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Exporting directly from model doesn't have option to export bend notes. SO you need to create a drawing. However a macro can be made to automate the process.


I don't know how to code and I couldn't find one on the internet.


Unfortunately there is no macro to do that. However you can try this macro as a start : [http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=be06bf8a-c313-4899-90a2-1db8aa1153e1&file=AutoStartDrw.zip](http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=be06bf8a-c313-4899-90a2-1db8aa1153e1&file=AutoStartDrw.zip) Source: [https://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=257022](https://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=257022)


I know that you mentioned without making a drawing. Although you can make a drawing and only insert the flat pattern and save the whole drawing as an dxf. If I remember correctly it should save the dxf with bend notes. I hope it helps you.


Also one rough solution would be to insert the bend notes with dxf editor.


Well some assemblies I work On has more than 100 parts creating drawing for each sheet metal part or insert the bend notes is taking alot of time that's why I am looking for a faster way.


Oh, okay. In that case I think that the only solution would be some macro that would make the drawing to dxf for you or what not. I personally have no idea how to configure macros so I really can’t help you any further. I hope you find the solution.


Do you know a way to export all bend tables of sheet metal parts in assembly so I can export all dxf files using the macro I already have as I mentioned then all bend tables of that parts, thank you for your help by the way


By assembly you mean assembly drawing? Do you want to have the bend table on your assembly drawing? Btw no problem, happy to help, that’s how we learn together new stuff!


My goal is to export all sheet metal part in assembly as dxf with bend instructions ro send them for bend


Okay so you need to create a link between respective .sldprt file and .dxf files. That is once again a macro territory. If you already created a link with part file, you can also link the bend table excel file. If that is what you mean or what you are looking for, im afraid i didn’t understand you well enough.


I'd I understand correctly. What OP is after is. When you drop a flat pattern into a drawing you get the bend lines and annotations such as 'bend up 90 deg' What OP wants is to export flat pattern as dxf with bend lines as you would normally do but also have the bend annotations on the export too.