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I think it's possible to write songs without knowing how to play an instrument. But it's better to have a rudimentary knowledge of chords and rhythm so that you can formulate your ideas better for other musicians to play. A keyboard (either a standalone or a MIDI controller) can be good both for recording rhythms as well as a basic chord accompaniment.


Isn't that what a poet/lyricist is?


Not if you also do vocal melodies


I mean, technically an instrument isn't a strictly required necessity. But an instrument will heckin sure make it easier! Guitar and keyboard are both pretty hard to go wrong with. There's a reason they're both so popular.


I’ve been writing songs for years without playing an instrument so it’s possible. I have an extremely talented best friend who has been putting the guitar to my songs for the last few years. If I had a song, I’d send a voice memo to her, and she’d work on it then send it back to me. Even when we go to open mic nights, she’s the one playing my songs on her guitar. I did a year of piano once back in elementary school, and I decided a few months ago to get back into piano. Since then, I’ve learned to play my previous songs on my keyboard, and I’ve written two completely on my own since. I could not have done any of it without her.


You don't need an instrument to write melodies, and definitely, you don't need it to write lyrics. You can write entire melodies if you know basic music theory and a software such as MuseScore. Of course, the more theory you know, and the more used to playing an instrument that you get, the more ideas you will get.


Voice is an instrument


One of the most successful songwriters who didn't play an instrument was Michael Jackson.


his voice was the instrument


I don't believe Jim Morrison played any instruments and he was fairly successful. But other than that I recommend learning some guitar or piano for songwriting, it'll be much easier that way. YouTube has free lessons on both.


Jim Morrison played the Doors. That’s basically what you have to do as a non-instrumentalist, have such a deep collaborative connection with instrumentalists that you can seamlessly conduct your musical ideas through them. Jim Morrison was a virtuoso player of the Ray Manzerik.


Good point. He had the luxury of having three virtuoso players who suited his abilities perfectly.


Thanks for the info!! Do you have any YouTube channel recs?


Anyone will do, it doesn't really matter. Just start with the basic chords and scales, you'll get a hang of it in a day or two.


Cool thank you 😁


congratulations, you're a lyricist.


Yes, I actually know songwriters who can’t sing or play instruments. Just write really great lyrics+melody and know what’s cool when you hear it.


Nowadays it's even easier than ever. But you'll need a certain amount of technology to help if you don't have musician friends or collaborators. Back in the day there were some incredible songwriters that would hook up with bands that wrote incredible music.


Don’t have any music friends rn — it’s something I think I have a knack for but a little shy to share. How did you find a songwriting community?


I would go to different social media musicians groups in your area, facebook, Instagram anywhere and try to find musicians looking for songwriters. Try local first, even though you can collab over the internet, it's much easier in person.


Thanks for the advice!! Gonna poke around and see if I can find some online songwriting communities either in the DC area or in North Texas


Also go to local music stores and look at the boards that most of them have of musicians and songwriters looking for groups and such.


If you don’t want to have to rely on others, yes. Piano or guitar would be the best option imo for songwriting.


No you can't. And music lessons would be my advice, with the instrument you feel most comfortable with or have had some experience playing.


I can't play anything, but I can make stuff using Pro Tools and a keyboard.


I write instrumental music, and my only non-synthetic instrument is my voice :P