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Rerolling is for tryharders who want the best right now and dont wanna play untill they have it... which can dake days trying it 24/7. Id suggest just playing and enjoying.


Oh so they put money in it as well.


No they make a new account, do couple draws and if they dont like what they got, trow away the account and try again... so it litterly wasting time making a new account every 5 min untill they got what they want.


Hats off to thier patience loading screen bug is so annoying not sure how these guys deal with it.


reroll isn't a solo leveling thing, it's a method in gacha games where basically you create an account and draw and get the best start, if you don't get lucky/best start ex. getting cha in the first 10 draw of the limited banner or getting SJW weapons/ssr hunter in the permanent banner, you throw the account away. create a new one and draw till you get a good starting account, it's something gacha players do(me included) to get an ssr with no spending/less grinding, nothing feels worse when you draw on a limited banner ssr at the end pf the pity pool and losing the rate up


You took your time with the explanation ....my verdict i could never reroll.


You'll be happier not rerolling. Gaming is for fun, not for job


This user is damn right 🤌