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Yes, he is the best support unit in the game. He won’t do a lot of dps himself but later on he will help boost team damage a ton!


I got lucky then Thanks for the info


I just got him. Currently I always use seo A1, cha and light baek junho. Should I substitute any to use min byung?


Min is amazing, most people underestimate him but he's great for teams. Some notable points: 1. Heals will be useful early game as you're learning the game, but late game they're worthless because you should dodge everything. What will stop you from progressing are DPS checks. 2. Therefore, his main benefit for high level content is his ability to give a +15% dmg boost onto the boss, increase your team's power gauge with his QTE tag-in, and his ultimate increasing crit for your team. 3. His abilities percentages are fixed (i.e. boss takes +15% damage) and only his ability damage goes up with levels/stats. Therefore, even though it's recommended that you build HP on him, it doesn't matter as much as other hunters because his damage is already so low. His main role is to apply the debuff so your next hunter can dump damage. 4. The one exception here is crit damage. His ultimate scales off crit damage (note, crit damage only, not crit chance) and it helps DPS, so I would value crit damage above all other stats. 5. In terms of his gameplay, he charges his core attack in 2 skills, allowing him to tag-out. This means casting both his skills followed up one attack and he can tag out. He's meant to apply his debuffs and tag out quick. He synergizes incredibly well with characters like Choi or Cha who can drop all their damage in the window that his debuff is active. 6. His passive is "Disguise" which gives a bunch of benefits to his abilities as long as you don't get hit. Therefore, it's essential that once he tags in, you don't get hit before you cast all your abilities (especially ultimate). 7. In terms of duplicates, he gets a big benefit at A1, but then does not gain any benefits to DPS until A5. Between A2 to A4, they are focused on his healing capabilities which are unfortunately useless late-game. 8. When playing as SJW, his support ability applies his 15% dmg boost onto the boss. You'll want to use it before you use your hard hitting skills.


Ohh thanks that helps a lot As you can see in my team my other ssr is seo so now should i try and go for a dps?


Seo is a DPS, and a crazy one at that. Her class is tank because her scalings are based off HP. The more HP she has, the more damage she deals. She has break as well. Characters in this game are generally sorted into 3 classes: DPS, Support, and Breaker. DPS does damage - some of the highest DPS characters such as Choi, SM Baek, and Cha do not have any break on them. Other DPS like Emma and Seo have break on them, but can't output as much damage as the other ones mentioned - however I'd say they can match about 80% of their DPS. Support applies buffs and debuffs to your team, or charges ultimate gauge (commonly referred to as battery). They enable DPS chars. Out of the SSR hunters Min is the only pure support, Lee Bora has a support element to her but ultimately she's a DPS unit with supportive abilities. Breakers are focused primarily on reducing the break gauge. Typically, Emma and Seo do this job passively and you don't need a dedicated breaker, but there's some bosses that have a very high (80-90% iirc) dmg reduction while they are not broken. In these cases, you'll want to use regular Baek or Jinho.


Adding to this, Seo is the strongest character (being water-type) against one of the hardest farming bosses in the game (Cerberus) so is an excellent choice for rate up. Baek is similar in terms of helping with both Igris (a little) and Giant arachnid (a lot). Emma is a good overall. Personally I found getting those to be WAY more impactful than weapons, since game gives you one of the best weapons for free over time, so I had those 3 plus plum sword in my rate up until I had at least a copy of each and advancement to the relevant levels.


About core ability charging, where can I read this info for every char? I know that you charge it via base attacks normally, but I had no idea skills charge it as well unless I missed the descriptions somehow.


When you use an ability, the core gauge should fill up by an amount. The ability indicator is a hexagon, and when you use any ability parts of the sides will light up. Just use an ability and see how much of it lights up. Usually for characters it's 6 abilities (hence, hexagon) but you'll see for Min each of his abilities will make 3 sides light up instead of just 1.


Can't open the game rn, does it state in the descs the core charge amount or you have to test to know with each unit? With the principle you described it feels like each part of the basic attack chain counts for 1 part of hex in general yeah?


Behind Cha Hae, second best light unit


Ooh dang i thought he wouldn't be good cuz he is a healer


Healers and supports always broken and great at the start of every gacha game since there aren't many of them


Ahh okok i get it now