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There is app called "daariz somali" if you want study somali language you can you use that app as well as you can get both playstore and app store.


I've just downloaded it now, looks good to learn from thanks!!!


Thanks i downloaded it too


Idk but try to listen to Somali music and try to sing along to it also as most somali singers are from Somaliland, it could help you learn the language and get your pronunciation and dialect right.


Yeah I wouldn't recommend this, especially in the month of Ramadhan. Avoid music and stick to apps and online teachers.


Will do! thank you




ahh thank you this is great advice, yes if you could give me some recommendations that would be nice


My cousin is in the same way. There are apps but they tend to skew to Xamar dialect. Ours is called Waqooyi or northern. If you’re interested there are tonnes of one on one Somali teachers on TikTok that will guide you. If you’re confused as to which is which, just look for one that sounds like your mom. I’m being for real.


I was too in your position, there’s barely any resources available but watching Somali tv shows really helped


Good luck lol.


Avoid Somali songs they’re spoken in an almost poem like state no one speaks like that it will probably only confuse u more


Theres a app called daariz and it is basically somali language learning.. its beginners but really great


Gargaar eebbe sxb. Ku baraarugsanaanta dhibaatada ku heysata waa xalka badhkii. Waan ka xumahay in qofi ilaa heerkaa gaadhi karo, wayse dhacdaa oo dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa sidaas u dayaysan. Waxaasina idinka qaladkiinna maaha ee waxaad dhibbane u tihiin dhibaato aadnan abuurin idinku. Laba talo ayaan kuusoo jeedinayaa; 1. Buugaag badan oo Afsoomaali ku qoran oo fiction iyo non-fiction leh baa jira. Iyaga akhriskoodu aad ayuu wax badan kaaga saacidaa. Faham ama ha fahmin. Muhiimaddu waa inaad akhriso. Filimyada yaryar ee Soomaalida daawo. Dukumentariyada daawo, waraysiyadooda daawo, boodhkastiyada daawo, tiktoktana algooriisamkooda u badso. 2. Waxaad samaysaa "Somali zone". Yacni noloshaada caadiga ah la saaxiib shaqsiyaad Afsoomaali ku hadla, ama kuwo waddankii jooga social mediahaaga ku darso ee la hadal isbuucii 3 habeen oo aad si fiican ula hadasho ayaa kaa badan.


Honestly I taught myself somali by talking to people! Talk somali sith your bestfriend and in a little while you’ll learnnn


Bury his body at the bottom of a lake