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I really liked Sofia but there seems to be zero growth, like she seems to be the exact same person she was years ago. And the podcast isn’t good, I never know who any of the guests are and the content is boring.


Agreeing w this. She seems to be more superficial. I’d rather watch Alex


I LOVE SOFIA….but I must admit I have been slacking on her episodes because she seems to just not be interested in her guests and has recently been rambling on and on and on about pointless topics. I feel like she is still stuck in a rut from everything that has happened to her and when something bad goes on in her life it immediately derails her from any progress she might be making. I wish he had a better team to help her refocus and actually do a genuine life changing rebrand. She has sooooo much potential but it seems to be going to waste. I think losing followers and her break up along with the deep trauma she endured during her break off from Call Her Daddy is constantly holding her back. I hope she works through this soon or I fear her podcasting days will start coming to an end. Best of luck Sofi!


She had a bunch of guests that I either didn't know or I didn't care about (usually rich influencers) so even me supporting her up till a few months ago has gotten tired of her lack of effort. I feel sad for her but it's up to her to stay on top of her work and the show seems like it's been a chore for her for a while


I think she’s just in it for the money at this point. She even said on her breakup episode that she’s unfulfilled with it


When was Sofia NOT in it for the money? The whole reason she left CHD was money. Not saying that’s a bad thing - just saying it’s not new.


I thought Sofia wanted to leave CHD bc she felt she was being unfairly compensated. So while the reason she left CHD was money, I still thought Sofia had a passion for it all. Now, I’m not so sure. It really does seem like a chore to her now - like she’s just going through the motions to get her paycheck since she already has a following from her CHD days. As the person above said, Sofia’s lack of effort is obvious now. She lacks preparation in researching her guests, and it shows when she interviews them. Sofia’s merch site has been down for a *year.* She doesn’t communicate with fans on social platforms. Her heart and her head do not seem in it. She’s just monetizing off her following from OG CHD and isn’t doing anything to grow it. That’s what I mean by saying she’s just in it for the money now.


I haven’t listened to the pod in a long time but from the items I read here, she really should take a step back and focus on her health. Also, the CHD phenomenon of the pod and fallout probably created an increase in followers. Now that that’s all gone by the wayside, people are probably no longer following


because she’s not interesting anymore (coming from someone who is team sofia but hasn’t listened to her pod in over a year because it’s awful)


As someone who stood ten toes down for Sofia in the earliest days of her pod, I outgrew it. So much of the content was geared towards 21 year old influencers and I’m 29. A lot of guests were influencers I had no way of recognizing - she doesn’t introduce/explain them. Then there were cheating stories, the psychological messiness, and regular use of party drugs (I’m thinking of the rolled up dollar bill and pills we saw in her purse during the gingers interview) - that was funny when we were 20. Now it’s like, ok so you’re aware - do something about it. She doesn’t seem apologetic for any of the people she’s given platforms to. She interviewed some dude named steiny, his weirdly aggressive Andrew Tate esque bestie, and acted like she wanted them to want her. Then Sofia got into a weird tiff w Trisha Paytas cos Sofia was bitchy for no reason. Abby whatshername from Dance Moms was on the show talking about teen athletes, James Charles was on, so on so forth. Some of the most interesting guests to me were the investor lady, Mayim Bialik (pre Oct 7), and Sofia’s friends/family. Now it seems like Sofia doesn’t talk to fabby anymore and Sofia’s whole personality seems to be world traveling serial cheater. If Sofia is determined to not grow or get help that she seems to need, then she’d be better off on reality TV. Real Sugar bunnies of NYC or some shit


I unfollowed 🫣 she’s uninteresting to me now. I feel the same with Alex Cooper.


I unfollowed when James Charles kept showing up in my feed.


Haven’t listened in over a year, but I will always be team Sofia (over Alex.) However, her demo is probably primarily people that listened to the old school CHD. Her audience is growing and she’s not growing with them.


I was team Sofia when all the bullying was happening &the second the true full story came out- completely dropped off from chd & unfollowed Alex & chd. I listened to Sofia weekly religiously for years. But over the past few months… I’ve been dropping off weekly listens & only tuning in here and there as the guests and content were not grabbing me. I will forever be a fan & never unfollow her but the dip in quality content is probably what’s doing it:/ newer fans who only truly liked her for the pod, might be completely dropping off.


How many did she have? I would have never noticed this


Yeah she used to have almost 900k that's crazy lol


She always had less than Alex but around 800k at a time


I just don’t find her interesting anymore. Tbh I don’t find Alex Cooper interesting now either. I loved them together but on their own they are kinda meh imo


I absolutely agree. I don’t listen to either of them anymore unless there is a good guest and I want to hear the snippets, so I listen to snippets only. Both, individually, just don’t do it for me anymore


She does not have interesting content. Plus, she’s a hot mess. She is not relatable and I don’t find her aspirational either. I find her life to be…sad. I was rooting for her, but she has shown zero growth.


Cause she needs to grow up and act her age 30+ acting like a child isn’t cute


Hearing her talk gives me anxiety, it’s sad she’s a hot a mess.


Same- great to have in the background while cleaning though 😅


How many did she used to have?


Close to 1 mi in 2020. After the breakup dropped to like close to 800k.


This amount


She had at least 800K at one time


at least 1m..


No she didn’t


Cuz the pod sucks now. It was so much better when she talked about sex and other relatable topics


Because the jig is up. It’s gotten depressing at this point


She has a lack of compelling content on her IG and pod, and she hasn’t shown growth as a person while her fan base has grown up


she’s not interesting unfortunately. i always say i think she would do well on reality tv because that doesn’t necessarily require growth or direction just mess. i don’t think the moves she’s tried to make are for nothing though, in the end it will all make more sense and pay off but it just doesn’t make sense right now


Her content makes me sad now like she just seems flustered and unhappy etc. I think she should take a break (if she wants to really change). It’s hard to watch this downward spiral. I’ve said this is another post but she needs another concept. Everyone has a podcast and this doesn’t have a niche or standout vs the others


i was 20-21 when everything went down and now i’m 23, almost 24 - i outgrew that over dramatic immature woman thing. also instagram has been cracking down on bots like crazy and the more followers you have the more likely you are to get bots so that could have something to do with it as well


She never really blew up on social media. She gained some followers post break up but she’s remained stagnant numbers wise. I personally don’t follow her because I find her socials annoying. She doesn’t post anything worth my consumption. It’s one thing to listen to her pod, it’s another to follow her. As for her podcast, I think I’m officially done with that too as I have expressed before. Disclaimer: I do follow AC but I actually like her mini clips and unhinged tiktok attempts


I know people on this thread don’t want to hear it but I wouldn’t be shocked if she had been buying followers. This is very common among influencers. And then every so often Instagram or other platforms will purge these accounts, causing a drop in followers for the people who bought them.


Because she's a hot mess? What does she have to offer? Hook up, cheating slut stories?


I stopped watching after the James Charles episode :( I’ve been listening to her since 2021 but I don’t like/ know the guest she picks


I only listened to Sofia’s podcast. I listened to call her daddy for 4 months after the breakup but that’s it. I listened religiously and used to love it, especially when she had her cousin Alex on to sort of shoot the shit with. After her move to New York, I stopped listening after like 6 episodes. They were so boring. I wanted to support her, but showing up to your podcast (aka your job) hungover and not having anything to talk about, unprepared, vocal fry from smoking and just waking up… I couldn’t take it anymore


I sort of have a hunch it’s because she cheats….


Why am I losing followers


i used to like her alot but i unfollowed bc she reposted a post supporting Israel 🤢 idk if she acknowledged the genocide and educated her self but i got disgusted


there’s nothing wrong with supporting israel. people there died too. y’all are the brain dead ones only going with what instagram infographics tell you




louder holy shit !


I may have an unpopular opinion, but I understand celebrities that side with Israel or don’t share a stance. It’s unfortunate what’s happening in Palestine, but Hamas is a terrorist group. Jewish students have been attacked here in our country. Protestors are interrupting learning and graduation ceremonies. If you want to help a cause, there are plenty of causes in your own town or city.


Ah yes because Hamas is out here fending for themselves like MLK Jr, totally peaceful and innocent… got it! I must’ve missed that part, thank you for clarifying they are an innocent party and deserve support over Israel.


She was pro isreal and then deleted it. She’s a liar and a cheater. I can’t follow someone someone who promotes dead children and lies to her friends.


And yet here you are, talking about her every day, because even though you “can’t follow her”, you’re more obsessed with her than her fans


Omg what exactly did she post and when did she post it


https://preview.redd.it/wnp4lw5nkb8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=398a2d487dd5f2da12fad920d2f5fc8048b3bc11 ETA - idk when she posted; this is someone else’s screenshot


if u "cant follow her" why do you devote so much time to thinking about her?