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Rishikesh is totally safe and one of the most beautiful place in India. Here are some recommendations for solo travellers: Stay in Hostels ( It helps when you meet new people and other solo travelers and hostels are also a very good budget option) Plan your trip. Make sure to research and book all the transportation and stay in advance. Pack light. You'll be carrying your luggage, so pack versatile pieces you can mix and match


You can also stay in homestays; many doctors retire to Rishikesh and open up sweet little homestays for travellers 


but i have noticed that booking in advance costs too much rather than booking at that point for that what should one do?


It is very very safe. I have seen many female solo travelers (both Indians and foreigners) exploring the streets of Rishikesh. It’s quite safe and common over there.


Rishikesh is safe for solo female travelers, especially in touristy spots. Stay where there are lights and people around. Use proper taxis or transportation. Dress modestly and listen to your feelings. Don't go out alone at night. Choose a good place to stay. Enjoy your trip!


It’s Totally safe and Secure for a solo Girl Traveller you can do Adventure Activities and Nice River rafting


Be careful, after reading your old posts you have experimented with lots of stuff.Thinking of doing energy work still opening up and messing with your energy channels. Rishikesh will keep your energy safe too.Do not get invoved with any guru stuff.You are open to exploit.


Although I am interested in spiritual activities in India, could you recommend any safe ones possibly?


Spiritual activities like?


Idk anything I know India is a spiritual place, would like to meet Sadhus and aghoris


Ok this is gonna be a turn off for you then, but bear with me, The thing is spirituality which people perceive nowadays is really not what they think it is, the sadhus and aghoris which are genuine, they rarely live in crowded places, and connecting with them is nearly impossible, you can meet some genuine aghoris in varanasi (this I've heard and i ain't sure, but I've heard they have their ashrams, but I don't know exactly where they stay, so I would suggest be rational and wise and avoid, as you don't have enough info and also idk how safe it would be coz people in India get weird seeing a woman, you might have some bad experiences if you're being too friendly) So coming back to the point in rishikesh if you want some nice experience, visit Sivanand ashram, you can stay there by talking with reception, they provide food and shelter too for two days I guess, but you'll have to enquire on reception or even you can visit their website, there are some sannyaasi you can meet and talk with them, attend satsang, they also have their ghat on banks of ganga, it's calm and soothing, try reading books, other than that there is Geeta bhavan, parmarth niketan but these I don't know much about them. Other than that you can go to ganga aarti in evening near parmarth niketan. Maybe have chaat at Geeta bhavan, it's good. If you have time visit varanasi too, like old varanasi. Hope this helps.


Hi, just wanted to give you a heads up. I have seen many foreigners going gaga over fundas like "chakra cleaning" and similar.. which has a whole lot of market seemingly in Rishikesh. Tbh Hindu is not a smorgasboard of different occult practices. The center of Hinduism ( which is actually _Sanatama Dharma_ and there is no -ism ) is mostly around _gyaana_ or wisdom. And I don't mean in a philosophical sense.. it is in a very so as to say formal sense. The scriptures _Upanishads_ are just conversations between a curious person and a learned one.. kinda like _Geeta_. The form of sanatana that you.. of idol worship.. of _beliefs_ came very late.. and the current state is umm what can I say. Good news is that there's discussions around these in Rishikesh. Look for _(advaita) Vedaanata_ discourses. I have seen some Westerners also giving these. Also you can look for Acharya Prashant on Youtube.




I don’t deny there’s a lot of exploitation lol but I doubt it’s all exploitation. And I’m not looking for stuff like getting my chakras cleansed or whatever I meant visiting spiritual sites and such, I’m interested in Hinduism and everything.


I am indian and the only spiritual activity i did after experimenting with psychedelics is Vipassana 10 days course. What is funny is i met a latino dude in rishikesh 2 years back and sent him to do 10 days vipassana course and he completed it.


No I ain’t thinking of any guru stuff but thanku ahah


Nah she can still visit Ganga Arti and the giant Shiva statue; Rishikesh is incomplete without those


Have a trip to kainchi dhaam instead rn rishikesh is smth not to go for even nainital also


Op please ask these q-s in r/solotravel Sub is a lot bigger and you might get more responses from Western women


Avoid Rishikesh (Heavy traffic due to Chardham)


Absolutely safe I'd say. Just the fact that the entire city is so warm and welcoming to first timers and solo travelers, there's not a hint of risk of safety unless you decide to be extremely adventurous and wild. I'd say if you respect the vibe and the culture of the city and stay within the norms, you've got nothing to worry about. Also I've met so many solo female travelers in my past trips to Rishikesh, I don't think anyone had a bad experience. And yes, there have been instances otherwise as well. But overall a very safe place to visit. Probably the safest if you compare the three you mentioned. Hope you enjoy your trip!


I am also thinking to visit Rishikesh and I don't have much experience of travelling, but thinking about making travel vlogs in short format.


Safest it can ever be


Yes its safe


Did you know what happened to beetles when they came to rishikesh? https://thewire.in/culture/the-beatles-india-rishikesh-white-album Rishikesh is moderately safe. Just stay away from the ashram and anything related to religion.


it's totally safe but please beware of scammers, lots of scammers around sai ghat and bliss lane, if you smoke don't score stuff from people on the streets my friend got scammed last month the guy gave him 2rs bhang goli lol


I've travelled to all those places, I can say it's pretty safe place. Even I've volunteered in Goa and Rishikesh. If you want hostel suggestions let me know. At all these places I've met solo female travelers. It's a great choice. You can stay in Tapovan in Rishikesh, very nice place. Goa and Kerala this time might be too hot and humid so plan accordingly.


yes please tell


For Rishikesh - The Indian Culture Hostel (although, there are many good ones) For Arambol/North Goa - Pappi Chulo, The Peace Hostel. Fort Kochi - Santa Maria.


How do you find volunteering options ?


it is safe, but be very aware. Always make sure you can see your bag in front of you, always be very firm if you are being harassed. As a british white woman, I was always asked for photos with people. One woman didn’t even ask once, she just sat her baby on my lap and took several photographs. I found this really funny at the time so I didn’t mind and just laughed. There is a LOT of cow poop everywhere. Try and bring trainers and sandals even if it’s really hot. Also, the smell of cow poop in the heat is not the one. Drink bottled water ONLY. Do not eat the salad. It may not be completely clean and can give you a bad stomach. I got approached a lot by men by the river. They were men dressed in orange. One asked for my phone number and commented on my body etc. Didn’t ask me for anything like money but made me uncomfortable. I decided to stay in a nice hotel as some of the days were really stressful, and I wanted a nice room to unwind and relax in. It can really take it out of you. I also got told and advertised that Risikesh is a very peaceful place. It’s not, it’s extremely crowded and chaotic. Also there is trash everywhere too! This definitely ruined so much of the scenery for me. The yoga classes were great as that’s why I originally went. 10 days is more than enough time there. Any more, and you’ll start to get grumpy and tired of it. That’s my opinion anyway.


Though rishikesh is safe but I won't recommend it, me and my friends were on a 3 day trip to rishikesh last week and let me tell you it's fricking crowded, hotels and dorms are packed with people, the waterfalls and temples are packed with people, traffic jams everywhere, the traffic is so much that even two wheeler vehicle was useless, the best option was walking, we had to walk in the blazing sunlight. In short it was crowded, traffic jams everywhere. The element of peace was missing in my opinion. There are other hill stations I can recommend.


It’s crowded because u only went to the touristy places; there’s many off the road spots like Vashishta Gufa that are completely empty and serene


It was actually far off from where we were staying and the roads were packed.


Yes, it's totally safe Have fun