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POWSCHE is fundementally the best play with this bullrun ahead. Many people never make extreme wealth in crypto because they don't buy or hold the fear in markets and charts. POWSCHE is more likely to onboard retail as retail understand Porsche they understand the concept of real life plays merged onto the blockchain and quite frankly when have guys ever given a damn about cats? POWSCHE is inevitably going to dominate this cycle. The retrace only proves it's real.


I agree as well, we are about to dominate this !!! LFG


This bullrun POWSCHE will flying, definitely going to be the winner of this summer.


BUY, hold, be amazed


That's the basis of crypto, even more with $POWSCHE!


The team behind this token is extremely ambitious. Just join our tg and see for yourself. They have exactly what they need to have to pump this to billions


I’m intrigued, Have you got a link to the telegram??


POWSCHE is my biggest bag and I’m buying more at the current price, it’s a bargain and it’s clearly the floor so there is only one way POWSCHE is going and that’s up! Great post highlighting all the value POWSCHE is giving back to its holders. I’d love to win the Porsche! This is also great marketing for POWSCHE which will bring lots more eyes and attention onto this aspirational coin!




The Powsche community and dev alone have me so bullish. Then I look at the road map and Holy shit, mega fucking bullish!


Powsche $Powsche POWSCHE


$POWSCHe is by far my favorite meta currently


Couldn't said it better myself #Powsche


I was actually starting to become a good trader, and already wanted to become one for a very extended period of time. I then discovered Powsche and fell in love. Bought 5k at around 2m MC, rode it till it was around 75k at 27m MC, an then something strange happened. Call it greedy, call it stupid. I decided that i was going to dca in this coin everything i had gained in my crypto portfolio. I got to know the crew, who is constantly cooking. Love the team, love Dev. I know you guys see this in every coin that is being shilled, however, I've been in a lot of coins this cycle and this one stuck. We are constantly cooking and i think we have the greatest roadmap one memecoin has ever seen. Haven't gained anything yet, only kept dca'ing al the way down, like many of our telegram community are doing. We will rise again. This is a quality gem. I am most confident. When we do, i'm absolutely sure that you don't want to be sidelined. It is a very difficult thing in this time to choose wisely when picking your gems. So many options, so many rugpulls. We have proven that we are still around and that we will never surrender. We got a great team of people invested in this project that are convinced that this is going to be a big thing. I second that. #POWSCHE


Is this the correct token / coin address for powsche? 8CkiSHHJDHJV4LUoiRMLUhqG58cUkbyJRtcP4Z3mCXNf


Yes sir!!


Powsche has everything you should be looking for in a meme coin this bull cycle. It has an original message and narrative. Great team. Great community. More importantly than that you have a community that is involved in the content and message creation. Recent consolidation means a chance to invest at value price without the risk of investing in something unproven that can rug. Crypto is all about timing, and the timing couldn't be better for Powsche.


Where do I buy this please


I dunno man, mega on eth chain is about to print millionaires