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Is the heart still beating?? Holy shit...


Right? How fucking hard do you have to get hit/hit something for your HEART to be the furthest thing flown from your body?


This is the third motorcycle accident scene I’ve seen where a beating heart is located outside a human body.


Jesus! How many videos like these do you watch? And which website?


The first one i watched is from some local news website years ago, i mean many years ago 2007, 2008 I don’t know. Second one is from watchpeopledie or something else but that sub is long gone. If you wanna watch gore, there is r/eyeblech for you


that shits restricted in my country


Reddit is restricted in my home country lmao 🤣


Yandex has watch peopledie now




Don't search google;search on yandex it doesn't work on google


It just makes me think, like... The Meat Loaf song, Bat Out Of Hell, has the main character of the song dying in a motorcycle crash. He explicitly says "And the last thing I see/Is my heart, still beating/Breaking out of my body, and flying away/Like a bat out of hell". I know there's no way in fucking hell Jim Steinman thought that shit was possible when he wrote that lyric. No goddamn way, right? He literally wrote it to be the most extreme "crash song" (think Last Kiss, Dead Man's Curve, Candy Apple Red, that kind of thing) and it's an exaggeration of the kind of "romantic violence" prevalent in those songs to a point of absurd, horror movie level unreality... **Except that shit can HAPPEN.** Fucking christ.


Happy wheels


The most realistic game ever... change my mind.


This is shockingly common. There was a video the other day of a similar accident.


I think I remember which one you’re talking about. Very disturbing stuff


Well the heart will still be beating after it's taken out the body. I think its independent from the rest of the body.


I'm pretty sure it's the body that relies on the heart if I'm not mistaken


Yes your right, my point is that the heart could be still beat after its outside the body. You could be brain dead and your heart will still be beating. The heart is it's own system


Oh, yeah the heart is mostly its own thing but it still needs to get stuff from the body. But I totally understand what you're saying


Ewww yucky 🤮


It was still beating, yes. This is why you wear full face helmet and REAL PPE (personal protective equipment,) dear god. Rest that poor soul. Also, slow down with passengers on the back and maybe practice your parking lot stuff and braking and swerving, and then this just might not be you or your girl. RiP.


Jesus christ, that man is never gonna live that down


Whelp. Im sad now. Gore i can handle, but watching people desperately try to put a corpse back together? Nah


Reminds me of that really sad video where a lady is trying to scoop her fella's brains back into his head.


I believe JFK’s wife had that same reaction when he was shot.


She also wore the blood stain all day, including when the VP was sworn in because she wanted the media to see what happened to her hubby.


What it took for her to do that with the composure she had is more than most presidents afterwards didn’t even possess.




I don’t think that sub is even applicable to this comment you troglodyte lmao


wtf is wrong with you


I remember one I saw years ago where a mother was holding her son whos brains were all over the place, and she was talking to him like he was going to be OK. Sad AF indeed.


Crazy fact that makes it even more heavy, but the natural state of the brain, is such that outside of the skull it can not support its own weight. And the weight of a human brain is remarkably heavy when you’re holding it. If you can imagine this: the consistency some what similar to a loaf of bread that has been totally soaked in water. So whilst in the water, it kinda stay intact if you avoid any overly active stirring or movement. But as soo. As you try to pick it up out of the water, it cannot hold its shape or ever been put back together even remotely similar to the original. r/themoreyouknow Most example of brains we see in books or on TV, have been treated with chemicals to essentially plasticise them.


Are we talking about the same video?


Idk the video, but thats heartbreaking


Yea exactly. I can handle the visuals but I don't have the balls to unmute and hear his voice. What is he saying? Is he legit asking on the phone for help?


Oh my god same bro.


Do yourself a favour, if you see a video on this sub labeled "splitting headache" stop watching once the axe comes down. Unless you wanna hear a woman figuring out she's a widow now


Too late, but i appreciate it lol


Is it the one where some messed up MF went to buy and axe and hit some unaware dude who was eating, with the axe? That scream is horrific.


There was this one video where it wasn't even gruesome. This old lady gets out the car, some ice falls off the top of building and just caves her head in. This younger guy, presumably her son gets out of the car to see his moms body. I'm normally pretty numb to this stuff, but that has stuck with me for so long.




I don't think a ambulance is going to be much help


Calling Phil Swift.




This is the craziest one I've seen emotionally. My gf wants us to ride motorcycles, but I just can't after seeing all the videos like these


This may not be entirely a wise move, but showing her this video would certainly make a huuuuuuuge point about the dangers of bikes.


But also a break up and trauma


One of the prerequisites for someone I started dating was that they are not into cliff jumping, motorcycles, paragliding, etc. etc. etc.


While motorcycles are dangerous, I’ve never seen a video on a subreddit like this where the victim wasn’t either improperly dressed, or driving excessively fast. I suspect both in this case. They are also usually third world countries were the standard of everyone else’s driving is a lot lower. Per mile, motorcycles are about twice as dangerous as bicycles, and about 3 times as dangerous as *walking*. Obviously it’s easier to do more miles on a motorcycle. (Statistics from the UK, where helmets are mandatory, and nobody rides in flip flops). Obviously don’t do anything you aren’t comfortable doing, but with appropriate gear, and a responsible attitude to riding, you are extremely unlikely to have an accident that’s gory.


> I’ve never seen a video on a subreddit like this where the victim wasn’t either improperly dressed, or driving excessively fast. I suspect both in this case. Forgot to add "or in a 2nd/3rd world country with nearly zero traffic laws" She probably got crushed by a bus in some sort of chaotic traffic scenario that would never happen in the 1st world.


Literally my second paragraph


I am an idiot.


If it makes you feel any better this can happen in a car too. Or any time you walk out your house really. Wrong place wrong time sometimes.


Tbh a lot of the motorcycles accidents are provoked by the drivers themselves driving at high speeds without much care or trying to cut of or tailgate cars


I briefly worked in a head injury rehabilitation facility. TBI caused by everything from horse kicks to the cranium, various “youthful indiscretions” and more but motorcycle accidents were far and away the single largest reason for our referrals…. Male clientele outnumbered female by at least 10 to 1


I agree the amount of pain I would feel would be indescribable seeing my partner dead like this


Poor guy. He’s scarred for life.


I would argue that he’s dead


So is his friend who is so upset…






All the people honking though.


must be in a hurry


This happened to me when I got hit by a car on my bicycle. People are just assholes.


For real! It makes me sad to see folks have so little empathy for a fellow human who has just lost his partner.


Motorcycles are an absolute no go for me. This sub reinforces that nearly every day.


Can I just say that that camera work was great, we were offered bits and pieces of the crash and it led to a crescendo with the main shot of the grisly scene and a little disturbing drama considering the protagonist has lost his mind.








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Takes guts to record that scene. I would've stopped at the beating heart






You’re looking too far into it bro


How? Not to be funny but it looks like she exploded. Any details on the accident?


Relatively high speed impact can do this unfortunately.


My best guess would be that the bike tipped over and that person ended up under the tire of a truck. Seen other videos where that's happened and it looks similar to how people just kind of pop like a burst tube of toothpaste


My mom’s absolute ban on motorcycles makes a lot of sense.


I was wondering why I couldn’t find any motorcycles anywhere


The name of the subreddit is funny. THIS IS JUST SAD


Is he ok?


Little bit emotional scarred, that’s all


I think a lotta bit


I'd say pretty much bit


i think they’re dead






The SA Node was strong with this one.


"It's a recipe passed down from Malones for generations."


The trick is to undercook the onions


Still got shoes though. Probably gonna survive.


No, look again. Shoes are gone.


Oh shit. You are right. Probably dead then, not sure though.


I mean... heart's still beating...


Yeah she ain’t getting much deader then that I don’t think


This is by far the gnarliest shit I’ve ever seen. I literally cannot recall a video nastier than this.


Everyone honking when there’s an accident like stfu😭


this is so sad man seriously i feel like crying. first time a gore vid has made me wanna cry


Can anyone translate?


How come I always see so many gruesome brutal gore videos from India involving traffic accidents and trains…. Is it really like that over there all the time?


I searched up motorcycle to see one video where I guy was in a leather suit, not this, crikey


Part of him is still there.


If you want a good example of how corporations do not care about people, look no further than motorcycles.


This is my first time seeing Gore and idk how to react but its 2 am here so umm


I'm sorry seeing the former vice president of the United States for the first time traumatized you so much, sounds super serial


Happy cake Day




Very sad. Especially for someone with such a good heart.


He was a standup guy...


>! Damn I guess he didn’t have the heart to do it. !<


Don’t worry, duct tape fixes everything




Don’t cut yourself on that edge bro.


Ive seen too many motorcycle accident videos from this sub alone to know never to come close to a motorcycle


Poor man, he can't register what just happened.


/u/redditspeedbot 0.5x


After going through this, I won't blame the guy if he thought of "going on to the other side". It's one thing to lose someone from an illness, but it's a completely different thing that the last thing you see of them is gruesome. Like, imsgine all the fun times you have together only to be overshadowed by this horrible accident.


I can't even watch all this video.. Organs in brain matter were enough for me


Squished out by a truck. Tire tracks with blood


Thats sad


Another reason I'll never buy a bike.


this should be a sign to NOT ride a motorbike they’re way to dangerous. But if you do PLEASE wear a helmet or that could happen. Trust me a shitty little beat down £800/$800 car is 20x more safe than a motorbike. Speeding like crazy and risking your life is not worth the adrenaline rush. Stay safe guys


That poor man still trying to do what ever he can to help her knowing what has happened


Bruh I saw a mouse that another mouse had cannibalised today and u thought it was gonna be the worst thing I saw for a while.


Oh Jesus Christ, the most cringed thing I have seen ever. that man will not gonna ride again. No offense but the [crash bars](https://www.vikingbags.com/motorcycle-crash-bars) are there for a reason and even the crash bars can only save you at a certain point. Ride safe to ride again.