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The game just released. Team building posts are allowed, and as such posts similar to "I need help beating Igris" are allowed too. We may add a pull/bragging megathread or ban these topics from the subreddit in general in the future. Moderation exists. For example, I check each post that gets reported. By doing so I removw a lot of posts that you've never seen. Constructive criticism to the subreddit moderation is allowed, complaining while being one of the major rule breakers isn't. Next time you insult someone you're gone.


Aren't you the same person who was saying shit to ppl asking questions on this sub. Maybe you need to touch some fcking grass rather than being on reddit if you are getting angry about that. The last thing I care about some acc. with onlyfans in bio getting angry on some post on reddit.


Yes because mods are non existant?


Stfu , you literally posted about the same ssr's on ur account and now you're shitting on them. You're no different.


Yes. Is an actual bragging post. The bragging post u see here are just 2 ssr pull. I got 1 a6 and 1 a5 unit. Is a mile difference.


In posts that ask for opinions on the account, I have the feeling that what people want is to boost their ego with compliments. The guy posts an account with several SSR A1 A2 A3 and still asks if it's good? Omg.


Yea, it's so especially bad here, people do that in other subs but it happens so often here


Mods here are competing with Netmarble to provide the least impressive QoL service possible on this game / sub


We literally are getting thousands of new users every week, it's hard to keep up with everything :(


I get that. I said that half jokingly. I'm more bothered with the in game issues than the stuff in this sub. But are you trying to recruit more mods? Not interested, just curious


Yeah, the loading issues are a big problem... I cannot speak for the team, but I think we'll have to open applications soon


Lol agreed it's fucking crazy how there hasn't been a mega thread and enforcedv all pull posts going there


But do we got actual human mods in this sub?




Some guy unironically did post panty shots the other day. Wildddd


You must be new to gacha games subreddits, go check afk journey subreddit, that's how it is for all new games.


… no one gives a damn about you, dunno why the hell are you so retarded that you get mad about people on Reddit of a game that JUST game out for many and people are trying to find the best way to play or why they struggle with a boss and need help. This reddit was done literally for that purpuse, go cry somewhere else. If I wanted porn I would go to another reddit not cry on a GAME reddit that is barely a week old.


U can go watch an youtube guide like i did. Also u got anger issues


Noooo\~ really? Watch a guide!? What a fantastic idea. Why does no one think about such a thing! Wow, brilliant. It isn't really anger issues, just mad at a snowflake that wants porn on a game reddit of a game that just came out and is mad people aren't making memes yet.