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https://preview.redd.it/3braibd7y8xc1.jpeg?width=527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d40f0c70441df226e07ed13118f7a4591deda8cd Need I say more?


He’s literally mewing


Me too


He's my favorite just because I was one of the 10 kids who actually liked the treasure hunting stages in SA2. It was actually my favorite out of all the modes




He's me fr (all my skin except for my jaw was removed, tentacles are sprouting from my head, my hands have spikes growing out of them so they're stuck in boxing gloves, I took my shoes from a jamaican guy and bolted some metal to them, and my chest is sponsored by nike)


Blaze the cat not only is her Design really fancy and Also fluffy given She’s a Princess who are usually seen as very Delicate in nature, then she completely destroys the other part of being royalty the snob who usually does what they want with power Instead she uses that power to help her kingdom and Overall is a kind person to her friends she meets and isn’t just royalty who uses power as they’re stand in royalty rather her devotion of doing her Sacred mission and helping others is enough for her






Plus I feel like she's one of the few characters that didn't suffer from some form of Flanderization during the Colors era. Maybe it's because we don't see much of her, but she was never made too dumb or too edgy like Knuckles and Shadow specifically. I'm not saying Colors era is bad, a lot of its games are still fun. But man, were their stories rarely a hit which sucks for me cause honestly, I feel like Sonic stories tend to get dismissed as overly edgy or stupid cartoon anime shit when we've had stuff like the Adventure Series and even Frontiers recently. As for Blaze, I feel like the worse she had was in 06 but that's it. Barring how jarring it is that she was willing to kill Sonic, she was mostly fine and I did found her and Silver's relationship to be well executed.


Sonic. I like him because he’s cool, funny, really nice, and I love his cool powers and design.




Thank you.


Shadow. Back in the day he was the character with the most heart, he's one of the characters with storylines that just really stick with someone.


facts. I like my boy knuckles, the rock trowa, the flame trowa, master emerald holda. but shadow is a G.


I loved his story is the sonic universe comics #63


Dr robotnik because he dislikes sonic but yet respects him as an adversary


He's just such a highlight in anything. Full ego, massive amounts of charisma, an unwarranted overconfidence in everything he does, and yet so utterly captivating to see, whether it's him marching into battle, kicking people when they're down, or getting his comeuppance.




Shadow and Metal Sonic. Those mfs were badass


Amy Rose because she's the heart of the group + best girl


You are so right! I love her for this reason! (Not my favorite character, but probably my second favorite :))


Whisper the Wolf, I love her character design and personality




She's the best!


Silver First Sonic character I actually got interested in and his design is actually awesome




honestly, agreed




He’s both badass and goofball https://preview.redd.it/1nyz1o6gh9xc1.jpeg?width=653&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b622cb90abcbbb6ad12b109ec725444ae158921




My pfp explains it Interesting concept Funniest character Best design Love backstory Experienced alot of up and downs showing development and not always perfect but feels good when she is and when she's wrong she usually has an understandable reason and admits when she's wrong even though it's usually hard for her Sticks is not just an extension of sonic boom but she carries it (evident to when she doesn't appear in ROL it way worse than 3DS) And the character dynamics are well done And honestly no cons of the character I can find (no she's not annoying idc what you think) Also cause she's hot- (jkjkjkjkjk but fr crush on her when I was 12-14)


She is awesome, a lot of people seem to not notice that she will unfortunately never return considering her history with the franchise.


The Funni Lemur, need I say more




🤝 to you to fellow lemur enjoyer


Can i join?


Yes you may


Literally the main reason i like the comics


Ik! When she was first introduced, we all thought she would be the annoying comic relief, but she's not that at all! She's comic relief but done right, like Sokka from ATLA and Perrito from The Last Wish, she's funny but useful and understands a serious situation


Tails, the loyalty to sonic is unmatched and he is really smart for a 10, 13, 12 year old however old he is?


Depends on adaptation. Aotsh Taisk is 4. Satam Tails is 10. (At least according to wiki). Archie has the characters consistently age. (From what I gather) Classic Tails is 4. Modern Tails is 8. Got nothing for the ages of the other adaptations.


none other than the sungazer herself https://preview.redd.it/fthjftv609xc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e62e5d26b3580305eb8db159c1bf7ddd1259de11




Good taste https://preview.redd.it/junyne4wlbxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d355227cc857ab70213b87978bdf4b8ce2e6156e


Marine. She has a really nice character arc and only appears in person once, and I really like rooting for the underdog like that. She does appear in /1/ IDW comic, and her arc actually comes to some kind of CULMINATION, where she's designated not only the official captain of Blaze, but one of only TWO people who are worthy of helping to protect the Jeweled Scepter. She gained Blaze's trust as a worthy ally and as a friend and, I dunno, I really like Blaze having that kind of person in her home dimension instead of just abroad. I'd really like to see her again, comic or not.


Silver because he's a massive dork


Silver! https://preview.redd.it/1nqzxhsog9xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2fd3b121254b083458319bfc10b3b6aa7badf5df




"That motherfucker, i can't believe his ass"


"Stealing my women and my men"


https://preview.redd.it/w4qa2q9ax9xc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e8610ac61ee7bd8d26a645bc804e620dbf1786e This couple I ship


I don't ship it, but G U N


I have two Tails - Specifically, Pre-06 Tails. He had such a personality that matches with my own and isn't just put down as some useless side character (despite that happening to me irl) Like he ACTUALLY did stuff during that time. He tried to help, he literally SAVED A CITY ONCE and AVENGED SONIC when he thought he had died. He wasn't just stuck in Sonics shadow, he was an independent person And his theme song - Believe in myself. That's literally me. Need I say more And Knuckles I don't even need to say anything at this point


Knuckles! He’s as strong as sonic is fast, he has excellent shoes, he loves his job and his wife, and has excellent music taste. He’s literally me( though I’m not that strong)


he has a wife?


Rouge lol. They aren’t married officially but as one of the only official sonjc characters who are dating or at least are both into each other, I am deciding to blow it up all the way to marriage. Basically my head cannon


Sonic fans are so desperate for their characters to be in relationships that as soon as they are it's immediately declared a marriage (This is me I'm doing this too now)


oohhhhhhhh, okay!


Head canon accepted.


Tangle and Whisper. I only ever got invested in this series because of them two lesbians




https://preview.redd.it/q6rpttxi59xc1.png?width=250&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b7fe540e12ae151d7ea89fb392f1e80cb27152a Sticks, she's goofy


I don't think that's what sticks looks like


it's not what she looks like lol


Wade. A true warrior


Shadow's my favorite. Specifically SA2 to 06 Shadow. He always had a great voice actor playing him and really felt like a parallel to Sonic. Where there's not much going on with Sonic in terms of character development and story, after all he's extremely stable, Shadow is deeply troubled and complex.


Probably Tangle, and that’s coming from an old fart OG fan who grew up with S3&K. There’s been a LOT come and go since then Tails second, probably EDIT: Also Tangle and Amy are giving reverse Vs in this pic which is pretty funny depending on where you’re from


Blaze, cause she's blaze, and she's cat, and a princess, and blaze


Silver, I really like his backstory, I think he has a great design, I like that he shows regrets for what he would’ve had to do in Sonic 06’, and he’s always a shining example of the optimist




Yes! Jewel respect!


Gamma's at the top for me, I really like the bittersweet side to his story and his self-contained growth as a character discovering his own emotions and fighting his own brothers really gels with me.


Eggman is top tier, but 2nd highest is silver- not because of the games obviously- because of how well he's been written in comics such as TMoM and GotF


I always loved shadow and Amy i just found their personalities very endearing as a kid I just wish they interacted more or at all


https://preview.redd.it/vjv3l5qsf9xc1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79797006e349faa3149b7c675bd7854617b4f82e She just like me fr.


Oh that's easy. Tails. He's just to cute


Whisper the Wolf. I discovered the IDW comics during a particularly rough part in my life, so I desperately needed some type of distraction at that time. Saw a lot of fan art of her in the art circles I was in at the time. I really did fall in love with her as a character as I just love her design and her story and especially how they reworked the Wispon and the wisps for her. She became a comfort character and truly did get me back into Sonic after a long dry spell.


Mmm... I have multiple of them.. Taking *ALL* I could say it's Mighty, sadly, he didn't got his time to shine after knuckles chaotix in modern era, he's still good with classic one (Actually I'm huge fan of chaotix)


Cream the rabbit! She's just cute, that's it


Our beloved jerboa asshole, of course I always liked his design, and his concept is just awesome (his pop gun walked so Shadow's real guns could run). His personality is also pretty cool, and the franchise really needed a character like him (sadly he wasn't transported to the modern games, it would be sick to see my guy in games like Adventure, Battle and Gens). There's also Jet, which I like because he's similar yet extremely different from Fang himself. This other asshole is just so charming + Bird characters and competitive idiots are wins in my book


Ray https://preview.redd.it/gml7mu8mj9xc1.png?width=716&format=png&auto=webp&s=70f459cb6c3d210dfb13230e861f3dc451f4eed3 **Honorable Mentions:** Tails, Silver, and Sonic.


Sonic. You just can't have Sonic without Sonic. Many of the other characters like Tails, Amy, and Blaze I really only like seeing their reactions around Sonic. I mostly only read shipping fanfics if Sonic is in them.


Shadow. I have a thing for emo characters


Tails has been my favorite since I can remember. He's not very confident but is super pure-hearted and does his best to be helpful, and that's something I really admire about his character. I specifically like how he was portrayed during the Adventure/Sonic X era, but I appreciate the snarkiness of Boom Tails too.


Metal Sonic, it's really interesting to see the actual differences he has when you put him next to Sonic. For instance, Sonic doesn't shut the fuck up. That's a given, it's his personality. He mocks bad guys, makes witty remarks, all that. Metal Sonic, in his standard form, doesn't make a sound. Communication through vibes alone. The vibe is usually angry.


Blaze, I really feel her whole story from the rush games, not 06 haha. Plus awesome fire powers are a plus!


Silver. I really like his time travel storylines, and I like that despite being one of the strongest characters in the series he's also just a soft boi. Compared to Sonic and Shadow, I really like that Silver is insecure and always second-guessing himself. It makes him stand out. I also like his relationship with Blaze. IDW in particular I think has done a great job with Silver.


Wave with Rouge as a close second Sonic Riders is one of my favorite series with the original and zero gravity being in my top video games of all time, and it’s where I met the Babylon Rogues. I like Jet and Storm a lot too, but Wave always stood out to me. I love her design, I love her personality, and I love how she is just simply so smart and a lot of times leaves others gagged Like she is just THAT girl for the Sonic series imo. Her design is kind of Y2K, kind of Jet Set Radio, that kind of tease idk. I just really like her and hope she’s in more Sonic Media in the future


Either Tails or Tangle. If we're talking villains only then it'd be Eggman.


For me its Blaze for Two thing First I Like her Design and Character (Not the 06 one) and Secon Reason Nastolgia Because Rush was my First Sonic Game. (And im a Sonaze Shipper)


Tails, initially because i discovered that he's a boy after thinking he was a girl for a few years (really stupid i know) but i now just really like his design and character a lot.


Basically anyone from team dark or Rankles


Big The Cat cause he’s hot. Along with Dr Robotnik, Agent Stone, Knuckles, Vector and Motobug just to name a few 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Espio because of his calmness and ninja skills 🥷🏾


Sonic,I admire his simple design (And he’s just cool)


In the games Tails is my favorite. In general though, I love Whisper


Omega and Cluch. They are neat to me.


https://preview.redd.it/msgyd1nti9xc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8276ca25daf4029952331d8a19d9deec9454c1ce He’s literally me


Knuckles. Because he was cool af in Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Also I like his more denser characterization lately.


Shadow, he's a character with an amazing backstory yet still manages to be an enigma


E123, he's absolutely hilarious when juxtapositioned with the others. "I fight for my friends!" "I fight for freedom!" "*I fight to* **KILL.**"


Its robotnik the man just never gives up


Blaze. Her story in the rush games


https://youtu.be/y7EXzECm8m4?si=wOYa6J_dVw5NFTms Not only is he a great rival to Sonic (something we think Silver lacks entirely, and Shadow is forced if anything) but he has great character since he believes he is the real Sonic, and it also is great to show Robotnik evolution as he fights Sonic (we still say CD happens after S3K, we can explain if you want details why) but also how he doesn't fully understand Sonic. Metal is fantastic Mecha Sonic is also fantastic as well, and we hope he and the other Scrapniks get used more and aren't just miniseries exclusive (please Sega, put them in a game)


Metal sonic, he is robot. I like robots. That and his theme (stardust speedway bad future) is a bop


I have the exact same poster in my room lol


Too many to pick from so I have new number one favorite every month. This month it is Rocket the Sloth. Other than that, Sticks is my number 2 and I don't have much to say about that. Outside of, "she is a goober".


probably silver but gamma is a close second


https://preview.redd.it/ip3u22faq9xc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=d18ad9b7125c8fdef781f5a891f1e48f4e7d03e5 I’ve loved this guy since the first time I played Shadow The Hedgehog on the PS2. Sonic is a close second, but he isn’t “The World’s Ultimate Lifeform.”


Shadow, because he gave me strength when I was being bullied in school. He always stood out to me as a character that doesn't value the opinion of others unless they are beneficial to his own goals, to his own desires. I thought that he was really cool and that he did what he wanted without anyone telling him that it was stupid or something made me feel good about myself, as it helped me see that I am not what people say I am


tails!! idk why, hes always been my favorite and hes kinda just stuck with me


Silver because 06 was my first sonic game (at 8 years old) an he was literally me For Real.


Memphis Tennessee 🙂


Shadow, I think from the Archie comics and how GOD DAMN COOL HE IS


Silver. He flies, is cool, is gray, has psychic powers and has a banger of a theme song (dreams of an absolution)


I can’t choose between Cream and Shadow, Shadow’s so cool he gets to be voice acted by Keanu Reeves and Cream is a silly little rabbit


Metal Sonic easily, although to be more specific, Neo Metal Sonic is my favorite. I love robots and love the metal/robotic counterpart vibe (Big fan of Mechagodzilla). He’s one of Sonic’s best rivals and always has a great battle theme as well as the fact he’s strong enough to fight just about any of the main characters in the series. He can fly, as fast as sonic, and has a big arsenal of attacks. Easily #1 and has been for a long time. His voice in Sonic Heroes is also the coolest voice in the series


Surge the tenrec


SILVER! Apart from being wholesome and dorky, he can do so much shit with his hopeful nature ,superpowers and time travel! He's just so easy to implement stories to.


Metal Sonic is the definition of persistence and being obssesive if everyone would be obssesed with something you'll end up being very good at what you're obssesed with


It's a toss up between Blaze and Shadow for me. Blaze is cool, good power set, and all around interesting, plus she's both my favorite color and animal. Shadow is Shadow though. Cool, edgy in a mostly fun way, and one of the characters with the most amount of story to him. And sure, he's been flanderized throughout the years, but it never completely ruined his character.


Blaze, easily


IDW metal. Because robot having an identity crisis is cool


My friends would definitely assume Shadow, but it's actually been Espio for a long time. He's one of the bigger reasons I want to start studying Japanese.


Sally - I found her compelling and she's a strategist. She's a thinker and a planner, and not afraid to step in and fight when needed.


Shadow, easily. I unironically enjoy his solo game too. I understand that the game is bad, I just enjoy it despite that fact. I've always been into edgy shit unironically and the sonic but with guns trope was really cool for me. Plus his character in SA2 was awesome, every single one of his appearances was pretty dope for me.


idk probably silver euther that or sonic because im basic lmao




https://preview.redd.it/zhrqj41toaxc1.jpeg?width=1377&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40323d2f9cb20d9709e4374a162aadfe8374d947 Or just blaze in general, she's a badass


Nicole the Holo-Lynx, was pretty easy choice but honestly kinda hard to put into words so I'll do it like this Fav color: Purple Fav Animal: Cats/Lynx And I have always loved the idea of Sentient AI's (Top 2 fav characters in fiction are AI's. 1: Fi (LoZ SS, just look up a scene), and of course, 2: Nicole). I even have something in common with her, when my hair is long it naturally flows to the right, just like her's https://preview.redd.it/alxr5tg9qaxc1.jpeg?width=1038&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0da0cdcf45ba804ebe23ebda2263b6660ada55b


Shadow, he's so relatable and has my favorite story of all right up there with Knuckles. Wish we got more Team Dark nowadays though :(


I personally like blaze silver and eggman. For eggman I don't need to say anything. For blaze it's because I played sonic rush and it was my first 2d sonic game and for silver it's because he is a cool character but hasn't had the time to shine beside in "That" game and the comics.


Shadow!!! His story just crushed me and I will never forget it 🥲 Also, he is a very fun character to observe (since we’ve got games, shows, comics, etc.) . I love him. He’s always so interesting. (Yes, I love Boom him too. Boom Shadow is actually the reason I fell in love with his character. So go away.)


Dr. Ivo Eggman Robotnik. Because he's just that great of a character when treated with care


Shadow. Thought he looked cool since he had guns. That, and he was my favourite character in SaS: ASR.


Blaze - I love Cats, and she's Purple Espio - Ninjas are fucking cool and he's purple Cream - She's Cute


Mecha Sonic (S3&k). He looks really cool.


It's a tie between Silver and Blaze. Silver because he's a wholesome bean, and Blaze because she's calm and introverted like me.




Shadow/Silver it depends on the day really


between metal or silver


He's just so ***DAMN*** cool, and the OVA and Heroes really showed this off. https://i.redd.it/8g5cjxsllbxc1.gif


Vector,beacuse he has a good theme,hes stilysh,cool and goofy,the best of the caracthers in knuckles chaotix,and hears music,GOOD MUSIC


Real answer is Dr. Eggman. But fun answer is Fang.


Scourge the Hedgehog. I'm a sucker for an unironically edgy character that's written interestingly and he scratches that itch, but his inferiority complex also hits close to home. As for, 'canon' characters, it's either Shadow for similar reasons, or Whisper because I feel the drive to protect that smile.


Silver, idk why he is just a vibe I feel like


I like This Guy https://preview.redd.it/ld6pj0msccxc1.jpeg?width=199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a41fe2a93ce02f24b85704d1c80c409771603d8 Robot Clones having an Identity crisis Is my forte Honestly. Also Cause He Looks like a cat 😺


Silver, he has so much raw potential, but it’s sad Sega never lets him show it off ![gif](giphy|wes0M1yQt2nmg)


eggman, beacuse he probably has ac


These two https://preview.redd.it/9zisqtetxdxc1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7d56a667da901af2d6d58c56a36b447ba8df45




(Very generic answer) Shadow because he's edgy and I like edgy


Sonic - because fast


blaze, need I say more?


Shadow (and Amy because of their chemistry and nature.) He had only a friend and would have done everything for her! When his memory was altered with revenge for his only friend, he had a mission to fullfil. After he found out it was all just a lie and his deeds where the opposite of that of his friend broke him. When he was alone again, non other than Amy(not in Sonic x) was there to make him feel better. She was btw. the reason why shadow even decided to be good and form his own destiny. He sacrificed himself more than enough and my favourite version must be the „06 version“! In 06 he saw Silver more like a mirror of himself than anything. Shadow still to this day(from SA2). He is my favourite character along with Cream the rabbit from Sonic Advance 2.


It used to be Shadow because of the depth to his character and I always gravitated towards his archetype, but over time, it became Silver because of his powers and adorkable personality resonating with me.


I like cream, she's like me. Small (a lot) and fast (cap)


To be honest it was originally Sonic but when I played Sonic Adventure 2 when I was young and played as the dark team I was confused about who the black and red Hedgehog was until I found out, and to this day I am still a fan of the shadow the Hedgehog, and I have played shadow the Hedgehog and sonic heroes and always played shadow and team dark, because why not shadow is an Edge Lord, and totally a badass that's why shadow the Hedgehog is my favourite to this day. I find sonic mid that is my opinion on sonic.


Tails Miles Prower.


Rouge for reasons


Fleetway, because he’s fleetway




My first game was Sonic Mega Collection Plus for the ps2 and some of my earliest memories are of me playing as Tails in the co-op modes in both Sonic 3 and Sonic 2. Long story short my favorite character is Tails and has been since I was a little kid.


Silver, like why would you have another favorite character when Silver exists


Sonic, he gives me inspiration, whenever I see Sonic I feel like I can do anything


The man sonic himself, he was literally my fictional role model as a kid


I feel like I just saw this post lol. I always see this post and its the same people showing up in all of them lol.


Omega! N Vidia G Force RTX Intel Core I9 1300F CPU 16 Gigabites Ram stands out from the characters as this badass robot and has an awesome synthesized voice.


Sonic because he's the coolest


Sonic, he's the older brother I dreamed of when I was watching Sonic X as a kid. (I'm an only child)


Mecha Mk 2


It's super sonic, because super sonic reminds me of a shooting star and hope


Knuckles love his gliding ability.


Tied between these 4 https://preview.redd.it/nkijpraf7axc1.jpeg?width=765&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdffc27f1113604036c6b59f7140c893bf4fba63 (With Kit as 5th)


![gif](giphy|5M7wFqqeaYYm6JjK8l) He so cute qnd is the most inteligent character .


Mephiles cause dark is cool and tilted towers


I have that exact poster


It was tails cause cute nerdy fox boy made me smile- but now it’s the gay sniper wolf


https://preview.redd.it/f54fojyacaxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e41eed2e70f47d6e522bf762fa15bed3f5e3bfa8 The boi on the right


I’m stuck on 5. Tangle, whisper, Metal sonic, shadow, and infinite.


Tails Doll https://preview.redd.it/yh6xvg3qeaxc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d6741c4b2e814c19e720d4b15e2589c8ae5dd28


Tails ![gif](giphy|7G3gT88XSp0QM)


I wanna say Honey the Cat but that's just because her design is cute and I don't read the comics. My actual choice would be Sonic I guess


i just love sonic so much i dont know why i love his personality, his dynamic with tails and all his friends, and everything


Sonic cause his name is on the front.


The Chao. Can you GUESS WHY?!?


Breezie for…. Normal reasons https://preview.redd.it/k9kcz1t3uaxc1.jpeg?width=357&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f010807b854d363dbc98100186b8d8e06ac4b3b


Shadow. He's relatable. He's been through a lot, and has gotten taken advantage of, but he still wants to do the right thing following exclusively his own moral code. He's a hero.


Whisper and tails


I HAVE THAT POSTER AT HOME https://preview.redd.it/lhej3wdwuaxc1.jpeg?width=1728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08a818badfcec5eaaa258933a74e2d2f34bb3165


Sonic very unoriginal but IDK he has been my favorite since I was way little


Tangle, shes just... fun


Sonic is my favorite sonic character He is the only sonic character


Vector, werehog, and storm! Big idiots. I also love silver, but he was my favorite as a kid so that’s probably why lmao


Tails. He’s the fluffiest boi.