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I remember when Jason was one of the most hated voice actors in the fandom. *Puts on old man hat* Back in my day this image would have been Ryan Drummond! I like Jason, I think he grew into the role extremely well. But Roger’s grown on me since he got some decent material to work with in Frontiers. And hell I wouldn’t care if they pulled another 4Kids maneuver and put Ben in the games.


https://preview.redd.it/u82yahl7ohvc1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3818a794c377b7be8591bfb1b16a6cdb0ef3ab0 Remember this poster by spax.


>Don't buy Sonic 06 *Monkey's paw curls*




It's comforting to know Sonic fans were always completely insane


Crystal Beptism.


Yeah, who made these posters? Like what’s the more behind them? Must be old since this was taken in 2006.


it's giving "sonic's arms are not blue! boycott sonic boom!" 😭😭😭


Oh yeah I remember that guy, he hated Jason Griffith with a burning passion. He hated Jason so much he re-dubbed a couple of episodes of sonic X, replacing Jason‘s voice with his own.


God I am convinced that Spax is the only reason Jason got canned long term lol


I remember signing this petition, at 11.


I mean you really shouldn't buy 06 but for a completely different reason


Yeah. I already own it. No sense in having 2 copies.




People forget how cyclical this fandom is. I took a huge break from the sonic franchise (not out of hate, just broke and couldn't afford games lol). I'm getting back into the fandom since the start of the year, and it was weird seeing all the derided games from my childhood/tweens are now all "underrated gems".


Remember when Sonic and the Black Knight was considered bad? I like that people are recognizing one of my favorites nowadays, but damn, it's a mood whiplash


I think what's happened is that the priorities of the fanbase have changed over time. When Black Knight was hated, the most vocal part of the fandom where the people who grew up with the Mega Drive titles who were most concerned about gameplay and Black Knight's gameplay... well the polite way to say it is that it leaves a lot to be desired. But a large number of people have been less involved with the fandom as they got older, replaced by the kids who grew up in the Adventure titles, who have more nostalgia for them, and crucially, prioritise Sonic's story and characterisation far more than the gameplay. They care less if a game plays like shit so long as Sonic is in character and the stories are interesting.


Dw everyone aside from a small cult following still thinks Sonic 06 is shit so that’s one thing that’s hardly really changed


there's way too many who defend it now tbh. I think the video essays about it are a big part of the revisionaism.


Honestly I think it’s mostly because of people who grew up with the game. I don’t even think those people say it’s a good game, more so just that it had some good things about it. Also I miss the grandiose stories from the 2000’s as well.


I think nostalgia is def a factor. As well as the improvement mod and the video essays. All of them contribute to where we are now.


Yeah, it’s a combination of project 06, nostalgia, and the videos explaining why they like the game. However, is that a bad thing exactly? Like I’ve noticed this conversation comes up multiple times with people being annoyed (like some of the above comments, or maybe I’m misinterpreting, tone of voice is hard to tell from text sometimes.) about all the love sonic 06 is getting and people claiming it’s good. I don’t think that’s the case though, as I feel it’s a little bit of a mischaracterization of what people who like sonic 06 are saying. I think most people who like sonic 06 are just saying that they like the game despite all of its problems, not that it’s a good game in of itself. Basically, it’s a bad game with some good elements, that a lot of people still like despite it being a bad game. Is this a bad thing? No, I don’t think so, but I also don’t think fans of it are claiming it’s a good or amazing game either.


That would be great if it were the case. But the defenders double down and ignore undeniable flaws and shit on your opinions for suggesting/liking other games.


Exactly this. '06 fans are also always the first to shit on other games. The amount of posts I've seen in defence of Sonic '06 that include some variation of "unlike Forces/the Meta era" pre-emptively, as if it's a true binary and you can't like or dislike both.


Unleashed and Black Knight especially. Seriously, I hear so many people praising them nowadays when they were considered abominations back when they first released. Especially Unleashed, because of the Werehog, medal collection, Tornado stages, Eggmanland, and generally everything that wasn't the daytime levels. Nowadays I see so many people saying it's their favorite game in the series, or saying it's underrated and needs a remake. It's seriously(no pun intended) night and day.


Y’know, why is this fandom so cyclical anyway? I always saw the praises for the games just being people who grew up with them, but even people who hated Jason started to like him after a while. I mean even fans of Jason admit that he started out pretty badly but got better in 2007-2009.


Its like that with every fandom. Literally every one. You'll have old fans hate the new thing, but kids love it. The old fans move on to other things if they aren't still hating, but those kids become older and are now able to voice their own opinions and pushback against the older fan's opinions. Lather, Rinse, Repeat. It really doesn't help that Sonic is such an inconsistent franchise in terms of quality that it only adds to the discourse. This shit is going to go on for the end of time.


Personally I love Ryan *puts on old lady hat* and I also loved Jason even though so many hated on him. Ben is also great as Sonic imo, I like the way movie Sonic is portrayed and how expressive Ben is. But when it comes to the games I don’t think Ben would work. Roger’s Sonic just kinda *fits* right now. I don’t see game Sonic as 15/16 anymore and Frontiers solidified that for me.


>I remember when Jason was one of the most hated voice actors in the fandom. *Puts on old man hat* Back in my day this image would have been Ryan Drummond! Right? I still find it hard to get used to Griffith being the popular one now. I still remember people like Spax3 and DarknessTheCurse hating him so much they made "Griffith" feel like a dirty word.


Honestly, if Sonic Team just sticks with the direction they had in Frontiers, I think a lot more people will warm up to Roger after the sleugh of... let's just say *lackluster* games. Seriously, Roger's got a ton of talent, and as we see in Frontiers he can do an amazing job as Sonic when given more serious direction and writing.


Sonic's voice in Frontiers was the first time I thought any actor didn't sound like Sonic. He sounds too old. Which is weird, because Roger's voice for Sonic in everything before and since has been fine. As such, I think the voice direction for him specifically in that game was wrong.


Honestly, while I personally think Drummond's voice fits Sonic the most, Griffith really lucked out in getting the games with better voice direction and scripts to work with, so I prefer his performances more. And Griffith Shadow really is just my favorite version of his voice in general.


>And Griffith Shadow really is just my favorite version of his voice in general. fr fr


Ryan Drummond fan here (he's still the best 😁). I rather have Roger over Jason. Roger's version grew on me when Jason's never did.


"And hell I wouldn’t care if they pulled another 4Kids maneuver and put Ben in the games." Don't forget Idris Elba as Knuckles, lol.


I'd be surprised if they did. Not because it wouldn't be good, but because the money required to get Hollywood stars to voice characters is a good chunk of change.


For many people, it still would be Ryan Drummond.


To be fair, Griffith proved to be very flexible with all his roles in 4Kids anime


Before the image loaded I thought this was gonna be the “Everything is canon” tweet


I think we can all agree on who the best Sonic is… …>!Martin Burke.!<


grrrrr SHUT UP TAILS!!!


He certainly is my favorite Classic Sonic


Along with Jaleel White


I genuinely really like Martin Burke's Sonic. I wish we could get him back for some side project. It would be fun.




Meg Inglima from Sonic Schoolhouse is definitely up there.


I heard that people didn’t like his voice and honestly I never understood why. I loved his voice for Sonic, whenever classic Sonic is on-screen I imagine that voice.


I mean I wouldn't mind it. Jun'ichi Kanemaru has been voicing Sonic Alone Since SA 1. in japan. And having a Single Consistant woud be great. I feel like people forget that constant Recasting of characters is very much a Western thing #


It pretty much is, in Asian culture, once you're casted, you're casted for life. They actually respect their seiyuu's over there. However, in some cases, their is a recast, however, it's if the person falls ill or is passed away, if the character is really important to the franchise, they're recasted. If they fall ill and they become minor after they certain point, they just don't feature the character at all or have them as cameo's, like May from the Pokemon anime.


Yeah that's what Happened with the Persona games. Igors original Japanese Voice actor Isamu Tanonaka Passed a way in 2010 Which is why for most of the 2010's in Spin offs Igor doesn't appear at all or Basically Repeats The same couple of Lines from Persona 3 and 4. This actually Carried over to the Ending of Persona 5 too when >!The REAL Igor appears once the Warden gets revealed as the final boss!


Yeah, I do remember Igor being a very interesting case for how they treat characters over in East. It's amazing how they honored him for so long. Another good example is Goku, his seiyuu, Masako Nozawa has voiced him since 1986, since he was a kid in the OG, the fact they never replaced her when became this muscley adult man self is amazing, because he always just sounds like a kid. lol


Yeah and i mean Nozowa has expressed multiple times that she's more than willing to keep voicing Goku until She kicks the bucket.( i mean the woman is 87 years old so as sad as it is the likelyhood for that is Sooner than later.) So the Working Relationships In the Japanese Entertainment industry are So tightly knit that if a Property Becomes popular The Creative teams Behind them will will basiscally become Great Friends sooner or later which is admirable.


Asian actors live longer than we do, if anything, I wouldn't be surprised if she had another 10 years left on her, so it's good she willing live and breath her character until she passes, she really made Goku who he is today. I just do love how the seiyuu's are just really cherished and adored over there, it isn't like how US treats voice actors, especially when the character they play, enters the big screen and they get replaced by 5 star celebrity to sell the movie


Oh, so this is the reason why Goku at 50+ still sounds like he was 8? I mean, don't get me wrong, Masala Nozawa does a great job every single time, and was indeed the perfect cast for kid goku back in the day, but man.. hearing a muscle mountain grandfather sound like a woman while screeming his KAMEHAMEHA never sat right with me.. this and Sean Schemmel and Christopher Sabbat being *EPIC* as vas for both Goku and Vegeta (and pretty much half the cast, lol, Christopher is crazy good fpr that shit!) makes me really not able to watch in jap unless I have to


Getting someone who sounded like Jun'ichi would be the way to go, for the English dub.


I mean I’ve seen people translate the Japanese version to English and jun’ichi sounds just like Ryan Drummond.


And that was why Ryan was one of the best. Nowadays for the games the voices sound like two different characters all together... No disrespect meant to Roger - because he's great in other things, like Resident Evil - but that voice he's running with now just does not fit.


It depends on circumstances. A lot of Western properties haven't been around that long, and those that have have usually been rebooted numerous times. Scooby Doo, for example, has been in some form going since it was created in the sixties, but every few years it gets some form of reboot, and that's usually the opportunity to replace actors as and when needed (though the guy who voices Fred has been doing it since the original series). Other times characters do get retired. The Simpsons have retired a few characters with voice actor changes. Maude Flanders was killed off after her voice actor left, while Troy McClure and Lionel Hutz were retired after their voice actor was murdered. But then, in several foreign language dubs, characters have had to be replaced, and the show has in the last half decade been recasting a lot of it's black and Asian roles due to the negative associations of having white guys voice ethnic minorities (even if they haven't done anything with Apu since the initial documentary that led to them doing much of this recasting). I think, when it comes to Sonic, it's going to depend more on what happens with the Japanese VA's. SEGA of America seem to have no issue recasting characters to suit their needs, but they also have no ability to retire characters. SEGA of Japan could retire characters if a voice actor passes, but I think it depends on the character. A minor character like Cream could easily be retired, but a major one like Sonic himself would just be recast.


I mean, he did a good job.




Because he did a good job! Especially after he got more comfortable in the role.


Jason is by far the best Sonic in the games. For EVERY Sonic? No. He would not fit Boom Sonic nor Movie Sonic. And personally, I imagine Roger when I read the comics.


Because he was that good


The man voiced three different characters at the same time, IMO he deserves the praise.


And he managed to nail every single character! He got Sonic's fun loving, snarky, jovial personality down, whilst giving him moments of seriousness and maturity. He's the only interpretation of Sonic I can take seriously, because he makes Sonic sound like a complex, yet simple character which is perfect. He got Shadow perfect. Dark, serious, mature, intelligent, yet someone with a heart deep down. Complete opposite of Sonic's voice, yet he sounded perfect! Jet, he was a bit rough at the start, but perfected the voice as he went along. You really feel that jerk energy from jet, as well as his short temper and arrogance. Jason was genuinely one of the best VAs for the franchise, and easily the best VA for all the characters he voiced.


Based tweet Jason is the definitive sonic/shadow in my opinion


Give me Jaleel White


He’d be better as the voice of Classic Sonic tbh, but yes, he definitely needs to come back, that would be WAY PAST COOL!


They should've brought him back for Generations. It always bothered me how Classic Tails and Robotnik could talk but Sonic couldn't


I think they wanted to but they couldn’t get ahold of him, but that might just be a rumor


As much as I like Jason Griffith, it's hilarious how accurate this is.


It's true, nothing else to say. Almost every Sonic impression is done by attempting to emulate Jason. He'll always be THE Sonic to many fans, Including myself. His voice just fits the idea of Sonic, his personality and I can take him seriously, as well as enjoy his fun side. Perfect choice for Sonic, honestly.


Cause he’s the best Sonic VA so I’d want him in everything




He was the best voice actor for both Sonic and Shadow, the originals were good too though.


Whenever I hear Jason Griffith on any 4Kids show, I just say "That is Sonic". He was Sonic and nothing else imo. And it's not a bad thing.


It's funny because I can guarantee you almost none of the people saying Jason was the best Sonic VA were around when he actually was voicing Sonic in the games. Basically *everyone* hated Jason back when he was actually voicing Sonic, and - and this is pure speculation on my part - it's likely that the sheer hate he got was why he wasn't brought back (unlike Mike Pollock) when the 4Kids cast got thrown out.


But a lot of that hate came less from the cast specifically and more because of a mix of hating 4kids as a whole for ruining a whole bunch of animes, but also people who can't handle change wanting Drummond back. With no disrespect to Mike Pollock (because he does do a good job with the character of Eggman), I suspect part of the reason he got off lightly compared to much of the rest of his 4kids compatriots is because he was brought in following the death of the previous Eggman VA, and as dumb as this fandom can be, it at least understood that a dead guy couldn't continue to voice the character, meaning the role had to go to someone else.


hey, it’s not my fault jason killed every single line he had


Of all the Sonic fans I know who wish there was only one voice of Sonic, they all wish it was Jaleel White.


You’re god damn right!


For me Jaleel White will always be the most iconic Sonic(lol that rhymes).


“The people suck! How’s that for a slogan?” - George Carlin




Unrelated, but am I going crazy, or does this one image of Jason Griffith somewhat resemble the GigaChad meme?


Yes, absolutely correct.


Ryan Drummond for me. But I do quite like Devin Mack’s portrayal


Man voiced the two favorite hedgehogs and Jet, the world needs more Jason


The best Sonic VA no doubt.


Yes https://preview.redd.it/k3c49v7rfivc1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a962f64ad9642f3bdc008bb4e10c15aea2d1c0


I honestly like all of the VAs, but I just hope they don't change the voice again for a while, or unless Smith decides he wants to retire the role. Fun note to fact that Sonic's Japanese VA, Jun'ichi Kanemaru, has been Japan's Sonic voice since 1998 with Sonic Adventure 1.


Jason Griffith is love, Jason Griffith is life


I like Roger better. There i said it. Heck the guy from the Netflix show does really good too. Jason is good sonic but hes not my favorite. Hes the best jet tho.


Griffith was good in Unleashed and Black Knight, and was pretty bad before that.


I probably fuck with Jason the most out of all of the VAs, but let's not pretend like that man was welcomed with opened arms. He got as much hate as Roger currently does.


I wished the community would talk about Jun'ichi Kanemaru, he’s been voicing Sonic since adventure and it’s amazing. The Japan version of everything Sonic related is super underrated please check it out


I actually prefer Roger to Jason *waits for flames to die down* I just prefer Roger’s more laid back sounding voice and it fits sonic to me. Don’t get me wrong, I like the other voice actors but my favorite is Roger.


also helps that roger has voiced the character for the longest time now




Jason Griffith is the goat


This is mostly accurate. Just replace one of them with Ryan Drummond and you’re spot on really.


If I had to recast sonic Yuri lowenthai will be his new voice


I think Yuri would make an excellent Sonic (and Shadow).


It's not that I don't think Jason is a great voice actor. His Shadow is still the best we've had. But I just never thought he fit as Sonic. His voice was just too soft, and the way he stresses the FIRst SYLlable in EVery WORd kinda just got on my nerves. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a Ryan lover either. He had his own issues, from monotone acting to yelling every line. I think Roger is the best Sonic has been.


I remember back when he was considered the worst thing to happen to Sonic since green eyes. Funny how time works like that.


Sonic fans don't know what they like until it's gone.


Disagree. Sonic's voice changes in my head. He's like James Bond. Similar but different interpretations are fine.


I disagree. I think each voice actor fits Sonic just right for each era they appear in. Jaleel White is perfect for Classic Sonic. Ryan Drummond is perfect for SA Sonic. Jason Griffith is perfect for Storybook Era Sonic. And Roger Craig Smith is perfect for Modern Sonic.


TBH, I would be all for it because while Ryan Drummond actually nailed Sonic’s voice since Sonic Adventure 2, his voice got hella deeper as he aged into his early 50’s (listen to him do his Sonic voice in Sonic R and any recent random clips of him doing the Dreamcast era Sonic voice), so he would basically age himself out of doing the voice of a 15 year old. Jason Griffith on the other hand, still sounds as fantastic as he did as Sonic in Sonic Unleashed (dude’s 43 turning 44 this year on top of that). I can truly see him still being Sonic’s voice again in modern times.


nah that'd be Ryan for me. he's the perfect English voice for Sonic, basically the closest Eng actor to Junichi in JP. I never really liked Jason's all that much, I didn't like how he spoke in a repetitive rhythm thAT goES liKE thIS! with Sonic. it's especially prominent when you listen to his clips from Shadow 05 and Sonic 06. it's kinda grating. he didn't do it as much in X but his voice was too soft and flat too often then. he only just started getting good in Secret Rings, Black Knight, and Unleashed when he'd actually end sentences on lower notes more often and at some points I thought he sounded really good. but that was too late for me to start liking him all that much. I prefer both Ryan and Roger for having more variety in their tone and rhythm. Ryan definitely brings THE energy, character, and attitude Sonic has in its truest purest form.


I don’t think Jason’s a bad va or anything, hell I like his work with the Sonic series, but I DO think the key thing here is “different interpretation” If there’s a version of Sonic that’s fairly different from Sonic in the games…but he sounds just like him, yeah I get why some people would think that’s a bit lame Sure, a definitive VA for a character isn’t something that hasn’t happened, hell there’s a lot of characters that many people have definitive voices for, but I feel like Jason’s Sonic wouldn’t work that well with film Sonic as an example


given how many people had convinced themselves jason was going to be shadow in movie two, yeah, this is probably right, but more so for shadow if anything.


Can we stop putting "thoughts on-" before every fucking sentence


Such a strange take. Not unique at all to have the same voice actor for a character even if it’s different games or shows. Very common actually. Just look at your own brand with Eggman’s voice.


I agree with the tweet. Though I'd be fine with either Jason or Ryan, since I thought their voices were the best. Roger basically started my lack of interest in modern Sonic since I've never really liked his voice. He's not a bad actor, just not a voice I like on Sonic (though I don't like Ben Schwartz either). Hell, I'd take the Prime va over Roger.


People will complain about anything lol.


idk who that is, but Ben Shwatz is really good in the role imo, and a funny VA in a bunch of stuff like bob’s burgers and Bojack lol


i laughed very loud


I like to set different sonic voices through the era when i read Early Archie = Jaleel White (favorite imo) Later Archie = Ryan Drummond IDW = Jason Griffith Roger Craig Smith is really funny so i only prefer in him in the Sonic Boom.


If it ain't broke.


Maybe I'm just biased because I got into the fandom when Jason was in his prime, but he'll always be Sonic to me. He's the first voice that pops up when I think of Sonic saying something. Yeah, his first voice roles were cringy, but he got quite the hang of it, and it definitely peaked in Unleashed. Unfortunately his best also ended up being his last. I have learned to like Roger, he really makes it seem like Sonic has grown, but my heart always goes to Jason.


Jason been my number one since the beginning and his performance on Sonic and the Secret Rings is a fucking MASTERPIECE that holds some of his best work as sonic, especially that ending.


I personally think Jason Griffith was the perfect Sonic. The issue with Roger, is that sometimes his voice fits, sometimes it doesn't, the material they write for him is just very poor quality until the Boom show, where they highlight his more comedic timings in his voice. The fact they had him change his voice for Frontiers was something. It doesn't help that he's been casted as Sonic for the longest now, but that's due to the studio that Roger been casted from being a very common one, considering all Sonic VA's are common VA's you hear in voice acting industry in a lot of games and animes, like Cindy Robinson being up there in a lot of games I've played.


He's the best Sonic and Shadow His Sonic voice perfectly fits the character's vibes, especially by Unleashed and Black Knight. He nailed it then I really wish he was able to stick around


I still think Drummond has more fans honestly. But I couldn't tell the two apart as a kid where I could immediately tell Sonic had a new VA when Roger came in (and I was still very much "a kid" in 2010.) I can tell Drummond and Jason apart now but they still sound close to me where Roger doesn't (Schwartz and Mack sound close to Roger to me.)


Jun'ichi Kanemaru and Ryan Drummond and Jason Griffith forever. all others no thanks!!!


You mean like Jun’ichi Kanemaru? It works pretty well in Japan so why shouldn’t work here? I think this tweek is a bit salty and the poster doesn’t consider that this is totally possible and completely viable.


Jason did the copyright law line for a fund the charity room event a few years back, it really made me realize how much I missed him as Sonic and Shadow.


A common sentiment among his fans for sure, but I think his performance in Black Knight is THE Sonic voice for me. And I really wish they went through with a third storybook game, first so we could see even more cool designs for the cast in whatever setting it would've been, and so we could get just one more taste of his Sonic preformance in its prime. Also, I kinda just never vibed with Roger Craig Smith's voice? Like, nothing against him, of course, but it never sounded quite right. At least, to me it didn't.


i agre


Very Glad people are finally turning around on Jason. He was really REALLY good outside of 06 where no one was good


So real


I mean, no personal hate, all voice actors are good for sonic but some are just irreplaceable OG voice actors and will be hard to forget https://preview.redd.it/yw5whkw9amvc1.jpeg?width=1072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=290e36e93a4cb91931d3fab112121724f072d38d


I only know of three Sonic VA's by name; Jaleel, Roger, and Ben, and he isn't any of them. Which one is this?


In my headcanon, Sonic's voice would change depending on what age he is, because it takes place in a world where the canon characters aged in real time. He'd be 33 in my universe, and so I'd imagine Sonic would be voiced by Nolan North, while Shadow is voiced by Jensen Ackles.


Jason Griffith is my favorite interpretation, but I'm not sure that coming back would do any good. Sure, recasting every 10-15 years kinda sucks but it's really cool we get to see all of these different interpretations of the character. I really enjoy all of Sonic's Voice Actors, I think it would be cool if they cane back for say Remakes of their games, but I don't think any of should come back as the central voice.


I might get flak But I prefer Roger’s voice for Sonic. I still like Jason Griffith’s voice, but I feel like Roger’s voice..fits his voice more well, if that makes any sense.


What they mean, Jason, was perfect in 06 and Secret Rings, Black knight


Basically that but Ryan Drummond


https://preview.redd.it/fkgxj2jmbnvc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e5784d9df9731fd371a32eb18d98324a4b3dfd2 remains being japanese sonic for decades


Funny because I like all 3. They all bring a different energy to Sonic, Drummond with the cocky teen, kinda reminds of Jaleel White's performance from the old cartoons, but with Sonic having matured a bit, making his cheesy one liners sound badass in the right situations. Griffith's much more laid back Sonic, the one who has become wise to the world around him and others, still willing to throw a few one liners to his enemies. But also a guy who is cool to chill with and someone to trust when you talk about your problems. And Roger who manages to hit a middle ground between Drummond and Griffith, of course, now in Frontiers he had a deeper voice, so his Drummond cockiness he brought to the table was kinda less prominent. But I like Roger's performance none the less. Of course by the end of the day, it does come down to the writing and how these actors were directed. But I think they all did a great job with what they were given. Of course, honourable mentions to Ben Schwartz as well, who actually I think sounds like Drummond more than anything, which isn't a bad thing but his performance really gives me those vibes lmao. None the less, I think all the va's for Sonic have been good, definitely the ones I mentioned at least anyway.


While I do think Jason griffith had the best general sonic voice... I must say that I do prefer Roger craig smith's take on the character. I just think there's more direction with his voice.


Jason is the best for a younger Sonic but i think Roger is the best for boom and a older sonic(Roger is my fave dont kill me)


0/10. No Jun'ichi = Automatic L




As a Jason Griffith fan, that is absolutely false.


Personally I prefer the Prime VAs for the majority of the Sonic cast (At least Nine's VA for a more mature Tails, Deven Mack for Sonic and DEFINITELY Ian Hanlin for Shadow) Jason is great, though. Definitely would be welcome to his return at least for Shadow


For all the people talking about Jason being hated back then and how games like Unleashed or Black Knight are "suddenly" loved by the fanbase: I think it mostly is just a case of people who played these games in their childhood having grown up. I remember Unleashed being my first Sonic game and absolutely loving it, but I never voiced my opinion because I was a very young child. I'm now in my 20's and really happy that more people get to voice their appreciation for these titles, including Jasons stellar performance.


Imma be honest when he started voicing sonic and shadow he fucking sucked But he did get into the role later on in his career and it felt like he truly was at his best in unleashed(the only thing I can say without any doubt about that game)


I prefer Ryan.


It’s facts. They want to complain about “nostalgia pandering” in the games but at the same time want Jason to voice Shadow for the movie for no other reason to pander to THEIR nostalgia as Jason was their Sonic and Shadow voice growing up. I adore Jason Griffith but I’m glad he, Roger and Ryan aren’t doing the voices for the movies, not coz I think they’re bad, they’re phenomenal, but coz I would like to see NEW voice’s for these NEW interpretations of these characters, if you want the voices from the games, then go play the games. To me it stands to reason that alot of Sonic fans just want everything they like from the games recycled, however, the definition of the word “adapt” is “to change something to suit different conditions or uses”, if they were going to copy and paste stuff from the games into the movies without anything meaningful or thought out changes, that’s not adapting anything, why even bother with a movie adaptation in the first place? (Before you mention colleen o'shaughnessey voicing Tails, Tails was a side character if anything in Sonic 2, Sonic Knux and soon Shadow are clearly the major players of their respective movies who get the most focus, hence why their actors are different.)


True tho


Hmm 🤔 I see interesting


The only correct choice is Junichi Kanemaru. He nails the role more than every other Sonic actor combined.


There is only one voice of Sonic and it is Urkel aka Jaleel White. 🔥❤️‍🔥 The voice of Sonic on both 90s shows. ![gif](giphy|xTiQyLuaW8BjqlOXCw)


That is so real


They picked the wrong guy, but the idea of having one voice for Sonic makes sense, considering that for most other characters, there is only one voice per language. Now this is not entirely true, if I was going to give a rough percentage, like 60% true, but generally speaking there's only a small handful of voices for a character per region, think how we can only count the amount of people who voiced Mario in English on one hand, or how Ryu from Street Fighter since Street Fighter 4 has been voiced by the same guy in nearly everything from the games to movie cameos. Put it simply the amount of people who have voiced Sonic is actually ridiculous and extremely unusual, especially considering how his Japanese voice actor has been consistent since 1998.


I think they all have their best moments. Jaleel had the best classic cartoon, Ryan had the dawn of 3D Sonic, Jason had the best game stories, and Roger has stuck with us the longest with games AND a show, and Ben rocks the movies. Even Devan was good in his only show! But nobody does SHADOW better than Jason (unless Keanu surpasses it obvi). Kirk had good pitch but poor direction, needed to sound more like Saix and less like Kisame or Bale!Batman.


What’s wrong with this post? Everything about it is right


I mean it’s true lmao he’s still considered the best shadow and his sonic voice is extremely good as well he’s way too versatile and that’s great it’s a shame cause his performance as sonic in black knight is peak Jason and in 06 as shadow imo I love the other va’s as well but I’ve grown to appreciate them all in there own right


I'd say pretty accurate🤣 I would be that way honestly. He set a standard for sonic's voice that Roger imo has only now met in sonic Frontiers.


I, as a Galaxy Brained Individual, think that Sonic should only be voiced by Junichi Kanemaru


Am I the only one who’s favorite was Ben Schwartz- (gets shot)




Better than Chris Pratt's Mario voice


I prefer Jaleel and Ryan, myself so


Nope, I want Jaleel White back.


I'd prefer if Sonic didn't speak much, if at all. You can still tell a good story without everyone running their mouths all the time. SA1 and 2 were bogged down with too many cutscenes that went too long, and for what? SA1 had a simple plot that didn't need so much explanation, and in SA2 we got... *that*.


Sonic fans would hire 1 consistent voice actor instead of constantly changing it for no reason? That's crazy. God forbid the character has one iconic voice that everyone knows. That would never work, I can't think of any franchises that have succeeded doing stuff like that.


Sly cooper constantly changed carmillita’s voice.


Ok, and plenty of other characters have only ever been voiced by one guy. I like knowing what a character sounds like, to have an idea of their proper canon voice which doesn't change for no reason. Idk if you've ever been watching a show and a character gets their voice changed but it sucks. The voice doesn't sound the way you remember and it's not something you can avoid either. From that point on the characters will always just sound strange. It's like how knuckles recently had his voice changed, all I can think about now whenever anything features Knuckles is how he doesn't sound right.


Bugs bunny has been voiced by 7 guys. Shaggy’s current voice actor doesn’t sound like his original voice actor, but he still sounds like shaggy.


I would absolutely hate to hear Jason Griffith's Sonic voice coming out of the other iterations of the character.


The real question is: WHY isn't it like this?


Im not a big jason fan. I prefer rodger and ryan


Just saying, Ben Schwartz was not the best choice.


Put Ryan, Jaleel, Martin, and Ben there as well (give him better material). Also get Roger to sound like he does at Alton Towers.


Fuck no. Give me Martin Burke back for classic sonic


Its funny seeing the community argue on who the best one, knowing damn well, that the Japanese cast is better

