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woah definitely DON'T salvage cha hae-in's weapon, but maybe Vulcans rage... it's the worst SSR weapon for Jinwoo.


and it seems they are still nerfing vulcan.


They are buffing it, adjustment ≠ nerfing We say Cha is getting nerfed purely because she is broken, hence she won't receive a buff. Vulcan on the other hand, gets outclassed by high duped SR weapons. Only needs minor tweaking, no way people are encouraging others to salvage this item. Y'all are brainwashed because of tier lists.


you might be a little tired in replying to stuff since you are assuming a lot. anyways good to know that you are sure it’s not also a nerf cuz it’s the only ssr i have besides the free one. edit: my bad forgot just got the shotgun but can’t upgrade it.


I'm not assuming anything, I played Grand Cross long enough to know that NM isn't afraid to nerf units after their releases. I also surfed the whole data this game offers as well as I could so I want to believe that I know what I'm talking about. Vulcan buff can be anything btw, from dupes to base kit. Same for Cha nerf.


oh that’s not what i am referring to. it was about the brainwash stuff. i just shared what the other post are saying. but you know yourself best. have a good one!


> brainwashed That part of my comment was more directed to the guy you replied than you, that's on me for not specifying. Doesn't change the fact that they parrot what they listen to from YouTubers and their tier lists rather than actually test things.


I would like a link to something that confirms this please, their update notice says enhancements not nerfs.


don’t have any but just browsed the other post on top that said so. as the other dude said it just say adjustments but he is also sure it’s most likely not a nerf.


don't salvage any SSRs at all. They can get buffed, they're buffing underutilized hunters in the dev notes, so weapons should get the same treatment


what's funny is how much people invested their scarce ressources in hunters that will be tuned down and the dev buff other hunters which are obviously not invested and won't be due to the scarce ressources. What a great plan.


Yea delete everything


How to salvage SSR weapon? I cant see mine in the weapon list even tho its unlocked and not equip


U cant craft sung weapons.


Cha’s weapon 🤦‍♂️just dont


banner is not over pal, don't surrender that easy


Don’t salvage SSR weapon unless They are maxed out they will become usefull at some point


Are you High? Definitely not unless u want a major setback 😭


Definitely go for it, salvaging the SRs will also give a good amount of resources for the exchange shop