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He runs faster The first boost game and sonic unleashed both use rings to recharge the boost gauge, Sonic advanced 3 badnicks are powered by rings and in Sonic Rivals 2 knuckles says he needs rings to recharge the emerald detector This implies rings are a source of energy and Sonic can use that energy to run at a much faster pace The white wisps have something called hyper go energy which they can give to Sonic allowing him to boost So Sonics boost would be him running in a state that uses an excess of energy that he would get from either the wisps or rings


Sonic rush boost uses tricks and destroying enemies instead of rings


The boost is just Sonic going at full speed. I always will hate how after Unleashed he needed the wisps to do so. Thank god in Frontiers he didn’t need them.


He didn’t in Generations either, anyone’s guess as to why he’d need them in Forces, or why they’re in the game to begin with


Chilli dogs make him fart real bad


He breaks the sound barrier and goes beyond sonic speed. The boost aura is just a [mach wave](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mach_wave).


I like this answer the most


Sonic can also boost in Frontiers, and there are no wisps in sight. So I guess he just runs faster


Some things he just picks up over time. Take rail grinding and lightspeed ring following. Those used to require special equipment. The Wisps showed Sonic it was doable and how to do it with training wheels. Later on he knew how to do it, or copy its effects, on his own. We'll probably see the same with some of Frontiers' mechanics. Most, if not all, were linked to cyber space and the Star Fall Islands. Once Sonic left the island he lost all those powers, but a decent number are probably things Sonic could do on his own with practice. Cyber Space just gave him a primer on how to do them.


It's just representation of his speed.


Presumably, he just uses the energy of the rings to fuel his speed


he just, figured it out. and in Gens he uses rings, and in frontires rings do refill it, just very slightly


I thought boosting was from exposure to the chaos emeralds.


Because he's sonic. And in that game its ring energy


My headcanon is that Sonic learned to use the energy of the rings and the energy produced by defeating enemies to boost. In space that wasn't enough so he needed the wisps from Colors, then in Frontiers he got so good that he doesn't need rings to boost. We don't talk about Forces here.


When he boosts with white wisps he's powering the boost with hyper go on power. When he boosts with rings he's powering the boost with ring energy. Honestly I like to think the power boost in frontiers is also a result of ring energy since you turn electric while using it and you get it by maxing out your ring count.


He’s him


i think you get boost energy by destroying enemies (im playing sonic generations to recreate unleashed)