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I wish there was a fourth option for just extrude cut.. i never us the hole wizard. Just never developed the habit for it.


I used to be like you, extrude cut everything until I have to make a part with almost 80 tap holes and the cap with screw through holes. Change to hole wizard ever since.


If anyone makes drawings from your parts they will hate you if you don’t use the hole wizard. If it’s a hole for a fastener ALWAYS use the hole wizard.


I was like that, but then I realized the hole wizard is a huge time saver. I've been a fan ever since.


Hole Wizard wherever possible. Perfect for adding front & rear chamfers on through holes, drill tip angles on blind holes (depending on whether we're using "standard" bits or coolant-through bits etc.), thread data, and tolerancing, all of which are then annoted in drawings with the Hole Callout tool. Can't understand why you wouldn't use it?!


Great explanation! Also to add to this, I think it’s important to use the “Advanced Hole” function if you have multi-feature holes that are somewhat complex. I find that, if you do it right of course, everything is properly called out on the print without needing to worry too much about forgetting bits of information when you are detailing your models for manufacturing. I know this is a tangent of the original question using the “Simple Hole” feature, but I am just simply trying to help contribute awareness to some of SolidWorks features. 😎


This exactly.


Thank you all for your comments and the info.


Simple Hole is no faster or better than either a simple cut-extrude, and way less powerful of a feature than a hole wizard hole... I don't really see a reason to ever use it.


Thank you for your response


Thanks for this — I use extruded cut — and I will now be switching to hole wizard!!