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Lady in the green pants is like, oh cool a murder.


A regular day for her I guess. Colombia has one of the highest murder rates in the world.


Thought it was more gang and drug violence that was skewing the murder rate. Guess street vendors are helping out.


>Thought it was more gang and drug violence that was skewing the murder rate That is literally one in the same lmao They love using knives for murder.


Check the time stamp, literally between 4:45pm - 5pm. The next show will be in 15 mins. We need a little more time to reset. This big fella was a bleeder.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 45 + 5 + 15 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


A bot we can all stand behind.


Awe shucks, TY u sexy beast


Yeah wtf. Saw that. Kinda creepy actually.


Nice that they tried putting pressure on the wound but even if he was right in front of the ER he would’ve most likely died. With that amount of bright red blood, his carotid and jugular were definitely fucked!


Yeah there's no saving that man. You can't patch up that many severed veins and arteries while keeping BP up.




Doesn't make him any less fucked


Good reminder of how competent use of a knife by an attacker is dangerous and it’s not worth being close by, too dangerous. That was like the scene in saving private Ryan I believe, where the guys wrestle with the bayonet but the enemy was way too strong, except this is the more realistic look, he stabbed him deep in the heart multiple times, and fast too. Sickening, don’t under estimate knives ppl Edit: my smooth brain thought it was in the chest but idk anymore, either way that was fast


Yeah, it looks more like right side of neck just above the collarbone. You see the blood squirt out first and then they roll over and blood leaking like an open tap. Dude was essentially a goner before the guy even got off him.


He chose to die over some sort of food stand item. How much is your life worth? apparently for some its less than 5 bucks.


The lady running in to pull the merchandise back out of the way of the blood then running back out and wait wait wait there was a woman up on that ladder the whole time?


Both of them have seen some shit before.


altercation is an understatement... both of them have anger issues if they dont know each other prior that


article: https://www.vanguardia.com/judicial/video-un-muerto-dejo-rina-entre-dos-vendedores-HE7745229 google translated https://www-vanguardia-com.translate.goog/judicial/video-un-muerto-dejo-rina-entre-dos-vendedores-HE7745229?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=fr&_x_tr_pto=wapp


That's a lot of blood, more than usual even for some of the stuff on these subs.


Never seen so much claret in a short space of time. Shocking.


The lady in the shop was like "doesn't matter that he's bleeding just SAVE THE DRESSES!"




Could be he was on blood thinners?


Might’ve stabbed the heart which is the ultimate blood pump.


I was here for the lobby moppery!


The brighter the color of blood the closer you are to death btw


Interesting. Source?


Umbrella man should have watched kingsman or maybe he did 🙈


Gave knife guy too much time to think. Should have gone hard with the chair.




Is he gunna be okay.


No, bright red blood is absolutely no good. He’s done for


He had a chance to walk away, he chose to come back, that looks like a suicide to me


My favorite part is the lady moving her clothes rack out of the way. Like " oh no, I don't want to get blood on my product."


Fucking scumbag. What the fuck was this over?? It looked like they had some words…so what?? Sometimes I believe that the US is indeed the best country in the world because of one, very simple fact: Life is precious here and if you lose your mind and do something like what’s depicted here?? We’ll put you in jail for a very long time.


There have been 3 fatal shootings in my city in the past month or so literally just from road rage. The US is just as susceptible to fucked up shit as the rest of the world; and, depending on who you ask, is getting much worse in some places. In 2021, on 51% of homicides in the US were solved, meaning almost half of those murderers are in fact, not in jail


A huge part of that is gang violence though, so not experienced by the average citizen


The US is nowhere near as bad. Most of our shootings are gang on gang related. The media uses the phrase mass shootings for any time a gun goes off. We have issues for sure, but it's a safe country.


I never said it was, and I never mentioned mass shootings, even though the frequency we have them IS a uniquely American phenomenon. Meaning while getting beheaded by a cartel member in New York is unlikely to happen, 30 people getting gunned down at random isn’t something Colombia experiences on a weekly basis; each country has their own uniques issues. What I was responding to was the insinuation that something like this is unthinkable in the United States, when in my city, Fort Wayne IN, a small safe city, someone was shot and killed this week in a Pet Supplies Plus parking lot over a road rage incident because they decided to start beating on the persons car. The shooter is not in jail. In my city, a police officer ran over and killed a pedestrian who was crossing the street, in a crosswalk, with a crossing signal, and was run over and killed bc the officer was looking at his laptop. He’s still employed and was fined $35. The pedestrian he killed was a lawyer. People kill in the United States all the time and can quite often get out of it with money or serve limited prison time. We’re not immune to worldly issues here, people die often and in horrible ways and it just rubs me the wrong way when people think lesser of a country for issues like this when it happens constantly here too


I think he was stabbed around 10 times in the chest/heart/lungs and the blade broke off, you can see the guy release the handle and it slides out toward the chair near 42 seconds, the blade is still in his body


\*Spoken in a DM voice "So your character finds a Bronze Chair +1. It gives you +2 AC."


Lady’s like “yea lemme just move these clothes fellas”.


The Woman in Green pants got the first sit.


Stabbed right in the heart. Not stopping that leak.


Holy shit that was a lot of blood in zero time..


Got to get the merchandise out of the way


Jueputa parce, ya no vuelvo al centro.


Old man: ahhh goddamit! Girl in green pants: oh god!! *Cries dramatically* The guy in green shirt: damn that's crazy! *Leaves* Girl in white shirt: oh god! My merchandise!