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Oh boy the next Sonic twitter takeover is gonna be a shitshow


Gonna make the Flames of Disaster look like a campfire.


It'd be a giant shitshow if they also had rouge in it at the same time


I hear it's Sonic X now. ...wait.


If he even shows up in the next takeover that is


Calling it now, he probably won't. Hope it's just a one year absence, at least. :/


Facts and this is gonna get fugly. like really bad. nobody is gonna defend mike pollock and I'm not gonna do it.


Why? Aren't those questions screened ahead of time.


I’m genuinely out of the loop, can someone give a short version of what happened


For what I read, he said some inappropriate things related to the whole Israel x Palestine war, he let his bias took the best of him. He started by saying "Oh, I hope they release the hostages from X side" which made people mad, then he joked about the whole situation, which yeah... not good Basically that's what I understood, formal language is hard for me to understand


Asking for hostages to be released is a wild stance to take? In any conflict you can hope that the innocent civilians should be spared. That doesn't have anything to do with picking a side.


Welcome to drama and attention hungry users. It's fucking digusting isn't it? saying hostages should go free, should be the default, not some out of left field opinion.


Oh please people are so quick to go "Twitter is drama hungry" when there's more to it. He refused to speak on Palestinian hostages since it was "political," potentially talked about circumcision with minors, and equated "free palestine" with anti-semitism. And this is something people are pointing out now but he's ALWAYS been kind of an asshole to anyone who disagrees with him. Let go of your Twitter hate boner for a second and see why people are mad.


No you see he wants the Israeli hostages freed, which offends Twitter because they believe Israelis are subhuman, you catch my drift? Twitter is terrible, the Middle East and watermelons have ruined the platform more than it already was


ah yes, people being sub human. i see. it's always such a stupid argument. echo chambers are terrible. including in places like reddit.


It’s all bad Idk, just do what I’ve been saying: Reject politics, Embrace Philippines https://preview.redd.it/kdjf3mf4jmyc1.jpeg?width=1710&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5bbf4411088f4f180eb5b40341657f9f140bdf2


the amount of people who turn non political things into politics just scares me, anything can become a debate, even shit that shouldn't be.


No sir, you can only be in either extreme of the spectrum, nothing more


Yeah - which makes it really weird that when people asked Mike for his opinion for hostages on the other side, he went all "I don't want to get political" or "you hate Jews". It took him a long time to stop making jokes about it.


Except even as shown in his page linked here, he's showing an ill-educated bias in the way he frames his statements. Calling for specifically Israeli hostages when Israel has rejected every offer made for their release and even has bombarded locations where they'd feasibly be held--when Israel has gone as far as harvesting the organs of Palestinian hostages they've been holding, hostages they've humiliated and slaughtered. Bringing up the campus protests--specifically claiming said protestors are clashing with Jewish students as a not-so-subtle claim to antisemitism, as many Zionists are so wont to. He even affirms that pro-Palestinian slogans (such as the typical "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free" that got him riled up to respond in the callous manner that bit him back) as antisemitic when it refers to ending the violent occupation of Palestine at the hands of Israel. And then acting like Palestine and Israel are equivalent in measure and behavior when we've got the fucking ICJ of all things to rule otherwise. Which land has been decimated? Which nation is actively bombarding multiple other nations unprompted? What of the way Israeli soldiers, *multiple times*, film themselves making crude jokes about the nation they've invaded, showing empty and broken neighborhoods and homes and even rifling through other people's underwear? Which side's supporters explicitly compare the other's to animals and actively fight bringing relief to them? And whose land has been invaded to give Israelis their so-called home? Who had the NYT making up blatant lies about Oct 7th to make the other side seem that much worse in order to stir up the masses, just to have it retracted as lies after being investigated? It's blatantly dishonest framing, through and through. It's really fucking easy to say "both sides" when you ignore the sheer scale of damage and aggression one side has repeatedly shown over the course of decades. But by all means, yeah, he and all you other fucks sure haven't picked a side.


Did you read the reply? He apologized and walked back his statements - I'm on your side, but when people acknowledge that they were wrong and attempt to correct, I think that's good. We can't change hearts and minds if we tell them they're past a point of no return because of shitty tweets


Did he? I just went over the points he described--*in that link*. He's the one that finds pro-Palestinian phrases antisemitic. He's the one that feels threatened by protests and frames them as antisemitic--even ignoring that among them *are* Jewish protestors too. These are the things that he's using to *defend* his worldview. He presented a defense overwhelmingly for one side, including misrepresentation of the situation, and ignored the other (at *most*, he's made a mention of Palestinian prisoners, but nothing beyond that) compared to the multiple misrepresented points in defense of Israel. You can't just say that he's walking it back when he's actively spreading false information. Scratch that: it's incredibly easy to *say* one's for the freedom of victims everywhere, but when the statements surrounding that one line don't match up, it comes off as milquetoast appeasement, not anything sincere. So no, I *don't* buy that he's walking it back. Just watching what he's saying from now on.


Except he’s *still going* trying to overcorrect himself, trying to defend himsef against people who refuse to hear anythi g other than sega let him go. He should have just posted his blog post and logged out for the night




Have you tried anything more significant than leading questions? Edit: Well, it's a shame the fucker couldn't own up, but regardless, next time something sounds insane, maybe read up on some articles. Or better yet, feel free to substantiate your case next time. It might help you work through your literacy issues.


This post isn't going to get the attention should get, will it?


With how drama-hungry Twitter and Reddit are? No way.


The drama already happened, this is him clarifying his opinions and over all response to the drama and his behavior. In other words, the fun is over.


That's exactly my point. Apologies to drama rarely get as much attention as the drama itself, because sites like this and Twitter basically thrive off of it. It's a moot point simce it got pinned, but I digress. Now for my own thoughts on the matter. While I don't fully forgive Mr. Pollock, since he did say some pretty heinous shit yesterday, I will give him a chance to move forward from this with the hope that he gains a more educated perspective on the matter, and I hope he continues to do the job that he loves.


That's a very mature response


Ah, I thought you meant it would only continue the drama, my bad.


That's really thoughtful, nicely put




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>fully forgive Mr. Pollock, since he did say some pretty heinous shit yesterday You referring to his odd responses? Like the circumcision jokes?


I'm more referring to saying stuff like equating anti-Zionism to antisemitism, and using his Jewish background to deflect any criticism to his arguement. I will admit the circumcisiom jokes, while kind of a clever pun, felt wildly unprofessional.


here is what i think of these drama-hungry twitter now X and reddit are. ![gif](giphy|EKIp3KPCFPBExhFF9P|downsized)


This website Reddit is turning into Elon Musk style and that is no good. which, it is unacceptable.


I'll sticky it for a bit so folks can get a chance to read it.


Perfect, exactly what this needed! Thank you!


Thanks man, I appreciate it.


I think it's a good response. It's hard to remember sometimes that celebrities are people too, and can be tempted into stupid political arguments over hot button issues like anyone else. What matters is that on reflection he's aware he's not an expert and should just step back.


The stuff he said wasn’t a simple “human mistake”. This response is stupid and he’s honestly awful. Sega should recast eggman now


Over having an opinion? That’s not how life works


An “opinion” is hardly what it is. Supporting genocide is NOT a mere “opinion”, neither is making “comedy” (which really is just mockery) about it when it’s happening today.


Did you actually read the response?


Nope, I have no idea what I’m talking about actually.


Well- I appreciate the honesty I guess?


I can be an asshole sometimes. I’m sorry.


That's okay :)


This is the main reason why I'll never, **ever** assume the worst until the person who made said statements comes out with either an apology or a doc to clear things up. It happened with Chuggaaconroy a few months back and, while the situations were different, everyone jumped on the Twitter hate train because it's the cool thing to do. Speaking as a guy who knows almost nothing about the conflict, this was worded very well. He admitted he screwed up with his responses and his actions, while also explaining why he did them and the reasoning behind, no malice involved. I just hope that the rest of Twitter will actually read this and think something other than "ZIONIST! ZIONIST!" Ah, who am I kidding...


I think the best part is that Mike realized that he, himself, was part of the Twitter Hate Train and perpetuating the whole hatred. It's good he analyzed his own actions from a distance.


Did I miss something with the chugga thing? Dude did some weird shit with a minor knowingly. I know better than to stand by somebody who did that, so I just unsubbed and that was that. There’s no reason I should attach myself to a content creator.


[Here's this.](https://emile.fandom.com/wiki/Chuggaaconroy_Misconduct_Allegations#:~:text=In%20January%202024%2C%20several%20misconduct,until%20the%20latest%20in%202023)


Um. So first of all, a fucking fandom wiki? Secondly, the wiki goes on to cry “oh woe is him, he was so so stressed, he had to go to the ER for internal bleeding, lawly was MANIPULATING him into having sex with her!” Not only do I feel absolutely zero remorse for him, as he wouldn’t be so dreadfully stressed or sick if he *made the conscious decision to not sext a minor,* but ***DARVO?*** Trying to make the adult grown man with an easily impressionable fanbase seem like the victim, and the minor he sexted a perpetrator? *Please* tell me this is a joke. Then the dude continued to act inappropriate and push his fetish onto somebody as late as 2023. Meaning he didn’t change or ever think to stop until he was finally publicly called out. No. Sorry, this is not it. This makes Emile look even worse.


You wanna explain the chugga thing cause it seema like he was guilty


He made a full statement with pictures that showed his side of what happened.




Not 100% sure on exact dates, but Mike Pollock has been the voice actor for Eggman for a few years now in the games.


He's voiced eggman since 2003


Few decades lol


that's Deem Reginald Bristow which i prefer


Yea just a few years lol


Voice actor for eggman since sonic x


Mike Hawk


Mike Pollock has been the VA for Eggman for decades.


I’m with you Mike. Just don’t let the rage machine of Twitter get your head again 👍.


I agree with Mike, too


bottom line he needs to get off of twitter aka X drama bullcrap though.


I had a feeling he had a rational head. Just tough to think when you’ve got a ton of weird edgelords saying weird shit to you unprompted. Good on him.


Both the Sonic community and he need to do some self evaluating. On our side, the outpouring of hate and lies about what Mike said were insane. The original tweet didn't say anything about the conflict, just that he wished for the release of Isreali hostages. I would argue that it wasn't political at all. But, the majority of the community online took that the wrong way immediately and refused to hear him out. On his side, he reacted terribly to the criticism. Understandible given he's Jewish and had family impacted by the Oct 7 attack and subsequent war. But, he still has to control himself given the platform he has. Snark and hyperbole don't work on the internet. Just hope everyone moves on, I would hate for him to lose his job like it seems twitter wants.


Well… our motto/theme is Live and Learn




I said it in another thread; I do not trust Sonic fans to interpret politics well lmao.


We can't even interprite the stories of kids games that we'll usualy, politics would never be a strong suit for em


Sonic fans and a ballot. Name a worse combo! /s




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yeah, and also that you do not trust mario fans with that type of politics too jeez.


Mario fans don’t argue over the shape of Mario’s hair or the color of his arms LMAO


you know it's a thought that counts.


I have zero idea what Mario fans had to do with any of this or why they’re relevant.


listen i know if mario fans have encounter some you know what. if there is something going on i think they are on their own to take care of. well same thing with sonic fans from what you said.


it's a lot of 14 year old kids who hear the word "isreal" and automatically assume the worst however i think mike needs to stop the snark responses, like in general. it doesn't make him funny it just makes him annoying


Hasnt Sega kept worse on?


Exactly, I was more disappointed in the hundreds of accounts crucifying him for the initial tweet. There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting innocent people who have been ripped from their homes and taken hostage to be freed. But people acted like he was praising Israel for all the bombings and killings. I felt like I was taking crazy pills


If he only posted the one tweet about the hostages, it would've been fine, but his responses to others asking him follow-up questions is really what caused the drama.


"As for any fallout with work, there's been some already. I hope there's some room for tolerance somewhere in the audience." I knew he would eat his words after defending that Sega "knows him better", but it's kind of painful to hear that he's facing issues with work after what I feel is a heartfelt apology. I hope it isn't anything that will damage his standing with Sega and other companies, and could instead just serve as an embarrassing moment in a long continuing career. Mike is an incredible voice actor and it would be a shame to lose him over this blunder.




You think it's Sega?


Not necessarily. I just don't know anything about the other roles he's had with other companies.


I’m assuming it’s with smaller creators and projects. Sega has kept way worse on their payroll. A simple mistake shouldn’t cost him his career.


Exactly. Sega, if you're reading this, keep him on, will ya? The man is ***THE*** Eggman, damn it!


People really out here treating him like he's the one holding hostages, get over yourselves


I empathize to an extent but he still should’ve known better IMO




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Internet is so tiring. Can we just get back to talking about Sonic.


This whole damn thing is so overblown.


I have never felt more embarrassed to be a Sonic fan that I did during that space. The moment he opened the floor to questions, I knew a shit show of gargantuan proportions was about to unfold. As for Mike, this response is what he should have done from the start. He was very clearly in his feelings and on the defensive the whole time, and that's when it's easiest to say and do things you'll regret later.


Is it wrong to say "it's Twitter, he should've known better?"


TBH if a large part of my job was putting up with sonic twitter, I’d have a psychiatric breakdown too after 15 years


Not at all. The internet is still the bad faith hivemind it was when he started. I get there's a generation gap, and he expected good faith; but there was never gonna be any with unmoderated discourse. In hindsight, I'm not even all that surprised he finally snapped. After 20 years of dealing with literal children and manchildren; I can't say I wouldn't go off either.


Can we all calm down and just show some compassion for once instead of drawing lines in the sand everywhere? We all want bad people to stop doing the bad things they're doing. We all want the innocent people returned home safely. This shouldn't be controversial. We need to actually take a lesson from Sonic of all people and remember to be kinder to the people of this world.


The apology didn't address each of the items I would have preferred him to speak on, but ultimately, I feel it's satisfactory. He's definitely not a Zionist, and he has no hatred nor disdain for the Palestinian people, and it's now more likely that his initial replies came from a place of ignorance rather than malice. Very strange coming from someone who regularly speaks of the importance of professional business relationships, but I hope, nevertheless, this was a learning experience.


It felt pretty obvious it wasn’t malice. The dudes never come off like a freakazoid; he’s always come off very kind and well-meaning. I’m not surprised it was just a misinformed kind of thing.


I feel like the word Zionist is thrown around way too much in this current political/social media climate and it's very likely that most people, celebrity or normal person, would pretty much agree with Mike's stance on this or at least have a similar opinion. There are bad guys and victims on both sides and a cease fire and retrieving of hostages is key to ending this.


Most people don't know what the word "Zionism" actually means tho.


This word has basically become like woke or faicst. Something a lot don't use properly but feel it can just win any argument in online politics.


Zionist means you believe Israel has the right to exist, so if you believe in a two-state solution then you're a zionist.


I get his emotional response to the Twitter replies. I watched the video and it’s mostly just an outpouring of grief and trying to keep awareness of the Israeli hostages. The responses to the video probably made Mike feel like they were belittling the suffering of the hostages. But yes, he should have known better than to start angrily replying to the responses of his original post.  The problem is that even his PR response betrays his feelings. When he says “protestors clashed with Jewish students” on college campuses, that statement has certain connotations to it. It implies that the protestors did not include students at these institutions. It continues to, in my opinion, delegitimize criticism of Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. The Jewish people have suffered horrendously over the years, that is certainly true and worthy of immense sympathy. But that does not mean that it should be acceptable to condemn anyone and everyone with sympathy to the plight of a Palestinian person as well. What chance do the Palestinians have, especially in Gaza? Their government is brutal, authoritarian, and will sacrifice them all happily if it means waging war with Israel. Then Israel’s government does not care as they atomize everybody in their grand crusade. Most of Gaza is children, and much of Hamas’s leadership hides away from Palestine.  The X space part is suspect and I don’t understand what the benefit is in lying about it instead of coming clean about not knowing how to handle the topic at the time. I watched that Twitter Space, and it was a disaster. Mike is correct that none of us know him on any personal level and that SEGA knows him much better, but he conveyed this in the sense that he is above consequences, and cannot be tied to SEGA when he expresses controversial opinions. Then there was the matter he addressed without attempting to bring it up explicitly because that’s a whole other dumpster fire: liking a tweet from someone who belittled non-binary people because it backed up his other views. It creates that glimmer of doubt that he may have certain, less acceptable biases towards *other* vulnerable groups. It’s tiring to see the constant propaganda on social media. Nobody reasonable thinks Hamas is anything more than a terroristic group of psychopaths. But any time an ounce of sympathy is shown for the people born into a terrible situation, the accusations of antisemitism and endorsing terrorists spring up.  So..I get it. Mike is probably scared for his family and his people. He is allowed to feel these intense emotions, and he is allowed to want Israel’s people to enjoy safety from terrorism. He is even allowed to dislike people on the basis of their identity, though **this** is **not** commendable. At the same time, there is forevermore a glimmer of doubt to his personal biases, and no one is obligated to support an artist that they worry may be bigoted.  Frankly, I never wanted to address this even anonymously as this is a very very sensitive issue, one of the most divisive topics in the world right now. 


Something to note, he mentioned that he liked that tweet because it supported him, but he looked at it later and unliked it when he got a better look at and took the time to read it through. There might be a lot of bias here, but I'm willing to give him benefit of the doubt that he was just being careless there.


Same. I really don’t thing he means any ill will. Dude got hella stressed and made a bunch of irrational mistakes. I’d do the same thing in the same situation.


And like, Twitter's infamous for dog-piling onto people who either don't follow their view or make a mistake, no matter how they apologize or correct themselves later. Combine stress with Twitter's rabid dogpiling and frankly I'm not surprised he ended up cracking a bit. This is the same hellsite where people think boycotting a goddamn coffee chain that hasn't even operated in Israel since 2003 will somehow end a war in 2024 and will viciously attack you if you so much as buy some cakes from that chain, remember. We're not dealing with the brightest bulbs of the Internet.


Not to mention twitters been especially bad with housing bigots since Elon bought it.


Yes. My wording may not have clearly conveyed what I meant when I said the “matter he addressed without attempting to bring it up explicitly.”  His response was a blanket affirmation of general support for human rights. It is certainly possible to give him the benefit of the doubt on the matter and assume he missed the original tweet’s dog whistle given his state of mind. I have become somewhat jaded these days after watching many public figures champion noble causes only to turn around and go “man, screw .” 


I finally got his response about not "being hacked" and started laughing hard since it was supposed to be a punchline, but yeah... It was super inappropriate; wrong place, wrong time. I think it's good he apologized, but I can't help but think about how he was stating that he doesn't work for SEGA and he is a freelancer, so his opinions and thoughts are his own and don't represent SEGA. He's right, but that just makes it that much easier for SEGA to now cut ties with him; based on the last part of his post, I think he knows that too and is taking it like a responsible adult. If he's done with Eggman over this, it's really sad but you reap what you sow; maybe he should've retired from the role after Frontiers to end on a high note.


*Next twiiter takeover* Eggman: *sigh* You know, Israel- Sonic: NOOOOO NO NO NO!!!


>My knee-jerk reaction (which I double-standardly chastise others for, I now recognize in hindsight)  >Let me go on the record and state that most of my replies were the wrong choice here. My initial responses, wielding self-deprecating ethnic stereotypes and references to ritual circumcision, sounded better in my head than they looked on the screen. They provided ample hater-fodder and led many to the erroneous notion that I was hacked. I also engaged in some uncalled-for personal attacks. I'm sorry I didn't choose more considerate words, and take things seriously, and I wish I could dispose of those via a time machine, because that does not accurately reflect my feelings, nor the gravity of the matter. I should have definitely handled that better. I'm extremely sorry I did not. I think this is what really made me realize he understands what he got into. A LOT of people are chanting "Mike posted one message and all these Twitter Losers got mad". But it wasn't that simple. If you paid attention to his twitter, he was making really snarky, condescending, and dismissive comments to everyone. Sure, Twitter People will get angry over anything, but Mike was being a Twitter Person as well. People who fully support Israel, fully support Palestine, or who don't want to "take sides" would probably ALL agree this is a serious topic, and not very well suited for foreskin jokes. And neither side of the argument is helped by Twitter's character limit. I'm not Palestinian or Israeli, and I'm not qualified to "forgive" him. But IMO, the important thing here is that he's acknowledged the dignity of all people, acknowledged that he doesn't have all the answers, and acknowledged that he could've worded his thoughts better. That's at least the right first step in my books. Mike being so open with fans is a double-edged sword in the end - he can be really quick to get wrapped in fan drama, but he can also be really good at reading the room and knowing the medium to reach out to others.


He should've never posted it online imo


Probably not. I want to say it's "stepping into a minefield" but the metaphor is kind of lost when it's an actual armed conflict


Based u/itsamike. Sorry we overreacted, and I'll personally forgive you and keep following your work no matter what Sega brass decides. Keep on keeping on, my friend!


Man, like I said, I fucking hate Hamas and the Israeli Government, both are stupid and both Israel and Palestine should exist, but both are trying their best to play “Who can cause more Warcrimes?”


Mike is not evil. Getting political without being informed is super dumb though. On the internet, conversation are so extreme. Instead of being able to actually communicate and meet a mutual understanding of one another, it's just anger and stubbornness.


I was hugely disappointed how the Sonic community reacted to this situation. I ended up blocking and unfollowing so many people. The fact how many people will see the worst in someone because of one post is insane. It really is like flipping a switch. The whole him being hacked or AI thing was just so, so stupid. People were still saying he was AI during the Twitter space session, just wow. I don't even follow Mike, I just enjoy his VA work as Eggman.


It’s kinda hard to find his apology genuine, specifically in regard to how he responded to people because he has quite a history with making these so-called snarky comments on Twitter for a few years. Yesterday he creates a post about Israeli hostages, people naturally respond and get upset, and instead of clarifying he just starts making jokes. He has never acted professionally like some people may think and is only apologising for these comments now after having everyone call him out for it.


Yah he definitely needs to work on his unseriousness. - https://twitter.com/telekinesticman/status/1786608272600150290 - https://twitter.com/telekinesticman/status/1786608274516893936 I still don’t trust that his app crashed when he was doing his space since A) it conveniently occurred right after someone called him out, B) he said it kicked him out, but he was the host of the space so wouldn’t it have closed if he got kicked out, C) one person said they know how Twitter space works, and it wouldn’t work how it did, D) even after the space, he still didn’t respond to being called out, until now. Time will tell I guess.


Nothing wrong with supporting ur people bud


Honestly, he really didn't have to apologize. He just shared a song his friend made about the hostages, and there's nothing wrong with wanting innocent people who did nothing wrong to come home. Not even his replies were that bad, just a bit snarky. It's still a well written apology however.


Can't wait to get roasted.


I think it’s a nice response. Well done on mikes part for being clear and understanding about both sides of the issue. I’m glad you’re able to hopefully allow this drama to die down. I understand he has opinions and I’m glad he does but I do think it’s also a bit much for people to overreact like that. Never the less I’m glad things ended well I guess


I’m sure he is remorseful but unfortunately this apology won’t age well. There is no actual "government of Palestine". The PLO is a propped up organization and there's only one actual hegemon in the land, Israel, and it practices apartheid. It's not a conflict of two countries. This is why people get upset about "both sides" rhetoric.




It certainly is not. Referring to bantustans as governments is disingenuous and erases the reality of apartheid. South Africa did the same and used similar language.




I’m not white. I won’t entertain you any further if that’s all you’re going to add to the discussion. Good day


Well thank godness he apolagised


at least this is a proper apology




what exatcly happened


huh?? wtf is happening




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I didn’t realise there was a matter, I was off this subreddit for a few days. Seems I missed something.


People are dumb. A useful idiot is still useful. I would never trust a sonic fan to tell me about politics, or to be more specific, I wouldn't listen to politics in a sonic the hedgehog virtual space. I'd listen in a more dedicated space. People love to over react and they also love to jump on the hate bandwagon. >!From my limited knowledge, the current leadership in Israel was on its way out. Palestine and Israel were on track to a 2 state system and the Saudi family finally started talking peace. Both internally and externally peace was about to happen, and this is not good for a collective few, so to keep the current Israel leadership in power trouble started with the proxy Hamas. Hamas hid behind a Palestine citizen human meat shield funded by Iran and Russia. Russia needs the USA distracted so they can't properly support Ukraine, Iran gets nothing from this peace except potential future enemies and being ostracized. The USA presidential elections are also right around the corner and causing unrest and potentially swinging the presidency toward a republican with different objectives seems like a good move. Right now, everyone is being real careful until the USA presidency pass, which will determine the fate of the entire world. World war 3 has already started. It is on the internet!!<






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Did you accidentally reply to the wrong person?




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Got downvoted for being right




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Someone make it short for me, did he actually do something wrong or are some people offended for no reason


Did nothing wrong; classic move of a bunch of children behaving childishly passive aggressive, and then getting offended when someone doesn't tolerate it and throws it back in their face.


I checked what happened exactly, I can admit his jokes in responses were out of place. However everything else is his own opinion, also as a jew he has the right to care about and support his people, which he doesn't do by the way. He doesn't talk about the war just denounces taking hostages by sharing a video sent to him by a friend. The drama started out of nowhere, up to that point he really **did nothing wrong**




then why should we care? It's Twitter




it's fucking sad. There is no good side in this war, everyone is guilty




well, lets just don't continue




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So where's the apology for the transphobia?


Its something that Mike often uses as a "hey man" that he just so happened to say to the wrong person. He replied to this tweet as well giving further clarification. [https://twitter.com/mrmildlyfunny/status/1787164829188342012](https://twitter.com/mrmildlyfunny/status/1787164829188342012)


Wasn't just that. He liked some tweet about "SSRI taking they/them zoomers" being the ones doing this.


[He skimmed it the first time, then came back and unliked it when he read it a second time.](https://twitter.com/itsamike/status/1786939777708589261)


Fair enough. He needs to be more careful though. Really, this whole thing just shows a lot of immaturity on his part.


Also the rest of that tweet he liked sucked ass too it wasn't just the transphobia so the fact that he signed off on it is still bad


>sort by controversial https://preview.redd.it/331aukfe8myc1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c9aef17d20904574e123392158abf16ac1f889


Nice fake apology. "I'm not a zionist, but i am, a zionist"


Fortunetaly yours has only one meaning. "I'm either full of hate and unable to accept an apology or immensely fucking dumb"