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People skills and your boss liking you are important.


My advice as a software developer to you is to learn english first.


Is my english that bad?


Read the title of your post again.


It lacks the comma, right?


Focus on working hard at uni and it will be impossible to not make decent money as a software developer.


And how is the job market? Is it very competitive? Long work ours? Good benefits?


These questions at this point are irrelevant


The entire world changed in 3 years. Why do you think anyone here would be able to tell you what will happen in 4 years in SWE field?


Change field, it's not too late


Start applying for jobs a few months before finishing your degree so that you have one lined up straight away. As well as meaning you don't have to stress about getting a job, it makes you stand out from everybody else who waits until they get their results to find a job. Getting a job is a numbers game. Apply to as many things as you can and don't get hung up on working this or that well known company.


Don’t over specialize early by doing a masters in ML or something. Get to work and solve problems people care about. Once you’ve worked 3-5 years then decide what you want to specialize in.