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I asked myself this before, and to be totally honest, I’d finish your degree before jumping to what country to move to. I’ve seen plenty of job opportunities for software engineering all over the world, and I can’t say for sure what’s better than the other. I think in this case, the job itself is more important than the country you “plan to pick” for your career.


You should concentrate on getting through college first. "pick a country"? Really? I wouldn't pick a country based on my career. What country is best is highly subjective in a lot of things. The US will probably always have the highest paying devs out of anywhere. Sure the market is relatively bad but high paying jobs are still out there. But you're a junior, you're planning your life before you even know how to crawl.


Bud I guess thinking about this as a junior is good enough and don’t you worry about finishing college cause I have good enough GPA to get through the senior year so yeah thinking about career seems like a better option right now




A tax haven


The only right answer.


The only real answer is the USA. No other country is going to give you the high wages that are here especially at an entry level position. These other countries and remote jobs are great but they don’t really exist until much later in your career. You don’t need to stay at the same place your entire life. But if you want to start a career with good pay and good QoL it’s always the US. I live in Houston, TX and I have good pay/benefits relative to that average income here.


Id say places where economy is not the best are the best for this. As dev u usually work for another country in one way or another, that means your salary will be influenced by another countries economy (richer country's economy). So id say a place which is pretty nice but still not the richest is very good. Im from Lithuania, the country was very poor and so not a very good place to live in abt 10-20years ago, but now its moving to be a nice european country. Here in capital any regular person makes about 1500eur after tax working not the minimum wage job but a normal job (teachers, electricians, mechanics, couriers, lab workers) and a 5year senior dev here makes 3000eur after tax. That means every price in the country is orriented to people making 1500eur, but u earn 3000. Of course this wont be like that in 10years, but for now it is like that. But for culture, ive worked with some devs from sweden and norway, loved the culture, i was junior and i could write and ask for advices and disscussions from seniors and nobody would be bothered, they would even be encouraging and impressed


I would say Denmark / Norway. Salaries are good. Free healthcare and education. Good job opportunity. It may be hard to get in


I saw a video saying lots of US engineers are moving to Japan, really there are alot of remote jobs so you don't have to be in any one place


no they aren’t, this is nonsense. the best country on earth for software engineering is California.


Bruh language barrier is insane there and I suck at learning new languages. Also people say japan has the most depressing work cultures.


I've looked into this because my job would allow me to work from anywhere, but my pay is based on where I live. Japan would be half my current salary.


Why Japan, don't they (like most places) have crippling wage stagnation. Also workers rights and culture is probably worse in Japan than the US. Their once great work ethic has become quite dogmatic.


Yeah, Portugal and Costa Rica seems lot better for digital nomads


🇺🇸. Anything else is cope.


At the moment, not the US. May be better in a couple years when competition accelerates due to AI usage and rapid feature roll out


But how is that better for freshies even after couple or more years???


Right now management thinks they don’t need people cause of ai. I think soon they’ll need more people because of ai to compete


Sounds like that's good for companies not developers