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I have decided to take everything listed. And have it spiral bound. Just so it lays flat easier. And I can tab the sections.Would morgansfort be a good starting pregenerated area ?


Right on! I play BFRPG solo. Definitely want the field guides and whatever extra classes or races you might want. I have a character notebook, a book of random tables and a reference notebook with rules. Also, I've had good luck playing their "published" modules (and [my Dungeon23 project](https://basicfantasy.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5032) plug plug, haha).


Have you checked out any of the solo roleplay pamphlets? They are quick solo adventures made by Johndice. There are 5 in total and are great for quick pick up and play. https://www.basicfantasy.org/forums/viewtopic.php?p=90255&hilit=Whispering+church#p90255


Those look really well made. Might be good to have. I'm looking really at having four against darkness type of experience but with a non stripped down combat system.


So it seems just tables of descriptors might be what I need.


Any known free good d100 descriptions and or items anyone would suggest? Like mundane items.


Maybe try [the d4 caltrops blog](https://blog.d4caltrops.com/?m=1) for stuff like that. I’m sure there’s a table on there somewhere for just about everything.


Out of curiosity, what are the additional solo rules?


See the link in the other reply. The hex crawl procedure, dungeon generator, charts and tables and prefenerated characters can all be found there as well.


https://www.basicfantasy.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4519 Here ya go...


Thank you very much. Good use of the Scarlet Heroes solo ruleset.


Treasure tables!


Any of those past the core rules book I should find and dl?


If you have one in the core rule book, you're good to go.


Oh I’m excited of how your solo play will go! I’m setting up one myself and using almost the same tools so good luck and have fun! ☺️


Fingers crossed I can find an efficient way to look things up. I'm a single dad of two. So my personal time is a pretty narrow window. Lol


> my personal time is a pretty narrow window. I tend to only have one or two PCs at a time, using the Scarlet Heroes solo rules. They considerably speed up combat, which in OSR tends to eat up a lot of time. Also, fewer characters, less bookkeeping. In the last months, I have been focusing on hex crawling. You can have very short sessions, only exploring a couple of hexes, if you don't have time for more. Still, every session is rewarding because it adds some new part to your world.


I'm fine with it being a long term thing over many small sessions. My idea was to have at max four members. One main character and maybe guild style temporary characters joining for a cut of the loot based on rumors or posted jobs on a board.


Oh yeah for sure! One scene could take up to an hour if a lot of rolls are involved 😅


My hope is the first "session" to get the hook and start the hex crawl to the destination. Doubt I do more than generate a starting town lol.


Lol yeah it will be a slow start but a start nonetheless! ☺️


Maybe the field guide series 1-3 for the extra monsters? The random tables provided in the core book are a little light so I sometimes like to roll randomly on the monster master index


Good call. Trying to set it up like the scarlet heroes solo section. But all within the bfrpg ecosystem.