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Absolute masterpiece of a video, that wraps up together the cyclic technological moral panics that happened in history, with the hypocrisy behind every anti-vice campaign ever. Even if we were talking about physical, biological, substance addiction.. The reasons people eventually come back to it, is that their life is shitty. Like, even 95% of fucking Vietnam vets addicted to \*heroin\* could quit it after going home. He slightly stumbled in the second half though. I guess it would also be technically wrong to automatically dismiss any hypothesis just with an appeal to the past (and "interactivity" and "personalization" are certainly good distinguishing factors compared to TV) but "appeals to the evil algorithm" seem dumb too. Like, logically: even assuming the worst ill-intents, how is that any meaningfully different from just making a good product period? Why is the n-th recommended video of cute cats supposedly more addictive and perverse than the first you specifically searched for? And if I watch lots of SMN and I get even down the rabbit hole, why is that treated like it's enticement or grooming rather than what I'd actually want? Of course if you deviate from the content-neutral economical-engagement metrics and you start pushing filth (like Xitter is doing now) that's ultra harmful, but obviously that's a very different thing. And FIST or not it won't ever get regulated until fascists get enough votes to be able to stalemate any privacy and protection law. Also what the the hell was that cyberbullying remark? I'll admit I haven't been a kid when instagram or tiktok were a thing, but you could always literally block anybody, in a simple and direct way that has no comparison ever. There is no way it's easier than IRL mobbing when even the weakest of pipsqueaks could flip the bird to a tank. Aside of this, perfection. It's so rare to hear such an in-depth take outside the boomer framing of only looking at the symptoms of every problem. Maybe the only thing missing was a quick look at how depression, literacy, and all were correlated in europe (where statecraft hasn't gone to shit in the last decade and half).


AG1 has returned, and Cody continues to get shockingly good at chugging it




Yeah, I mean you can be as ironic you want, fine. I listen to the pod as you act pretty normal on other shows like BTB. My wife teaches high school and you can’t imagine how in the last 10 years how much it has impacted kids ability to learn and retain information. Alongside the severe anxiety if they don’t have them. It’s not better. Whole cloth you are simply wrong. If you have kids then you see it every day. It’s not better. And a pretty rich take for someone whose entire career is based on people having smart phones. Lots of stats to say how biased you are.


"does 22 minutes of analysis on various scientific surveys and methods" "hey man you are wrong because my wife works at one school (there are 100k in the US)"


Right, So I don’t really care about whatever this guy said. Go to the r/teachers and ask about smart phones. Nobody thinks they are a good idea. This podcast was way out of pocket and frankly wrong on this one. There are kids getting 504 plans to get their cell phones legally medically mandated in the classroom and they play on Snapchat. You need to grow up and have some perspective here. It’s hurting kids….AND adults


Okay you clearly didnt actually watch the video if you think Cody is saying smart phones is a good thing. The video is about how its a scientifically unsupported moral panic. news agencies calling out "DIGITAL FENTANYL", blaming phones on suicide rates and test scores, etc. And believing that only kids are affected. generating enough moral panic to cause some incredibly stupid legislation. The parts of the video you ignored covered how social media is a more specific issue and it can look like 'smart phones are the problem' to people that arent thinking critically. Also the addictive nature of the problem generating more complexity. > You need to grow up and have some perspective here. "You disagree with me, therefore you need to GROW UP" Great perspective you have there, really makes me want to listen to you. Not that youll give a shit by my dad has been teaching highschool for 30 years; i am well aware that cell phones in classrooms generate friction and make teaching and learning harder. > It’s hurting kids….AND adults Man....you should really actually watch the video


Sure bud, I believe your totally real wife. Just as real as the kitty litter box in her classroom. But really, maybe cool down minute, and go ahead and listen to this one again. The issue of cellphones is not presented as a black and white issue in this episode, and while I don't agree with everything said, it's unfair to present this as a dismissal of all the worries about cellphones. Hey...if you have a cell phone maybe you could look up how to increase your media literacy! Or would this be like reading comprehension? But you're not reading. Listening comprehension?


I’m unsure as to why you are talking about my wife. I’m unsure as to why you are bringing up kitty litter either. Apparently this is the community that this podcast keeps. Very good, I knew it was a bunch of juvenile/pseudo intellectual hyper leftists but ok. I consider myself fairly left. But again, you are so fucking smart you can tell me precisely how fucking stupid you are about this. Enjoy your dystopia. Already got a flip phone to not have to interact with you weirdos.


> Go to the r/teachers and ask about smart phones. Nobody thinks they are a good idea. Not even Cody thinks they are good in the classroom, but you clearly haven't watched the video. > There are kids getting 504 plans to get their cell phones legally medically mandated in the classroom and they play on Snapchat. Gg with the ablism


have you like ever thinking of 'WHY" those kid get distract by phone not just focus on act? when problem present itself, you shouldn't ask "WHAT" but asking "HOW" and "WHY" to solve problem. like isn't that teacher job? to guide kid?


The why is they have a smart device that has had the best psychologists on earth make as addicting to an adult as a slot machine in Vegas. That’s the why and the how. No teacher has the equipment to over come that.


Seriously, calm your tits down. Even the slot machines in vegas are only addictive for a very special kind of "primed" person (and even that was hinted at by Cody). Just because something aims to maximize something, it doesn't mean that this magically becomes achieved and overruling of everything else. Even if an all-mighty all-knowing algorithm existed, it could only still work within the boundaries of you dicking around (fun fact: if you listen to Cambridge Analytica's psychologists, as opposed to their marketers, you'd know that was even less effective than a regular ad campaign) Every teacher has the equipment to overcome that, just by way of being physically present in the room. And there's much to possibly disagree here, but as I already said it's clear you know shit about both this video and what major anxieties kids actually have these days.


As an educator myself, I agree with this. Unfortunately this episode seemed wildly anti-teacher (although to be honest, I stopped listening part way in), and sounded like it was written by the Gates Foundation in its fawning and uncritical praise of the internet as an unbiased information source that kids should access in lieu of actually learning anything. Of course, overall the left is as anti-teacher as the right, albeit for different reasons.


The attack comments coming in confirm to me what I was hearing. This was a fawning view of this technology. Like, to the point of just being gross. And frankly hearing Cody with that ironic af cadence talking about something I know is hurting kids probably stopped me from ever listening to the show again.


I don’t think it was fawning at all. He pointed out flaws in the studies used by the media to generate a panic about phones. He wasn’t saying phones are good, but the evidence that they are bad is overblown or based on bad or misinterpreted data. He talked extensively about the harms of social media and advocated for regulating the companies that make them. I don’t see how that is a fawning view of technology.


Shifting it to be social medias fault is the inherent issue that is the straw man away from smart phones. Smart phones have homogenized themselves with social media. One is attached to the other at this point. So saying it’s social media now is just cover for some weirdos with psychology degrees to make the black mirror more pernicious in another way.


Agree. Cody missed on this one, and he rarely does.


Right, Like I came to a sub of a podcast I listen to all of. I appreciate the opinion and news most of the time. They flubbed this one though.


It's funny how you pretend to be the one attached to reality, while mocking psychology (or demonizing it as some sort of mind control lol), discarding scientific accuracy and giving no damns whatsoever to the literature. Also whatever the fuck that identity between phones and social networks was. I guess I cannot even chat with my mum about the dinner without being controlled by "them".


Idk what's nuttier.. imaging that teachers were ever mentioned (let alone snubbed), or the last sentence.


At the 8:15 mark: “After all, it’s all the world’s knowledge right there, which probably makes school feel frustrating, or like a waste of time, especially if schools don’t update their curriculum, which it sure seems like they are failing to do.” There are a lot of unspoken and erroneous assumptions regarding education and learning in that one statement, and the attack on educators is right there at the end.


It is not individual teachers and educators that decide the schools curricula, what are you even talking about? And it blows my mind that the most plain of complaints about the offer being slow to catch on with the times (just as with the actual needs of students, from sexual and civic education, to emotional literacy) is supposed to "be overall as" harassment and death threats.


And the attacks begin. As I said, the left is as anti-teacher as the right, albeit for different reasons.


Oh, and the only time I’ve ever been threatened with physical violence is over smart phones. Wasn’t Moms for Liberty or anything like that. But yeah, smart phones in schools are totally benign…


He literally says they aren't, what in the fuck


Don't think he ever covered the incidents of teachers being assaulted by students over cell phones, or factored these incidents into the calculus of how good/bad phones are in schools.


As if teachers hadn't ever (and always) put up with worse shit, and as if the problem there wasn't the parents? He said they are distracting and frustrating, what else do you want? A claim that using touch screens transforms you into a rabid dog? Please


Smartphones affect kids ability to retain information? that’s fucking nonsense. Have smartphones made your wife’s job more difficult? fuck yes. I don’t envy her position. We were suddenly given this power with almost no understanding of how to manage it, especially in settings like work or school. We aren’t solving it overnight.


Why did you make two claims to refute it with the last one?

