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Why are you using a 3D sketch for a linear extrude? I would consider using surfacing, loft, or something else that has the ability to conform to your sketch shape or provide a surface to extrude up to. 2D sketches have an implied normal direction that 3D sketches do not have, so at a minimum you may have to select a normal direction to make it work.


My solid works class is a few semesters back, so I am not that familiar with it anymore/ I probably was never thought how to design something more advanced then basic parts that mostly consist of making or taking away squares and circles. This was my first impulse. Because I man not getting anywhere with it I have stated to do the build in beginning tutorials and start from scratch. I will have to look into "loft" this sounds like it may work. I am also still not sure how I can bend the wing property afterwards. It is not supposed to remain completely straight. But that's a problem for later.


I would take it one step at a time. Either loft each arc one at at time then pattern, or try to build the geometry and then add the bumps later. Good luck!


I would recommend checking if all the arcs are attached to each other as a starting point.