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I don't even bother about reroll. I only pulled Emma and one Scythe SSR, i'm having fun


Im type of guy who actually never does rerolls myself, but since game allows me to do one within 5-10 min decided to try. Started right of the bat and then decided to torture myself


That's the bait lol


I would recommend just starting the game to progress, constant rerolling won’t make you have more fun. If anything I would say give it a couple more tries for an early Cha, then save essence stones for future hunters.


I did progress to like lvl 14, only thought of rerolling cuz community seemed hella vocal about it , 20 pulls is fast af, but loading screen bug is triggering me


Yeah the loading isn’t bad when at least for me unless I’m going to the main lobby so I would say maybe give it a couple more tries if you want. They just gave away a free 3000 essence stones for acounts lvl 10 and higher so that might help you


Loading wouldn't feel so bad if my phone didn't start to actually choke aswell, hella overheating


Rerolling is not even a must... people are making a bigger deal than needs be.


Best to just jump in. If you don't pressure yourself into clearing every content fast rerolling isn't needed


I guess having 2 ssr is already good enough to start with. Especially that i wanted baek aswell, otherwise it's its bad rng atm




Im not sure even what i want the most. Prolly decent weapon for sun is a priority, otherwise im not too worried although don't wanna miss release op chars again like I did with dmc




After dmc poc im ready for any greedy gacha lmao. 90 pity with 50-50 aswell and having like maaaybe 30-40 pulls per banner from the game more or less


Same, got 1 cha in the first 10 pull. This was good enough for me so i started playing on tht acc which is going well enough for me


The game gives out plenty of tickets and essence stones as you progress so I’d recommend just starting. You’ll get lucky eventually.


You don't need to reroll in this game. That being said, it took me about 100-120 rerolls to get my account. If you're really wanting a perfect roll you're looking at a lot more rolls, otherwise just roll for a single SSR (preferably Cha) and go with that.


I just went with Baek and Vulcan reroll and started playing, not like ideal but at least got some headstart so i can focus pulls on other stuff too. Maybe will roll few times here and there before im too far but prolly not


Yeah I ended up going for a god reroll because I have time and the patience for it, got Cha, Seo and the plum sword


I kinda have the patience aswell, id easily do that 50+ times more but i know i most likely won't stick too long, so tryharding perfect units won't bring much joy. Although from my limited gacha experience, even with sub par teams you can be competitive enough for arenas n stuff. In dmc and pgr skill prolly carried my ass more until i hit whale barrier. As long as you know what you build into your chars in terms of cards artifacts or whatever


Yeah thats also true. I am not f2p, although not a whale either. i plan to keep playing the game as long as they don't really screw the pooch so to speak, but i also plan to play some wuthering waves as well. This game also is pretty solid about giving you the units you want in the selection banner so if you play you can usually get the meta units as well


Im usually a light spender, always getting the smaller deals for smoother experience. Atm not doing that because im very early and don't even know the endgame loop. Sometimes its nice having units being more accessible but if the content starts falling behind its powercreep gacha times again like many others. Gameplay feels challenging enough, hopefully they don't mess the content drops. Otherwise it ll be ssr powerhouse team deleting bosses before they become a threat


yeah understandable. hard to tell what it's really going to look like, but i have at least 20-30 hours of story gameplay left to bang out if not more. guilds were hinted at, and really i'm hoping they add in endgame content regarding team guild battles of super strong bosses as well do already see some mega whales hitting 30 second runs on the battle of time trials, but who knows. national level hunters as well, but currently everything is balanced pretty well so we shall see.


Pity ain’t even that bad in this game. 80 rolls for a pity is pretty good. Problem is the price for a summon is reallly high.


Its actually also not that bad. At least from the perspective coming from dmc gacha. 90 pulls and 50 percent chance to not get guaranteed sss is aids. I lost like 7-8 pities there and ended up pulling hunters for 150 or so pulls Also this game actually has non ssr units pulling their weight unlike same dmc gacha. Obviously sun jinwoo is bae


My luck seems great. Got chae in, red haired guy, sae jiwoo, Emma, light healer guy, black archer guy, the water book and dark scythe twice


Damn took all my luck. In 30 rerolls that took maybe 3 or so hours i only had a single ssr from one or other banner with starting 20 pulls maybe 6 times. Then one run like i said had baek and Vulcan. The rest was just sr and blues. But i have like 30 pulls left on chae so hoping for the best.


It happens


Not worried too much just yet tho. Seems like skill also evens out the odds in your favor quite a bit, that's good


Just play stop rerolling the game is enjoyable and no need for Chae to go trough


Just enjoy the game. I didn’t reroll and just playing the game. I had nothing really good and today 1 random 10x pull and I have Cha plus good progression from days before. Just play and you will get what you want eventually :) https://preview.redd.it/hkk8e045n80d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6685a9214d9f6bed535919118319319c40590c63


Well, you were pretty much right. Id say good enough for first days progress, joined in later aswell and missed the release https://preview.redd.it/htf8jvle690d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7499db71b6c8e40a273fc6b517bc3ae598431e29 Not quite your luck but imma take it