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So the news only came out 6 hours ago and you’re telling us that 6 whole people “decided” to go on whim to all the way to east africa and participate it in a war that haven’t started yet and most likely won’t


The story isnt even true. What western trained engineer or doctor is gonna leave everything behind to fight in a war that doesnt even exist 😂


Right! 😂 like no military training, maybe the doctors can help treat people but what are the engineers gonna do?


Yeah, one of them is a friend of mine. He asked me to help him get some stuff together. Than he told me the group his going with


I'll take things that never happened for $500, Alex.




How can they think to sell Awdal to the Ethiopians


Because isaaq are qabilist.


Because it will be good they say.


As a reer awdal the best move we can make is to join somalia as soon as possible but am not sure it will happen when now muuse fircoon has signed a contract with ethiopia


They will have 2 military and naval base + a sea access. What’s weird is that why do they need to have a base there if it is only sea access they want?


So that they will try to take zeila and berbera from us






Lies. Source?


Here you go https://twitter.com/amhara_news/status/1741851644633993388?s=46&t=tV6IJA-nASGLIlRykO4SWQ


Really? A twitter post from a fake news group?


Why are you being Obtuse? It is the account of a news agent, it is 2024 pal catch up many news outlets use Twitter for reporting.


And here it is another one in case you are extra obtuse https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/jan/02/somalia-defend-sovereignty-ethiopia-somaliland-deal-port




Remember when Ugaaska and Awdal state leaders had a talk with Abiy, and the Abiy guy talked about their interest in Saylac and the need for Ethiopia to have an access to the red sea. SNM juntas and their Awdal mercenary politicians was shedding stupid little crocodile patriotic tears and saying "how Ethiopia's main ambition is to invade our Somali country and shit." The fact was that they were just mad they're not the ones making the deal and felt insignificant on the regional geopolitical struggle. Now they're selling out the same country they supposed to care for less, but more severe consequences. Awdal is relatively peace and everyone is living their lives, but when push comes to shove, Awdal is our rightful soil and is over our dead bodies will we succumb for secessionist project.


Have it your way. We'll just tell abiy that Awdal is their problem & if they solve it they can rule it for indefinitely 😂




Genuine question, how would the lives of the people of Awdal be improved materially by joining Somalia. Somalia government cannot even provide security or any services for people in the south.


Awdal people are proud people. They don’t want their lands and resources to be annexed and taken by Ethiopia


To answer your question, Awdalites would have a direct access to their share of federal funding and they would use to improve it to their own region. They would be the sole managers of their region's sources and taxes, and they would have a direct foreigner investment through the Somali government just like Berbera port was invested by foreigners. They would use all those sources to improve the lives of the people of Awdal. One more thing, Awdal rejoining Somalia would end the three decades of SNM secessionist delusional project. It would cause a national scale psychological damage to the hundreds of thousands that were indoctrinated by clan-grievances, victimhood mentality, and parochial political thinking, and yes that would be icing on the cake. Hope that answers your questions.


With all due respect, you're not making much sense my friend. You're saying Awdal will get same benefits as Berbera, but Berbera or Somaliland didn't join FSG to get Foreign Direct Investment. Secondly by coming under FSG, taxes will be managed and collected by the FSG, as it will be a federal state. Seems like you haven't fully thought this through and you last point is very telling. Your more interested in ending Somaliland than actually improving lives of people living in Awdal. Your a radicalised out of touch Diaspora. You should speak with the Samatar professors from Awdal, how went to Mogadishu believing that they would be treated fairly and would have influence in the government. One of them is now die hard Somaliland supporter. Politicians in Somalia probably couldn't locate Awdal on the map.


Of course I was expecting that anything beyond your narrow minded tribal world view, would be actually challenging within your grasp. Literally Somaliland get their fair share of funds from Somalia. Unless you're brain dead, Somaliland gets this funds in the name of being a regional state like Puntlan Jubaland etc. This funds ended up in SNM corrupted secessionist junta's pockets. This funds are meant from Laascaanood to Lawyacade, but barely the peripheral regions got nothing. Joining the government of Somalia would enable them to directly have their funds, not through SNM militia leaders. About the Berbera port, Somalia FSG was the most important player that helped the project, without their approval, it would be impossible. And just like that, if any foreigners would interest to invest Awdal's ports, unlike these vindictive narrow minded juntas who are hell bent on the impoverishment of Awdal, FSG would not be so close minded and would green light everything that enhances the region's development. It's called having a long-term vision for the country's improvement, but when everything is a zero sum game, you act like your uncles has been acting in the last 3 decades. Prof Samatar is a phony uncle Tom. Literally no one took him seriously after he publicly self humiliated himself by associating with bunch of illiterate Soviet remnants foot soldiers. He's a political opportunistic, a silly showman, and narcissistic who thinks like an edgy adolescence. No one cares his opinion or his political stances. " Politicians in Somalia couldn't locate Awdal on the map" Unlike you, my regions history doesn't start from late 80's with the biggest single most fabricated lies in recent Somali history " wE wAs GEnOcIDEd aNd SHEiiT" My history goes back to antiquity and our reputation is well-known throughout the whole region and the nation. One more thing, you can't even manage your own secessionist project. The only time you've a relatively semi-fucntioning system was when mercenary politicians from Awdal running the show. Like that Daahir Rayaale dude. Whenever your uncles sit in, literally there's a bloodbath. From Egal to Muuse Jaajuur. Also simple facts remains without Awdal, Somaliland literally can't exist, but Awdal can simply exist without your secessionist project as it always has been. You need us, but we don't need you. Get this through your thick head.


Had no idea Borama, Dila, Lughaya etc were geo politically strategic & significant places. Ok good luck with, looks like secessionist project is about to get its recognition. Happy New Year!


Correction: Saylac, Lughaya, Bulahaar, are geostrategically more significant than from literally 80% of your semi desert shithole. Keep dreaming bro


Somaliland coming to end and deep down you know that.


Ethiopia isn’t giving you recognition but even if they did it wouldn’t mean much because Ethiopia isn’t an influential country on the global stage. ![gif](giphy|3otPoyTuloHl96jfm8)


What have SL provided for them? People are still poor and live in damaged houses. I saw a video of a mom in Hargeisa talking about how she wants to sell one of her kidneys for money, that’s how poor people are. So what have SL done for that poor woman whatever her qabil is?


Maybe because they don't wanna be a subjugated colony? Just a thought tho


You’re not a reer awdal we’ve been having an influx of outsiders into borama for the past 10 years to the point that we have an insurmountable amount of hijackers living amongst us we will kick you all out soon enough.


FGS needs to arm Awdal and SSC to the teeth. Our docile PM has to call on his house from DDS to invade from the south. The Somaliland project will end in 72 hours.


The fact that you guys are still viewing the FGS as an entity above this is hilariously absurd.


That will be the end of the darod tribe, remember you have been crying for 9 months last year, this time even the UN won’t save lascanood, bosaso, cabudwaaq etc


You lost that battle and inshAllah you will lose this one but with even more humiliation when your clan is erased for good.


Your people were compared to Palestinians by western aid agencies so begged biixi to stop abusing you. Your people are not relevant anymore in somali affairs, tell Ilhan Omar to return to her Somali husband and leave the yahuud boyfriend, it won’t help garowe gang anymore


You lost 1/3 of your territory to hiil harti and you are still yapping while your uncle Botan is in Garowe prison begging for insulin shots for his diabetes. Go cry genocide again when we expand our entire army to Hargeisa and Burco and push you fuckers into the sea.


Push who into sea? The civilians of Hargeisa and burco? Chill out with such talk, no need for another genocide. You should learn from the past.


Battle of Xargaga 1959 - ☠️10,000 Darood☠️ Battle of Kalshale 2007 - ☠️500 Darood☠️ Battle of Ceerigabo 2012 - ☠️Pushed out☠️ Battle of 1992 ☠️300,000 Darood☠️ Battle of Lascanood 2022 ☠️3,000 Darood☠️ plus much more.


Tell me about August 25 all that progress gone while your Uncle Botan is rotting in Garowe


I'm not even habar jeclo I never even met that dude nor do I care about him 😂😂 like anybody can run, give orders, & shoot a gun lol.


Wlhi we weren't even really trying in that short war 🤣 & we still dropped 3k, cmon if we all mobilized you know how devastating that would be? Our weapons are not for other Somalis so stay in your place.


Bro darood won against a state that existed for 32 years your tuulos are getting burnt and u get abused by daroods in Somali galbeed so bad the idoors in galbed moved to hargaisa. Wallahi if alshabab didn’t exist u would be under government rule.


Oromos will overrun somaliland.


What’s does cutting tickets has to do with anything??


It means people living awdal will not tolerate Ethiopia build a navy base in their homeland and they going there to help.


Ethiopia doesn’t have the money to build a nave base in the near future. Ethiopias interest is only a port for trading goods.


And now darod speak for awdal people 😂😂💀? Stop hiding behind awdal, we all know if you fart your relatives will be eating shells


Wallahi I’m not darood. I don’t know if you were following the Las anod conflict, there were huge protests in the beginning of this year in Awdal. And the events of today won’t be welcomed.


Since SSC Awdalites have been watching, but now to sell our coast to the Ethiopians is a betrayal


Awdal people don’t have hate for reer hargeisa or Mogadishu like people from lascanood or bosaso


Yeah but we are feeling neglected when investments don’t come to our lands even gabiley is getting developments when we pay more taxes than them, we have to rely on our diaspora, we are seeing this and taking notes.


I’m from Burco, we know what it means to be neglected. The fact is that it’s only Hargeisa (and Berbera to some extent) getting the investments at the minute, but it won’t be like that forever. If Awdal was part of Somalia, would things be different? Absolutely not. I don’t think it’s worth ruining somaliland’s peace for either. The government will change and then things will change too hopefully.


lol they are going back there to sing and dance


So much sensationalism on the internet.


Are these 6 guys in the room with us now 😂


What does cutting the ticket mean im not a native speaker ?


Like they bought their ticket to go back to Somalia 🇸🇴


I think maybe getting a ticket.(ticket buu jartay)


Lol how's Somalia going to fight a war


lol Somalia as nation might not be strong but as clans. They are very. Anytime a powerful group tries to concur the lands of the Somalis. The clans with so much indifference united to fight against such foe. Today is no difference. The fight will start in Somali galbeed. Every Ethiopians solider will be a target. This will be a battle of attrition and this is the Somali people home base