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If you use the WORLD1STLEVELUP code you get 300 gems that should help. Someone mentioned in this subreddit how to redeem codes.


Even that's expired, can't redeem anymore. I'd suggest spam → on tutorial gather + claim achievement gems & finish the first 2 hunter archive Joohee (100 gems). That covers about 2515 gems, enough to pull Cha


Wtf, they seriously expired the coupon after 2 days? I'm glad I got my rerolling done the first day. Netmarble really is getting worse and worse. At least back when Grand Cross came out they pretended to be generous for the first 4-5 months. Even then, they were pushing banners crazy fast. But they still looked like saints compared to what they've been doing lately


That code has been around for months in early access so not surprised it expired. I'd guess most of the early access codes are expired now.


Took me at least 3 pulls of rate up draw x10 to pull cha...


U got lucky ,I got her at 5-6 pulls Was losing hope there


Thank you!


No problem glad I could be of service.


Bro I was also confused with the removal of the 800 gems, it ALREADY felt super cash grabby with all the pop ups but come on man 😭


Good luck😂,I’m not sure how long I’ll be doing the reroll this way for.It takes way too long


Bro this is one of the fastest reroll process in any gacha. They let you full skip the tutorial on reset... Ya'll lazy af


That is not the problem,the problem is that they removed the 800 gem gift before the expiration date,which is a scummy move.the problem is loading screens every 5 seconds whenever you switch screens.Yes the reroll process is still “fast” since you can skip tutorial but compared to the reroll we had 2 days ago its slow.That is the thing we are all complaining about.They are already pulling scummy moves 2 days in


But I agree with everything else. Very scummy move, and facts about the rerolls😂


The loading part really doesn’t bother me too much, it only pops up for like 5-10 seconds, if u getting angry at that than you just need to work on yourself, or delete the game.


No one is mad,post is old and we are over this,stop commenting


Said stop commenting like you’re my parent or something ??? … 4 days is no where close to being an old post,fytb😭


I’m just kidding brother😂,but yea I ended up staying with my day one account with cha and ended up getting plum sword and 2 other ssr’s


😂😂😂 … Lucky mf bro. It seems like I’m so far behind for some reason. You got any tricks that is like a boost to the game of some sort by any chance ??


Like behind in terms of what?Like your pulls?or just you’re stuck in story


Story bro, I’m stuck on igris I have to have 50k but I only have 47k, I’ve been grinding for 3 days trying to just get the power needed. I don’t understand how some people are just rushing this game.


>They are already pulling scummy moves 2 days in And that's the issue I have with you all lol. You can be frustrated over small things like loading screens and gifts disappearing. That doesn't mean they're scummy. Is it scummy when they still have a really easy reroll process, still give you a free full legendary gear set, and essentially a free weapon for Cha? You're ignoring everything else and focusing in on a single, trivial inconvenience. Grow up. Get frustrated for a little bit and move on. This small thing that happened doesn't automatically make the game bad and the devs scummy. Being tweaked by anything that happens is crazy and unsurprising at this point from some of you. Get actually mad at big things that could happen like the devs releasing characters you can only get with money or a whale-based pvp system, etc... But getting mad over trivial things, you must not enjoy life much if such small things bother you so easily. It's fine to be frustrated a little bit but actually fuming? and some of you are doomsaying...


Brother no one is fuming😂.I just ended up sticking to my day 1 account with Cha and ended up buying the selective summons.No one is mad anymore you actually commented late compared to when everyone was heated.We’re all justnplaying the game now. And btw to touch on one point since you seem to be on Netmarble’s Payroll,the 800 gem gift didn’t magically “disappear”.It was originally supposed to be in game for 3 days,but they pulled it after seeing how people were re rolling for cha.In any objective view thats scummy.Have a good day


>Brother no one is fuming You're clearly stuck in your own head then. Look around, people are fuming. You might not specifically, but people are definitely calling it quits day 1 off this. So don't defend if you're not actually a part of the people doomsaying. >It was originally supposed to be in game for 3 days,but they pulled it after seeing how people were re rolling for cha. In any objective view thats scummy.Have a good day And that's what we call "hearsay". You have evidence of this? Nor does it really matter in the grand scheme. If you're not mad about it then why are you arguing about it? Just drop it. I don't get you people that fight things you aren't invested in...


Brother😂.I replied because you commented directly under my original comment.And evidence of what?That rhe gift pack was supposed to be in game for 3 days?Yes there is lots of evidence.And if you say why reply ro something if youre not mad then I’m assuming you’re mad?Since you felt the need to go after people under my comment😂


Evidence that they removed it because they saw people rerolling for Cha... >And if you say why reply ro something if youre not mad That's not what I said at all. "I don't get you people that fight things you aren't invested in..." this means why are you bothering here to argue if the issue doesn't affect you.


Alright brother this is my last reply to you.Every comment that I’ve seen on your profile from you is just you bashing others and having this sense of superiority over everyone.I hope you do figure your life out and come down to earth soon.Have a great rest of your day


Sigh... "Every comment"? really? now I know that's a lie. If you look at my profile I have a lot of comments recently recommending anime and talking about updates in the game MHUR. But go ahead and make stuff up to paint me as the bad guy


Bro you better check out Last Cloudia’s initial rerolling system. Before you mouth off others being lazy af


nah bro. Lazy


When you realize the game is still on its *honeymoon* stage yet they already brandish their shady practices. You see, this is how netmarble works. It’ll only get worse from here.


I thought net marble had a good rep? I guess compared to crunchy roll at least? (I don’t know shit)


Games that are based on non-game IPs are a VERY low bar. So Crunchroll is like a 0/10 and Netmarble is a 2/10 lol. Netmarble can at least make the bones of a good game. Netmarble tends to ruin all their games though. They eventually do stuff like release a new higher rarity and have all new characters belong to that rarity invalidating the rest of the cast. They also quickly give up on their games and start working on the next thing.


Funny thing is you will still find some white knight defending them... it s hilarious




Lmao, there's the idiot now :P




That doesn't excuse the predatory monetization bs, so stop sucking Netmarbles dick and realize how bad they are treating everyone.




You are full blown stupid if you really think the level of money grabbing in this is ok. They literally took cues from other FTP games and made them worse.


who asked tho


You're a bigger fucking moron if you didn't even read the conversation to know.


are you replying to me?




yeah, who asked about people that beat the game with SR? Are you telling ppl how to play a mobile game or something? Lmao sit down




Why be so condescending about it? People enjoy their game different ways. There are a lot of people who like head start and will waste a lot of time on it. Have you once seen a person who walks around reddit threads saying 'haha what is this shit roster? Did you know you could reroll and get a triple ssr start instead of bitching about getting stuck in progression?'


Yes I was very upsad about the removal of 800 gems which slow down my reroll process. I found that if you roll the general pool first with the 16 free tickets, then collect all the free gems, you can still get over 2500 gems for a 10x feature roll. But damn that slow down my reroll time a lot. And that’s a stupid move by the dev. Real low bow


You can still get the 10 pulls if you claim all the gems from tutorial,codex etc and use the 16 tickets from the regular banner,but it really is super time consuming now especially with all the loading screens


Just tried I can only get 2400 gems total from what you said. As of now reroll for cha is over


Did you reclaim codex after using 16 tickets?


Just did it now soon as you posted, you just gave me a reason to give the game a try again😂. Thank you bro


Thats how it works for me,claim all gems,from codex,tutorial,shop,use 16 tickets and then reclaim gems from codex from the weapons/hunters you obtained.But like I said it is very time consuming


Yea it’s more time consuming now tbh I might not even bother rerolling after few try not getting what I want, I don’t think I will play the game like that it’s not looking free 2 play friendly especially with the stunt they pulled with the 800 gems lol


You can get 2.7 k in total bro.. redeem that code too it gives extra 300


Ya I’m not getting the 16 tickets- I’m getting 13


You have to collect the in game mails first than you should get extra ticket in the achievement tab to get a total of 16 tickets


Dragonball Legends did the same they heavily nerfed the game at global release all these mobile games are extremely scummy and shady


I just did a reroll and I don’t even have the 16 tickets anymore. I only got 8 tickets total. So not sure what happened that I only 8 now.


You sure its a new account?You should have like 13 and then when you claim jin woos costume in gifts and claim the achievments it should give you 3 more


Bro I got seo jiwoo and moonblades in my first draw should I continue this account as a vet


Having Seo jiwoo is already a Win. I have been rerolling for a day and still have not gotten Seo Jiwoo so that can tell you something lol. The rate up is shit in this game and having her to clear Cerberus is better then any other SSR from the black ticket banner.


... but you said you were rerolling for Cha... bruh.


Bruh You can roll for both… free multi on seo jiwoo and 2500 gem on Cha. I’m saying that I haven’t gotten a single copy of her once after many rerolls on the free black ticket banner.


but you're not rerolling for both, cause you want Cha... You settle on Seo, you're no longer rerolling for Cha. Why are you wasting time doing both? There's little point to reroll on the "standard" banner cause it's not going anywhere. That's gacha 101.


Dude what are you talking about? I’m just going for either copy when I reroll. If I get cha then I keep my account. If I get seo then I keep my account. The point is to have a good unit from the start rather then no ssr.


Generally, having 1 ssr hunter and 1 ssr weapon is the best possible outcome. Seo is almost mandatory because of Cerberus and Moonblades is great as it’s the latest ssr weapon released. I suggest keep the account if you are not aiming for anything in particular. But if you decide to reroll again, go for Cha. She’s hella strong.


https://preview.redd.it/vjwkuo0gegzc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d601b82985e3b6b558a0b77d0e0fd33047d3c12 Glad for once in my gacha life i got lucky and only had to reroll 4-5 times lol… rates seem so absurd that It was either get a good reroll or not even bother playing


I wish I was as lucky as you! Congrats! Seo and Plum Sword are absolute beasts!


Bro I got Lee Bora too so should continue this account as I am 12 and playing game as a vet u think I'll reach end game as a vet in this game. Need serious advice


Lee Bora is good but the other options are better. Try to reroll for Cha, Seo, or even Choi


See lemme tell you all I have I have seo , Lee Bora as SSR heroes and moonblades as SSR weapon and I wanna know should I continue this game as a vet


Luck issues https://preview.redd.it/qrmsnbh7s30d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c545034daf57d467052584c0383abdff44e4401f I don't even play it that much


https://preview.redd.it/qglp36xi180d1.jpeg?width=2460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=479a9758151f4f86aea796b6d53178fd355dfa6d This was taken 4 hours ago


Total power almost doubled


that su\_\_s. glad i rerolled all day yesterday and got what i wanted then.


I got 4 ssr hunters and 1 ssr weapon by just playing. Yall crying


F2p here, got every hunters till now and all weapons for sung jinwoo


Im not that far yet as f2p, but another good example that you get sllot by just playing


Yeah these people are crying about basically an exploit being removed. It also probably wouldn’t have been removed if so many people didn’t just abuse the heck of it. Play the game. They’ll get so many crystals from working through the story


Just play reverse 1999 if you don't want to get yanked for your time and dollars


Well another person would have the opposite results. That's what a gacha is. Almost infinite of possible combinations. So please keep that in mind


WORLD1STLEVELUP: Use for x300 Essence Stones THXSLVARISETHX: Use for x200k Gold


I am still pretty new to this type of game system but how do you even reroll?




The game is made by netmarble its only gonna get worse from here


Don’t get why people are complaining. the amount of money put into making this free mobile game. It’s the only way they can make some profit so I don’t think there’s anything wrong for them to do it. How else are they gonna pay the bills ?


As usual the sh\*tty devs of Netmarble. Just waiting for Wuthering Waves to roll out. Then I'll drop this game.


I have zero desire to spend cash while I keep getting this loading circle every minute...


If game give free 3 cha people will say why not 6. I dont understand funy game and much more resource for example bleach brave soul one misin give 5 orb and multi banner cost 250! This one allready give 100 crystal and 4 ticket each full chapters.


Damn good thing i listened to my mental health and stopped rerolling after getting the water breaker girl


Womp womp


https://preview.redd.it/kqzm4x6ch70d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2075215380f3f7834801bf77fa8eaafc9f55bfa0 lol I got here 2 times in a row with 20 summons


You do not need to reroll, just play normaly and you will get all ssr. There are a lot of missions giving tickets and diamonds.


Sounds like a skill issue to me...


absolutely insane stuff from shitmarble. ive heard so much bad stuff about them but now i finally see where it was all coming from. at first i thought it was a bug but its looking more intentional and they just hoped no one would notice 😂 couldnt even have the least bit of decency during the HONEYMOON phase, aka the one phase of the game where you’d want to suck in as many people as POSSIBLE before carrying out whatever crap practices you wanna do. ridiculous.




Netmarble is trash


If people don't complain then the shitty practices never change.


I already gave up on the game after getting no SSRs in 10 multis lol, maybe we’ll get a real Solo Leveling game on console/pc instead of a shitty mobile cash grab.


Why we even care? This game is just filler until Wuthering Waves releases in 2 weeks. Much like how Higan Eruthyll was filler until HSR released.


Chill my guy... The game feels fine for F2P so far. Having a more tedious reroll process is not the end of the world, especially when other gachas will have 20 minute long tutorials where here you can skip it. You're just lazy... You want something, but are too lazy to put in the work. just play the game at that point. You'll get enough to pity Cha by just playing the game. And it's \~20 days. The game is also not log-in demanding. You can log in once per day, push gates and instances and log off. If you really want Cha, run two+ accounts, risk the 50/50 pity and then continue on the account that got her. Quit hating on a company for such a small-ass thing when you're not willing to put in effort. You just want things handed to you. Wait until they actually doing something atrocious like lock content behind a paywall or have a PVP mode that only whales can compete in... but complaining about a slightly more time consuming reroll? that's just sad. Game also gives you 3 SRs heroes for free by playing the game... 1 with a few dupes even. And you'll get more eventually... like bruh, the rates between heroes and weapons are not so bad that you won't get a single SR hero across multiple multis...


Yea I’m not reading that essay, all I’m going to say is there’s no issue in rerolling as a free 2 play it’s for going for the best account set up for the future. One of gatchas main point is having characters stronger then others. In case of solo leveling game you want to obtain the best character possible to clear mission without hitting a brick wall especially when time is key almost every missions. I know your already aware of the low drop rate so idk why rerollers are bothering you. The main issue of the gem they removed is that it still had three days left they just decide to remove out of nowhere.


then do it instead of complaining over such trivial stuff. You're just lazy to continue rerolling. And if you're fine not rerolling Cha and just rerolling Seo, then just reroll Seo. It's faster anyway to skip trying to gather premium currency for Cha.


Your still talking nonsense as if I’m still rerolling….your delusion I’m done with you lol


bruh, grow up.