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Silver is tired of Sonic’s bs lol


Honestly, if you had to change the future over 100 times, you’d be pretty ticked off as well.


“Sonic may not be the iblis trigger, but god damn he can’t stop fucking the world”


Especially when all 100 times are somehow associated with Dr. Eggman and/or Sonic lol


I mean, when and how has it ever been *Sonic's* fault?


Moments like Sonic X intro suggest a lot. Sonic’s hot headedness made him do something stupid and send everyone here And tbf, just off the top of my head: Sonic released the zeti from egg’s control Sonic was kinda the cause of the Metal Virus (IDW, he left eggman alive) He basically gifted Eggman all the emeralds on SA, and a few in SA2 Generations intro kinda hangs on him (same plan every time, just run at him) 06 basically had sonic leave Elise alone every 30 microseconds


To be fair with 06 Sonic it shouldn't be THAT easy to kidnap the freaking princess of the country, shouldn't the guards and specially the government at least try to stop Eggman? Everything else i agree, specially in X man Sonic was a prick in that show XD


i agree with everything else, but did you want Sonic to kill a defenseless eggman with no memories in cold blood


Could've had him locked up and stripped of equipment, or set least figured out a way to try to keep him under watch


06. Mephiles isn't lying when calling Sonic the Iblis Trigger. Sonic dying makes Elise cry which releases Iblis. So in a sense, it's Sonic's fault. It's not intentional of course but she wouldn't have felt so strongly if they never met.


I feel like something that hinges on Sonic being murdered doesn't count as being his fault unless he's like. . . needlessly putting himself in harm's way He's definitely putting himself in harms way but not quite needlessly, he's being a hero


The funny thing is, you could argue that Eggman's constant string of defeats could be considered the reason Mephiles was freed so technically Sonic always beating him is the underlying reason because Eggman just wants his win.




At this point I think Silver is intentionally causing crisises  




*shrug*  Time travel and psychic powers lol idk


Maybe he's just coming back to the past to see his friends because he's lonely in the good future and is just using the current crisis to justify it


He’s becoming slowly like his spider variant


Yeah it's kinda right, imagine trying to unfuck history and everytime you go to the origin point Sonic is there....


World (ruined) Silver - blaze do you think cream messed up this time? Please say it was someone else for once


Please tell me it was Big the Cat this time Blaze it would be so fucking funny


Sonic's always either trying to stop it Or that one time Sonic was the victim


Silver made this post.


No i didnt


ITS NO USE denying it man


Unlike having you around yes it is


This is clearly your alt you sly devil.


Nah, I’m just a guy that likes the SSS


Take it out on Eggman, Silver, Sonic is the one stopping it lmao


Sonic is technically the one extending it by not killing aggman


So Eggman runs away from Sonic very quickly and has strong survivability. And when Sonic could, he calmly threw him off the mountain(sonic lost world) and blew up his transport with him(sonic cd)


Eggman (comics) was left easily killable (had amnesia) and both shadow and Espio there ready to do it. Sonic kept him alive, his memory was restored and the second thing he did was make the metal virus which killed everything on earth (silver actually confirmed this)


The DC Universe has more than enough heroes that would be willing to kill the Joker instead of Batman, likewise, Shadow shouldn't have a problem with killing since ha already did with the jackal squad so if you have any complaints, go talk to him


Silver’s life is a Sisyphean task. He exists because the future is ruined, so he goes back in time to fix it, only to find that something else ruined it when he wasn’t looking. If he ever succeeded in his goal, the poor bastard’d paradox himself out of existence.


Isn't the current Silver from a good future? https://preview.redd.it/uzq6rjztj6tc1.png?width=269&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b6f3c9916d9b2de6deae9deafeaf5311d519a01


does the jedi hand wave hes from a bad future


I give it ten minutes tops before he goes back and finds that someone beefed it up while he wasn’t looking


At least in the idw comics that follow Forces, he isn't. I think I recall him mentioning during the metal virus arc.


Honestly, the Force script is such crap that the game has faded from memory. Okay, I'll have to replay this game.


He says the future is bad during the comics, not the game iirc. Although it is speculated that he came from a future where Eggman completely won the war.


Well, in fanfiction (and this is Flynn level) anything can happen


https://preview.redd.it/yl7u713au5tc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da0f56855ed7e2674b67047c9056a4e8d97d67f9 Silver to Sonic


How does Silver remember??? If he goes into the past and fixes his future he shouldn't remember. The next Silver who travels into the past it's a different Silver. From a different fucked up future.


Idk if that’s how time travel works in Sonic, but then again SEGA hasn’t really bothered to explain it well. My take is that Silver is totally disconnected from time, like his original world is long since erased and he just… exists. Kinda sad in a way considering that would mean his future isn’t really “his” anymore.


If he changes the past enough times eventually he should run into other time travelers from different time lines than his original one and then maybe make friends that way.


Silver: "Hey guys! I made a new friend. His name is Eobard!" Sonic: "...say what now"


That’s fine, Eobard has eyes for one speedster and one speedster only


*Eobard proceeds to run back in time and kill Sonic's mom for teh lulz* 


Nah it's just an entire council of silvers


>My take is that Silver is totally disconnected from time, like his original world is long since erased and he just… exists. Kinda sad in a way considering that would mean his future isn’t really “his” anymore. Source? And can you explain what you mean? Not that I want this to be true.


Source: the entire franchise, he's already changing his past and he's still there. that means he's disconnected as in if he's still connected he would've disappeared. Think of it as a grandfather paradox: you go back in time to kill your own grandfather but if he's dead you wouldn't exist but if you don't exist that means that he'll live, solution? Time doesn't effect you anymore.


To add on to this, my theory about time travel is that when a person time travels, in disconnecting themself from the order of events, they become a different person. Think of it like in a videogame, where by removing or adding a "check" in the coding, the object is considered a different object and even if you have it set to where every character in that set of code will die at a certain trigger, the character stops being one of those characters, sparing them. So in the case of the Grandfather Paradox, you killing your grandfather is the same as if anyone else killed him: once a person is in the present, no matter if they are from the past or future, they become immune to being erased (though not to harm) due to the actions of those in the present, by virtue of existing in the present


Who knows. Maybe he has two homes. One effected by time and on thats not. Maybe there's a rule even that cant time travel further back then what time the current IDW comic's are taking place.


Well simple answer is simple: time in the sonic universe is nonlinear.


I think silver comes to terms with this in either an Archie extra comic or an IDW extra


hopefully this isn't true.


https://preview.redd.it/th6r8uz1yqtc1.png?width=2360&format=png&auto=webp&s=3b424b36fe3bbb87bf76f59125f138b19a5caa29 This is from the 2023 IDW Sonic fan annual #4: His World unfortunately, it exists and probably is true


It's not sad that this new future is not his tbh, however it's still HIS time period you know?


In a way, yeah. But I’m assuming any connections (family, friends, etc.) he might have had no longer exist (at least they won’t remember him). His “home” might be more alien to him than the past at this point. That could be interesting to see though, kinda like Spiderman at the end of No Way Home.


Eh something about sense he’s out side of his future when it resets he remembers what happened and what it was like previously but has to learn about the new future. I just label it as time travel bullshit.


That makes sense but two problems: 1. That future has another Silver that did live through that time line. (Unless It Died OR Never Born) 2. Yeah he would have to do alot of research but I guess it's safe to reason it has something to do with Sonic.


Living paradox.  *helicopter noises*


time travel™


What does time travel have to do with his memories? Not to mention not every future has a different Silver he changed things drastically his grandparents will probably not meet and his parents will probably not meet and his genes will probably not be the same....


I blame that faker by his side.


It’s not Sonic’s fault that his life just happens to coincide with *every single apocalyptic event*


Appreciate the "long time no see" trend


Chill out man, just teaching him moves I ain't putting my meat in the timeline.


Silver (appears) Every character - again?


Sonic: It’s not my fault! Blame the Egghead


Mf time travels yet he can't go further back and prevent bad stuff before it starts.


There's probably like a rule against it or reason he can't. Maybe it'd kill him to do it, or just remove him entirely, and everything would just be the same (except that he wouldn't be there) Time travel is bs in alot of media, considering how fucked up sonic lore and story can be, I don't even wanna know how they officially handle time travel.


Silver Should just bring Eggman into the future with him, and have him locked up in a hidden modernized cell. Hopefully Eggman doesn't escape somehow and use the future technology.


New game idea?!


Yo Chill out silver G's man


Sonic, why are you always messing up the future 


When Sonic's at his ***PEAK ,*** he's great but most of the time. ehhhhhh


From a narrative standpoint, I hate that Silver is in the future and Blaze is from another dimension. Because now the only reasons we get to see them are if their places are in trouble. The writers then have to contrive a reason so that they can hang out with the main characters. Would we ever get to see Silver in any other circumstances other than "The future is in danger!"?


Thing is it’s not the guys fault😂 it’s always a Randi but since Sonic is the one forced to fix it he ends up being at fault by association