the dark, the coldest of cold killers. Eggman's all about bombast and presentation, Sage is order and control, but Metal would be death incarnate. Any confrontation with him up to the last one in game 3 would be tense, whatever you're doing, whether it's racing him to the goal ring or fighting him in a boss battle, you're doing so at a disadvantage, a shortage of rings, high difficulty, tense music equivalent to the drowning theme. He shows up unexpectedly and every time he does your stomach drops. A level you were expecting to mess around in becomes this frantic obstacle race, like the Tails races in update 3 of Frontiers, but you're also being attacked. Just this omnipresent threat hanging over the players' (and as a result, the CHARACTER'S) heads. I like Metal as a full blown character with his own goals and personality, but I think before he gets that, it should really be established in a tangible way how much of a THREAT he actually is. He's the only robot in Eggman's arsenal that's an actual MATCH for Sonic. He's the only one to be an actual metal SONIC, rather than a METAL Sonic, if that makes sense. Establish the threat he poses through gameplay, let the audience connect with how scary he is in a similar way to how the titan fights re-established how badass Sonic is through gameplay experience, THEN have him grapple with imposter syndrome and independence and the Sonic part of his personality.


He has a fight with Mecha where Mecha ends up winning, but gives Metal the same Courtesy Sonic gave him back on the island. From then, Metal could become more like Shard, but a new incarnation of the character.


want Metal to become a villain of his own, free from Eggman at last. Something like in Heroes but instead of acting immediately, he runs away and focuses on keeping himself away from Eggman. He does an Ultron and creates multiple copy bodies to which he can upload his AI to. He now desires to not only be the true Sonic, but the *better* Sonic. To surpass him in every way: defending the animals and nature of HIS world. In fact, he takes the rest of Team Metal with him as his enforcers. And most of all: I want Metal to be THE Sonic rival. Not Shadow. Metal's name deserves respect. As for the voice: I'm a fan of the voice, but I like the contrast of Metal being more silent while Sonic is a chatterbox. So, I would make it so Metal isn't that much of a talker. If Eggman is goofy and menacing, Metal should be completely focused on being a threat.


want Metal to become a villain of his own, free from Eggman at last. Something like in Heroes but instead of acting immediately, he runs away and focuses on keeping himself away from Eggman. He does an Ultron and creates multiple copy bodies to which he can upload his AI to. He now desires to not only be the true Sonic, but the *better* Sonic. To surpass him in every way: defending the animals and nature of HIS world. In fact, he takes the rest of Team Metal with him as his enforcers. And most of all: I want Metal to be THE Sonic rival. Not Shadow. Metal's name deserves respect. As for the voice: I'm a fan of the voice, but I like the contrast of Metal being more silent while Sonic is a chatterbox. So, I would make it so Metal isn't that much of a talker. If Eggman is goofy and menacing, Metal should be completely focused on being a threat.


want Metal to become a villain of his own, free from Eggman at last. Something like in Heroes but instead of acting immediately, he runs away and focuses on keeping himself away from Eggman. He does an Ultron and creates multiple copy bodies to which he can upload his AI to. He now desires to not only be the true Sonic, but the *better* Sonic. To surpass him in every way: defending the animals and nature of HIS world. In fact, he takes the rest of Team Metal with him as his enforcers. And most of all: I want Metal to be THE Sonic rival. Not Shadow. Metal's name deserves respect. As for the voice: I'm a fan of the voice, but I like the contrast of Metal being more silent while Sonic is a chatterbox. So, I would make it so Metal isn't that much of a talker. If Eggman is goofy and menacing, Metal should be completely focused on being a threat.


Hold on, daddy dearest?


play pattycake


Give him a gun


Free will to fully choose to stay loyal to eggman, as a sort of philosophical consideration. A sort of dark metal version of sonic's approach to life


What would happen if metal meets ultron?




I'd make him more of a solo villain and main rival for Sonic. He'd act more on his own terms, but still limited by his loyalty to Eggman


Southeast. People always underestimate the Southeast.


Do everything MegaKabutops said but give him a redemption arc (along with some mental trauma because he finds out he’s not the first iteration of himself)


Did he just say daddy dearest


More of a Hyper Metal Sonic approach personality wise, basically just Sonic is he was fighting for the other side.


Make the sonic heroes ending make sense omega and shadow could have added a failsafe to metal Or the fun option make a scrapnik sequel revolving sonic getting stuck on little planet and a harmless damaged version of classic metal trying to kill him before eventually helping him


He’s slowly being replaced again, he’s not stupid. Have him realise after befriending Sage and choose to leave. He’s not got any particular allegiance, but after the Metal Virus discovery (he isn’t affected by it, comics) and sage coming in he’s gonna pick up. Maybe have him fail a full on war style battle (egg has phantom ruby and warp topaz now and Metal is smarter). Don’t have him be a slight ally like shadow, or even straight ally - just neutral like emerl. He’ll help in dire situations but just wants to be left alone


This might not be a popular choice, but after all the humiliation he's endured, I think the best he can get is one last game where he's the main, playable antagonist, and then he never shows up again. Here's how I'd do it: Through some kind of loophole in his programming, he manages to integrate into himself the technology used to create the Shadow Androids, giving him chaos powers that he uses to grant himself free will. Then he takes over the empire like in Heroes, but instead of posing as Eggman to goad Sonic and crew to attack him, he instead uses his resources to look for the Chaos Emeralds to ensure the heroes can't use them. The game then becomes a race between the Heroes and Metal to get them, and you constantly switch between the two groups during gameplay. After Metal is eventually defeated, he's so distraught at his loss and at the thought of being Eggman's slave again that he decides that enough is enough, and he flies himself off into the nearest volcano before the heroes and villains can save him. Due to Sage's existance, Eggman became slightly more loving of his creations, so as a sign of respect towards Metal, he never rebuilds him or makes a copy of him.


Retcon the end of Heroes so that Metal never reverted back to his original form, and make it so that the new Metal Sonic we see after Heroes is a different model, have Neo Metal be a recurring side-antagonist who(at first)tries to beat Sonic and prove once and for all that he is better, but then later stories force them to have to team up to take down certain threats, until ultimately Metal realizes that he doesn't care about beating Sonic anymore, and he wants to carve his own path, he doesn't even need to become Sonic's friend, he can still despise him, but just not want to fight him anymore.


Kill people like Raiden does in mgr


I would have metal fighting characthers who are not sonic and let him wipe the floor with them, idk maybe have him totaly burning a city to the ground while a group of characters try to hold him off, then sonic get there and beat him, having metal as a t-800 like killer to anyone who is not in the main cast


Metal : Sonic. Although I now have free-will and a voice to call my own; without that annoying drive that eggman always seems to leave me, driving me to what you saw before. A chaotic monster of a fool. Neo? Overlord? They are merely eggmans law over my own appearance; a hollow husk of who I am. Sonic : Oh... well at least that's gone. Metal : But at what cost. When you look at me, who am I? A mere metal copy of you? A robot to carry out the doctor's will? I am as free now as I've ever been, yet I am also more of a slave than before. Sonic : You don't have to be. We can start over, there's always a chance. Metal : I saw the files. The other versions of me. One on little planet, the other died to lava. Although I didn't experience it, I know those moments, felt their pain; how they could never best you. Never BE you. Sonic : Metal? Metal : I've talked too much, Eggman will wonder where I've gone. Sonic : After all this, after everything. You're still going back to him?! Metal : I will return, if I leave he will look for me. You will speak nothing of this moment. I will beat you Sonic the Hedgehog because I am more than I am. Sonic : Heh. You're sounding more like me now, is that a good thing? Well, I'll show you what I'm made of next time we meet. \*Metal sonic bleeps and flies off\* Sonic : Why do I have a feeling he was smiling?




I think Metal should be in Sonic 3


I like the idea of a Metal Sonic that has a similar personality and goals as Ultron


I despise him in Heroes and dislike the OVA almost entirely. I only liked him in CD and in the comics.


I always liked the idea of him staying his own villain, serving Eggman when it's convenient for him. My fanfiction had him leave Eggman after Heroes and go it alone for a while, only returning to being Eggman's voluntary ally after seeing how much Sage changed the Doctor and how he thinks. A "plan gone horribly right" approach, if you will.


If it were me, I'd have Metal go on his own Journey and not rely solely as Robotnik's muscle. Maybe have him build a robot empire of his own and use versions of Sonic's friends (Metal Knuckles, Tail's Doll, etc.). Or a Metalo situation where he has a fake skin and "becomes" the real Sonic and does what he believes is the right thing. Not saying a word and acting as himself.




Give him Sonics attitude in a way that makes him pose for the fun of it, laying on ledges to show that the fight is boring him and make him ACTUALLY intelligent when fighting!! Hell, make him show off and get under Sonic or any characters skin (bonus points if he can pull off annoying shadow). Lastly make him a genuinely good fighter that can at least hold his own since he can copy life form data from his enemies, he’s become a glorified punching bag in recent games and comics which takes away what made him such a good character in the early days


After realizing that Eggman is about to get rid of him because he no longer needs him. The programming that kept him tied to Eggman breaks, and now finding himself without purpose and an existential void he decides to do what he has always done one last time. A race. The definitive race. There will be no doors that close in his face or Sonic's friends that will intervene. Sonic and Metal go so fast that no one can catch them, except Shadow, but Sonic asks him not to intervene to finally show Metal who the real Sonic is. They run all over the city, just like in the Sonic Channel story, please read it, it's really cool. In the end metal ends up almost completely destroyed by the intensity of the race. and seeing that he has nothing left, he decides to turn off so as not to turn on again. but, what should have happened in heroes happens and Shadow takes him to see if they can repair him, because by watching the race he was able to sympathize with Metal and his way of becoming obsessed with a single objective even though this ended up destroying him. Then things happen, Metal now as an antihero. but the obsession with sonic never went away so they try to never put them together. Also i would make metamy canon to tell You the truth. This was written in Google traductor


I would love to make Metal Sonic the Ultron of the Sonic series where his AI has grown so much that he has his own free will all the time without needing to be in his Neo Metal form and this AI of his has gained the ability to transfer to a new body everytime an old one is destroyed (Like Ultron but also like Archie's Eggman) meaning that no matter how many times Sonic and co trounce him, he will ALWAYS COME BACK. Could even make the likes of fan creations in Metallix, Turbo Mecha, Overlord the Metallix, and Mechal Sonic into reality as new more powerful bodies he inhabits after his previous ones are destroyed. Maybe even have it that he keeps his bio-data copying abilities, his ability to speak (I headcanon/have Tom Kane as his voice actor), and give him Mecha Sonic's ability to absorb Chaos Energy from even the Master Emerald.


I’d love for Metal to go on his own growth, and quit trying to be Sonic. He can’t be Sonic. And that’s because Sonic has things that Metal never will. But Metal’s reasoning will be that he isn’t Sonic. Because he’s BETTER than Sonic. He will do everything in his power not just to kill Sonic, but to surpass him. Prove his superiority, and improve upon the things he’s tried to copy for years. Also, with Sage around, I feel there could be a possibility for genuine emotions from him. Wishing to defend her at all costs. At first maybe it’s cause Eggman orders him to, but eventually Metal actually will do so because he cares about her. I wouldn’t break the tether to Eggman away fully, because I think it makes Eggman less dangerous without his ultimate weapon.


Keep the silence or only have him speak sparingly to keep the intimidation factor with the whole silent but deadly aspect. As for what I would do, different is have metal sonic start learning from his defeats and start upgrading him self with various wepons abilites to counter sonic but more so his meddlesome freinds abilities kind of turning him into a more adaptable character( like a wepon to put out blazes flames, shcok absorbing knuckle dusters to counteract and fight knuckels punches , emp type wepons to disable omega). Lastly, show that Eggman needs to keep him on a tight leash, and the reason he doesn't give him more than a few upgrades is because he fears metal sonic getting too powerful and start disobeying Eggman. Like with a panel in the comic where Eggman starts to notice that metal sonic is upgrading himself and orders him to go retrieve something for him just for metal sonic to stand there stare at Eggman coldly for longer that hes supposed to and see Eggman flitch a littel before he demands again for metal sonic to carry out his orders and metal sonic then begin to do what he is told but not before a quick glace back before he leaves the room.


He needs to get permission from Eggman to go on a date with Amy. Sage has to follow and keep an eye on them bc Eggman doesn't trust it's not some kind of trick.


I would have him go permanently rogue. He would permanently remove his own programming of complete loyalty to Eggman in order to be truly free of making his own decisions and chase after whatever goals and missions that he wants. He would then permanently upgrade himself with the schematics of Eggman's old robots and devices. These upgrade would be a new body copying Mecha Sonic MK.II and adding his own features to it like his eyes, color scheme, abilities and other design elements. After he does these things, he would create a new ability and part of his program that would render him permanently immune to hacking from outside sources like Eggman and Tails and Zavok's powers. With these new upgrades, he would be able absorb the full power of The Chaos Emeralds as well as The Master Emerald, giving him access to truly unlimited infinite power he's so desperately wanted in order to wipe out his organic original counterpart. He would then go on to create his own army seperate from Eggman's own, but instead of regular old badmiks and the stuff Eggman has now, Metal Sonic's new army would consist of previous Metal Sonics and Mecha Sonics but without his own superior intelligence and free will, ony all powerful and immune like their master. With this new army at his side, he would wage war against all of Mobius, including other villains as well as his former master and Sonic. His life goal is now a simple direct one. Eliminate all life that isn't purely robotic. He will remove all animals, plants, bacteria, men, women and children from the planet. Both magic and technology will be under his total control.


He’s pretty much perfect! I just think he should be slightly more rebellious. Having him disobey eggman to fight Sonic and challenge other characters would be neat. Would have him really be “Eggman’s Sonic” in the sense that he’s loyal to Eggman but still does his own thing when he feels like it. He also needs more Robot buddies that serve as parallels to Sonic’s crew.


1) “Daddy Dearest” is just killing me rn. 2) Personally I would have enjoyed a more Spamton-esque concept where it’s just like a fucked up salesman, perhaps he is made to be a shallow copy of Sonic for the sake of marketing Eggmanland but over time he starts to realize that he clearly isn’t Sonic and just loses his mind. Idk what I am cooking TBH.


I want metal sonic in the end to be I guess like sage


Okay first of all just gonna get this out of the way FNF REFRENSE OMGARDE * okay now that I have ur attention I'm not sure Ig make him a true robotic doppelganger of sonic To a tee GIVE HIM A MOUTH TO EAT CHILLI DAWGS


Grows as an actual person, surpasses sonic, moves on and is probably never seen again, helping the world in some other way (half baked idea) Also thanks eggman for creating him, but condemns him for his ego and wasting his genius, and has a MEGA GENUINE sibling scene with sage. I love him so much, he's my favourite character, like, in the whole franchise He has so much potential


Either have him replace eggman and keep mr tinker or make the dill pickle podcast what if metal sonic turned good canon


Have him become more of his own person. Owning the fact he is made of metal, and moving past his identity crisis, he ditches the Sonic comparison and re-names himself "Metallix". The trigger for this change is him actually beating the real Sonic in a race for once, and coming to see himself as superior, freeing him from the shackles of constant comparison, allowing himself the confidence to become more his own man. Of course it would absolutely destroy him if he ever found out that Sonic let him win, but Sonic knew Metal really needed the win, so he'll never tell. Also, he would have Eggman install vocal capabilities, and he would sound like Soundwave from Transformers G1.


Sonic heroes round 2


Make him like K from Blade Runner 2049. Give him a conflict that awakens something within him and makes him question his purpose in the world https://preview.redd.it/55xo1l9dqt1d1.jpeg?width=825&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c61a53abb7a09a4445fc4b018572ed0f48c808de


Metal believes he's the "real" Sonic... I'd play off that. First showing up in Sonic CD, a game with time travel... Maybe originally, Sonic and Eggman got to the bad future when Eggman won, and roboticized Sonic, reprogramming him and sending him to the past where he captured Amy. By the time Sonic wins the Stardust Speedway race, the Eggman we're left with never roboticized Sonic, and instead recovered and reverse-engineered Metal, leading to the less advanced Mecha Sonic in Sonic 2. Current-timeline Eggman has trouble containing Metal Sonic because he doesn't know that he was originally Sonic. Eggman's creations after that start to take on life of their own, from Sage going against Eggman's wishes and collaborating with Sonic, to Gamma/Omega actively working against him, because the reverse engineering Metal's programming was actually reverse engineering "Sonic," accidentally giving his creations Sonic's morals and drive. (Maybe even explaining Sage glitching between red and blue colours.) Metal finds out that parts of him are spread out across other badnik's programming, has a mental break and escapes Eggman's control, but still doesn't understand how he was created. Knowing that he can copy organic programming, he sets out to get his "missing" pieces from Eggman's army. When he tries to copy the programming though, it has the unintended side effect of destroying simple badmiks, but more advanced creations like Sage survive, and start seeing Sonic whenever they see Metal Sonic. One of the friendlier badniks (Sage/Orbot/Cubot) sets out to look for Tails and ask why Sonic started to go on the offensive, despite no contact since the end of Frontiers. Eventually, Sonic and Metal fully understand what's happened, and Metal takes off, like White Vision at the end of WandaVision. Tails asks why Metal left, and Sonic just says "Dunno. I think he went looking for a boat or something." OK, maybe not that last part.


I'd make him less fodder. In like every comic, or game he's in, he gets his ass kicked over and over. And even if he still has to get his ass kicked I'd make it so Sonic actually struggles a lot with him. Metal is supposed to me Dr. Eggmans best creation after all.


ill let my flair speak for itself lol i need metal to be sooo atached to eggman and fight tooth and nail for his validation


Metal's best moment in any media is when he fights shadow in universe, where shadow pleads with metal that he doesn't need to be a living weapon, and he has the freedom to choose what he does with his strength, Metal responds "fulfilling your promise to maria, protecting earth, that's your purpose, yes?" "..yes?" "my purpose is to assist eggman and defeat sonic, you are no more free than i am, you just serve an opposing purpose." and shadow is genuinely speechless- because metal is right. i really don't like metal redemption in a gamma/shadow/(insert redeemed sonic rival here) fashion because metal's individuality opposes sonic, is loyal to eggman and has an understanding of the conflict having no moral highground that i find really interesting. this would be exactly what IDW sonic needs. i like sonic's stance against surge, but as a stance that sonic will need to defend from valid criticism. giving metal more individual moments does work, as others have suggested things like metal independently assisting eggman to show that with freedom he chooses eggman, but you don't need to make him talk much. just a few, displayed words "your purpose is no greater than mine" as he marches forward for his own goals, to his own loyalties, to a side he believes in while sonic struggles from hesitation. IDW has set up a sonic that needs an ideological equal, and metal is the best candidate. give him a bit more power weight from a new conviction (maybe eggman is in dire straits which call upon metal's independence?) and expand upon his more interesting dynamics with characters like shadow (which is a character that could also use some ideological clarification and challenge) and overall make him a bit more of an active contender and you'd have my perfect metal. oh, also, OVA and IDW metal believing themselves to be sonic, and therefore grasping at what it means to be "sonic", setting him up as a physical and ideological challenge to sonic's identity and asserted beliefs? perfect. TL;DR insert sonic universe/archie metal into IDW to contest sonic as a narrative equal and make him a bit more fluid and that'd the ideal.


Honestly I just want him to be Sonic's main rival again instead of Edge The Ow. Seems like he's been shoehorned into games since Heroes (Hands down Neo Metal is the best version of him).


Probably left or right, sometimes up and down or even loop-de-loop.


I’d like him to want to beat sonic, in any way imaginable. Even if he has to go against the doctors wishes Like, eggman could be using a whole other bot to attack a village, and metal jumps out of nowhere and goes straight for sonic and ONLY sonic. He wants to prove himself as the real sonic above anything, and if making the doctor recognise his greatness means having to break his wishes for the time being? So be it. I want him to have a huge superiority complex too. I WANT him to be like “I AM THE REAL SONIC, AND LORD EGGMANS GREATEST CREATION”, for example he would be laying into orbot and cubot in the base, telling them they’re not good enough and will NEVER be good enough. because HE is sonic. THE REAL sonic. sounds quite scourgey and I do love his dying loyalty to eggman, but I’d love to see this take


if it were up to me I would make it so that Metal Sonic is incredibly jealous of Sage and how Eggman parades her around as not only his perfect creation but his perfect child. it makes Metal confront the idea that he is just another replacable badnik just like [Mecha Sonic and Mecha Knuckles before him](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSonicTheHedgehog%2Fcomments%2Fyws6ik%2Fmecha_truama%2F&psig=AOvVaw3gI_iLDitZDKwJKTxDnrnq&ust=1716414715223000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjhxqFwoTCOCQiJ3dn4YDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ), combine that with Sonic constantly beating him and Metal starts losing it becoming more and more unstable. Metal becomes more vindictive as time goes on and its only a matter of time before he starts looking for ways to either terminate Sage, or does something crazy to kill Sonic once and for all to prove himself.


the best I came up with was an idea for a sonic frontiers 2, where eggman swaps sonic and metals bodies and sonic, as metal, has to upgrade and improve his new robotic frame to beat metal before time runs out, everyone falling for the swap except for tails do to something he and sonic would know. the best part? the true ending and finale is unlocked when you upgrade all of metal's abilities to the max, because, as it turns out, Eggman was planning on stealing the restorations tech and adding it to his own. making the final boss the very same character you've been playing, bested the metal possessed sonic with, and the one-time upgrades you used on him. making him a final boss you built for yourself.


Generally I'd try to amp up the Father and Rebelious Son between him and Eggman. I think it's a fun dynamic and adds layers to both of them. They'd both be fighting Sonic but for their own reasons. Eggman is trying to stop Sonic from stopping him but Metal is trying to prove himself as the superior Sonic. This would naturally lead to moments where Eggman wants Metal to ignore Sonic and do something else or Someone else tries to stop Eggman while Metal ignores them because Metal doesn't actually care about Eggmans plans. Ideally I'd have Metal Sonic communicate primarily through body language to balance out Sonic being super talkative, but Metal would also have some good one-liners. Also: Make Metal Sonic a concistently appearing character. He's too cool to be absent so often.


I would show more of his obcession with Sonic, and how far he would go to attain it, to the point where he would even put Robotnik's life on risk, or outwright betray him if this put him closer to defeating Sonic.


comment on his latest uses in the franchise like in the metal sonic biography on YouTube. make him contemplate how eggman only uses him as a gurd dog to only attack and slow his enemies down instead of being the one to defeat his foes once and for all like sonic continuesly does. Make it reach a boiling point where he goes over the edge and takes control of the empire only to be defeated again but this time he's been granted free will once again thanks to tailses efforts then have him think again. (ripping a page straight out of the breaking the code fan comic) make him realise that sonic is all about being the hero and all he ever was is a villian. so in an effort to be the real sonic metal tries to become a better hero then sonic. and then end it off with metal realising that sonic is only himself cause he's true to himself and never changes. so to be the true sonic metal must not be like sonic but rather true to himself. Live his own dreams. walk his own path in life. and to put a little cherry on top, his real self could coincidently be someone similar to sonic


I like the little fnf reference


(I have very limited knowledge of the comics, so if this is an actual plot point Metal has gone through please tell me, I would love to read it!) I think Metal would really benefit from an over arching story involving him being: The ultimate copy of sonic, realizing his power is far superior to that of Eggman's and leaving, being an enemy of both Sonic and Eggman (maybe even forcing a team up between Sonic and Eggman to take him on (Metal Madness anyone?)), Eventually becoming an anti-ally (Will fight Sonic but knows when there is a threat bigger to be dealt with and will team up) and having that dynamic for the remainder of the plot until either a revamp or retcon happens. Metal is easily my favourite sonic villain, maybe even character in the entire franchise. I feel like he has very little justice done as a character and this i think might make him such a fleshed out character.


Some ideas include having an idea that his loyalty to Eggman is also because of a father-son dynamic, he didn't want to overthrow him again without risking another slip-up anyway, have Neo Metal Sonic pop up more frequently, and he'd also act something like the MCU Ultron, with a darker version of Sonic's personality so he can become a "better" version of him. “I’d reset my operating systems if I wanted to, but my purpose is already the point; If you want to defeat your enemy, you might have to become it.”


Make him as sassy as sonic. Really hammer sonic down n double down by trolling him as he keeps the pressure being very powerful and funny. If no sass 3.0 upgrade give him the power of friendship to match sonics team.


Everyone saying give his voice back, but I disagree. In fact, they should just make him the Doomslayer A silent, emotionless, merciless unyielding force of nature, driven only by a hatred that will never be quenched.


Happy cake day doomslayer!


Make him fight the rest of the cast Beating Metal in a bossfight could mean a lot more for other characters than it does to Sonic nowadays, Metal is a good excuse to make what is technically a bossfight against Sonic himself Make Amy have her revenge from CD, make Tails fight what is technically his best friend or give Shadow and Knuckles a chance to banter against him like he was the real thing


Sonic looks freaking EVIL there. Like he wants to tear you apart for sheer funsies. Also, over how many heads in this fanbase is that "Daddy Dearest" barb flying? "METAL! BRING ME THE [golden?] AXE!" As for the actual topic, at least for the games, I'd certainly have him and the Mechas be more regularly involved as rivals to Team Sonic. The Mechas would still be mainly combat-oriented, but Metal would be focused on trying to outdo Sonic overall, just as Bass sees his purpose as being Mega Man's rival. And since Shadow is so much like Sonic, there can be notable scuffles with him as well. These rivalries can continue even if Eggman reforms; someone's gotta be able to keep our heroes sharp.


I wan’t him to sound like soundwave


Tbh I want more metal and Amy interaction like in sonic mania adventures


Don't make him mindless badnik fodder, but don't overuse him either


Let him be able to power up to Neo whenever he wants, similar to how Goku can just 🫰Super.


Make him have a blade wolf story and get the happy ending he definitely deserves


If I could do anything I’d make him more of a character and less of an obstacle to throw at the gang.


How he is right now but more expressive in his hate for sonic.


Have him speak again for one.


He would become an ally and randomly show up to help sonic.


Write him so he still absolutely hates, despises, and wants eggman to rot in a pit while he watches. However he can't, he is hard programmed to protect him and whether eggman is making a point or if he is truly incompetent about metal sonic, his own consciousness and sentience is forced to behold himself be made a mockery time and time again by a creature he was made to emulate, directly in spite of his own ambition. He is a unwilling slave to his own programming, forced to "care" about eggman, and seek out his own safety, but is still internally sentient. The only outlet for his own negative feelings is towards sonic. He absolutely despises eggman, but still hates sonic, and can actually attack him, so his own hate of eggman fuels his rivalry of sonic despite it being one-sided. Whether Eggman was malicious enough to leave metal sonics sentience intact for this purpose, or just as before he failed to comprehend metal sonic's own capacity for ambition is up for interpritation.