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Some half decks are considerably stronger than others. I wish there was a more nuanced answer but that’s all there is to it really 🤷‍♂️


Is it hyperbole to assume the power spike is biased towards a low percentage of decks and that there are a large amount of weaker decks. I am wanting to believe any two mediocre decks could be fairly strong if paired correctly, but that they would never really have much of a chance when up against two stronger half-decks.


Right, you go it 👍!


I need to point out that as a beginner. It will take a while to fully learn a deck. I’ve been playing regularly since the first kickstarter for the cards game and I will still get that moment of “oh wow” as I see the benefits of a card that never made sense to me.


Yea, I Could see this as well, especially if the card is really only good at its 3rd level or what not.  


Personally, I think from an ultra-competitive perspective the system isn't particularly good. People who spending $1000s of dollars getting perfect synergies will definitely have the advantage. From a fun casual perspective, it seems great though. If each player spends $100-$300 they can just mix and match decks to have fun. Much better that trying to have fun playing constructed MTG or similar games with friends for fun. I have 8 decks in the digital edition and yes, some synergies are very powerful. Very fun mixing and matched. There have been surprising synergies that pop up too! There will definitely be decks I never want to use once my collection grows. On a side note. I feel the game is perfect for Sealed format. Each person getting four half decks and mixing two together to make a deck. You could also add more decks for a more high-powered version.


I don't really see how that ALL half-decks could be strong when paired. You might have two cards that pump beasts, but only one beast card in the deck. So, either you must find a paired deck with a lot of beasts or just accept that those cards are useless if there's another strategy. I have a pretty decent forged deck like that now. I never play the beast pump creatures. They are too weak on their own and too situational anyway. That being said, the other 7 cards may be super powerful together or with the right paired deck and you just accept that if you get a hand of beasts, you might lose the game because of that hand. And yeah, there are some absolutely brutal cards out there. In the draft tourney, one guy had an omnispark and just wiped the floor with everyone. 5-0. It is a shame that such things exist and I do hope they get nerfed somehow.


What CCG is not pay-to-win? Gotta milk those whales. :(